Top Tips for a Better Music Experience lyrics
by Ugly God
There are loads of music lovers in the world, but some of us go the extra mile in terms of devotion. Whether that means going to every gig within driving distance, or whether that means studying music at university or college – we have some top tips that will make music better for everyone. That’s right, your musical experience could be improved, no matter how good you think it already is… and we intend to prove it!
So how can you make the world of music better for yourself? We went ahead and found out on your behalf…
Making Music Better
Music is already rather good. We have a fair selection; from the things we love right through to the bands we can’t stand. Finding ways to make the music world better unanimously was difficult, but we managed to come up with suggestions that just might change your life…
1 – Back it Up
If I back it up, is it fast enough? If I don’t back it up, will I be able to access it again when I am on a different device? Worse, if I spent a fortune on the Apple Music or in Google Play music apps – am I gong to lose all that money if I drop my phone on a night out? One of the top tips for musical appreciation in 2020 is that you back up your music. Save it to an online drive that is instantly accessible across all devices or you may as well suffer the consequences. You have been warned.
2 – Quality, not Quantity
You can buy a hundred MP3s of your favourite band, but nothing will ever replace the sound of being there at a live gig – not even live gig recordings. Surround sound comes close, but an old record player captures the studio perfectly. Whatever you do, whatever medium you choose to listen on, the quality of the sound will come from the speakers, not the device. If music is truly the centre of your universe, be sure you choose your next phone based on how compatible it is with your favourite speakers.
3 – Total Immersion
With VR what it is now, the concept of total immersion is nothing new. To get it from your music, you will want to invest in some high-end noise cancelling headphones. Bose get a really good name but there are loads available on the market. Noise cancelling headsets allow you to cancel out everything around you and aren’t just good for music. They also make a great study aid if you live in a busy household.
Have you tried mouldable rubber?
If you have used up all three of our top tips for better music but you still don’t feel like you are truly immersed, it’s time to bring in the Sugru. This is a glue that sets as a rubber, allowing you to fix appliances without having to replace them. So… you have a crack in your old-world record player? Sugru it. You dropped your speakers and they work, but they are missing a corner – Sugru it. You want to protect devices from smashing in future? Sugru those corners.
It might just be mouldable glue to you, but to us it is a way to reduce, reuse, and recycle damaged devices, therefore improving your experience with music. One of our favourite applications is to mend smashed up instruments. Replace a broken key or mould your own guitar head key. Anything is possible with this stuff. It is limited only by your imagination as a music lover.
Build a Better Music Appreciation
Combining all of the advice in this article ought to see you building a better musical appreciation, all-round.