Deadmau5 Why You Always Gotta Be An Unprovoked *sshole lyrics
by Yung Skrrt
Man, the other day, I noticed deadmau5 was streaming Elden Ring
So I said, "deadmau5 elden ring stream"
And man said, "When'd you pick the name 'Yung Skrrt' and how much do you regret it?"
Man, deadmau5, why you always gotta be an unprovoked as*h*le?
How much of an as*h*le you gotta be for Skrillex to call you an as*h*le?
Sonny Moore seems like one of the nicest people on the planet
And you put out his first sh*t, and he still called you an as*h*le
I just went into your chat to see what had happened when you was playing Elden Ring
And you asked me if I rеgret my name, Skrrt, like first thing
I didn't say anything еlse, just "deadmau5 elden ring stream"
And I said, "Nah man, that's kinda just the music that I make"
And you said, "'Nuff said", like you don't make the music that you make
And then I said, "Nah I'm serious, I got the trademark"
And then you said, "No, you didn't", like I don't have the trademark
I even said it in "Smokin on That Sh*t" like they traded Mark
And then someone in your goddamn chat had to look it up
And then they put my whole government name, like what the f*ck?
You don't gotta dox me, but for story's sake, my name is Matthew
Deadmau5 saw it and said, "What's worse, Yung Skrrt or Matthew?"
I looked up my name and it means "the gift of God"
I looked up your name and it says "the Lord is God"
I'm a gift from God, your name is referring to God
Also, your name is "dead-mow-five", like, come on
And we're not even talking about the mouse head, but you a pioneer
That light going so crazy, you could probably stop a deer
Also, when I was in your chat, someone said they like Marshmello and you banned them
That's someone who really like you, man, they were part of your fandom
And while we're talking about bans, what happened in 2019?
You actually said the f-word on motherf*ckin' stream!
It seems like that's probably a part of your regular vocabulary
And you transphobic, homophobic, I'm just reading your Wikipedia
You way too serious, it sounds like you need some weed in ya
Oh wait, you snitched on Rusko for smoking weed backstage
Okay, so I gotta take a book out your motherf*ckin' page
I'm gonna recreate one of your songs as easy as cake
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on
I literally timed it, it took me four minutes and 59 seconds to make this eight-bar