'Louis is a bottom!'
'Nope he is a top!'
Larries, this homophobia
Really needs to stop
What do you get out of calling me gay?
Pushing homophobic stereotypes and talking bout the way
I talk or walk or eat, just what the hell?
Tried to call you out but it didn't go so well
Called you on your BS in 2012 and 2014
Your misogyny is despicable, Larries
You're really f*cking mean
Now I'm trying to launch my solo career
Going onto my socials and all I f*cking hear
'Louis is a bottom!' 'Guys no, he is a top'!
Slander and speculation which really needs to stop
What will new fans think when they see this fandom fighting
It hurts my heart, upsets me, when I should be busy writing
I love lgbt ppl but Larries I'm sorry, I ain't gay
So f*ck off to another fandom and please keep far away
Larries, get the hell out of my f*cking life
Eleanor is my lover, and she's going to be my wife