Liam’s Abortion Comments On Twitter lyrics
by Liam Payne
This whole abortion law thing in America is a mess I mean your completely taking away the rights of women and the ownership of the bodies that belong to them.
I have so much respect for women watching someone go through pregnancy and how tough it can be at time and us as men never have to go through that so how can we even comment or decide what women should or shouldn't go through, it is total BS that anyone is even given that power.
It's bad enought that women have to go through cycles of periods that can be painful without making some of them have to go through with unwanted pregnancies that will literally change the course of the lives they lead at all ages. Here was me thinking it was supposed to be the land of the free it all looks very tied up from where I'm standing. Abortion up to a certain point should always be legal it's only right that woman are given that choice to make for themselves.