Polkamon lyrics
by David Foster
Krabby, Snubbull, Venonat
Mankey, Chansey and Zubat
Slowking, Ditto, Butterfree
Lugia and Caterpie
Oddish, Poliwag, Goldeen
Elekid and Nidoqueen
Victreebel and Magneton
Everybody Polkamon!
[Instrumental Break]
Aerodactyl, Seel, Machoke
Marill, Moltres and Slowpoke
Articuno, Ditto, Muk
Flareon and, ol', Psyduck
Cloyster, Kingler, Shellder, Gloom
Snorlax and of course Vileplume
Zapdos and Charmeleon
Everybody Polkamon!
[Instrumental Break]
It's time to Polka
For Ponyta and Pidgey too
Come on, put on your lederhosen
And try not to step on little Pikachu