I'm talking to myself again, a self-proclaimed, vulnerable, humble friend, to any body, if anybody wants to vent, I've got a couple microphones a ton of stems, you feel lost, like when the summer ends, you need a help, you can take the hand I lend and I'll defend your mind through a mad events, 'coz if we spread the love, nothing is damaging
Meet, Rebecca, at just 13 years old, in love with celebrity culture and fashion, deifies women like Kim Kardashian, religion is boy band, one direction, purified love for the superficial, that's harmless, or is it? When she walks outside insecure 'coz her body isn't grown and her mind isn't pure
Invested so much of her time in what she thinks is the right kind of person the world wants to see she has no idea who she really, wants to be, sidetracked by these distractions on her self discovery, she lives through the lens of what others see
Confusion caused, by the identity flaws, when attach to an idea, creating your, entire existence idealising something that lies in the distance, that's a dangerous thing, for instance, when Zayn left her favourite band she took a blade to her vein, to avoid the pain of feeling nothingness-less the same for her mates
And when Kim released a new sex tape, Rebecca, had 7 different boys she was texting, she decided to lose her virginity, on camera, at her friend Jeff's place
She hated it, she wasn't ready, next day Jeff sent the video to many of her friends at school, and they would laugh in assembly, Rebecca's dream came true
An industry of popular names
Exploiting the vulnerable
An irrational need for fame
Exploiting the vulnerable
Just look at the money they made
Exploiting the vulnerable
Everybody needs love when it fades
Exploiting the vulnerable
Follow the path they pave
Exploiting the vulnerable
Or ignore the pain, until it's too late
Exploiting the vulnerable
The video spread to web, hashtag, Rebecca had sex, and now strangers are sending her death threats, she's finally famous, but deleted her account on facebook, see Rebecca never expected hatred, 'Rebecca is a hore' that's a group, her best friend created
She entered school in the morning, alone as she walked through the corridors balling her eyes out, start class face covered entirely, sick on the floor from anxiety
All the kids ran away as they view her incurably, can't blame them for a lack of maturity, in just 12 hours her teenage purity, had turned into absolute tyranny
She can't sleep now her mind is a burden and panic attacks become a regular occurrence, she can't tell her parents incase of it worsening, takes pain killers 'coz she heard that it works when you take 15 more, than prescribed, for just one person, she turns the lights out, and closes, the curtains
Lays, on her bed, the numbing, is working, the pain, it fades, her breathing, it worsens, her mother, she knocks, Rebecca, 'I love you, please tell if you're hurting' too late, she's gone