I’ve Been Busy lyrics
by Jon Cozart
Hey, where've you been?
It’s been one empty month on your youtube page
You say that you're busy
I clearly don't follow your twitter
So how do you fill your days?
Well, for most of May
I went up the east coast of the USA!
In a messy tour van
With the best people in the world, playing shows every day
Then, I came back
Had two days to readjust
Then meetings shoots and prepping stuff
Because I went to comicon
A weekend of hugs and hi’s
Thank you all for being so nice
One day off, then FOUR MAD SHOWS and up at five am
For a shoot in brighton
Forgot that I had a flight
Frantically packed that night
Brunch with a company
A premiere in germany
Three meetings in a day
Prepping for the usa
I can sleep for twelve hours
But sometimes I get three
Trying to do my taxes
And sell merch in my dreams
My flat isn't clean
Friends shout WHERE HAVE U BEEN
To do lists for days
My loft bed's about to break
Invoice this
Email that
Call your accountant
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Hey dodie when are u free?! TrY mE in 2019
I'M bUsY I'm BuSY I'm SO BuSY