Daddy lyrics
by Jonathan Davis
Mother, please forgive me
I just had to get out all my pain and suffering
Now that I am done remember I will always love you
I'm your son
[Verse 1]
Little child, looking so pretty
Come out and play, I'll be your daddy
Innocent child, looking so sweet
I'll rape your mind and now your flesh I reap
You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt, as a child
Tied down, "that's a good boy"
And f*ck, your own child
I scream, no one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, saw you watch
Mommy, why your own child?
[Verse 2]
Little child, looking so pretty
Come out and play, I'll be your daddy
You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt, as a child
Tied down, "that's a good boy"
And f*ck, your own child
I scream, no one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, saw you watch
Mommy, why?
It's alright
You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt, as a child
Tied down, "that's a good boy"
And f*ck, your own child
I weep, no one hears me
It hurt, as a child
Tied down, no one hit me
And raped your own child
I'm sick, no one hears me
It hurt, as a child
Tied down, "that's a good boy"
You f*cked your own child
I speak, no one hears me
It hurt, as a child
Tied down, no one hears me
Mommy why your own child?
I didn't touch you there
Mommy said she didn't care
I didn't touch you there
That's why mommy stopped and stared
[Verse 3]
Little child, looking so sweet
I rape your mind, and now your flesh I reap
You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt, as a child
Tied down, "that's a good boy"
And f*ck, your own child
I scream, no one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, saw you watch
Mommy, why your own child?
You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, saw you watching
Daddy, why your own child?
I scream, no one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, saw you watch
Mommy, why your own child?
You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, saw you watching
Daddy why, your own child?
I scream, no one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, saw you watch
Mommy, why?
I f*ckin' hate you
Oh, you f*cker
Motherf*cker, I f*ckin' hate you, f*ck you
You son of a b*tch
You f*ckin' ruined my life
I wanted to die
I'm sick of it, motherf*cker
You f*ckin' b*tch
I hate you
I f*ckin' hate you
I hate you
You piece of sh*t
I hate you
[Outro: Judith Kiener]
When I awake I'll see Thy face
When I awake I will see Thy light
Mother awake me from my dreams
Mother awake me in Thy light
Hand in hand we are dancing together
Dancing together in Thy Light
[Outro II]
Hi, Geri
Uh, is it okay if I come over and take a look at your exhaust manifold on your Dodge Dart?
I've got a piece missing somewhere on mine, and I'm not sure what it is
I wanna see what you got on yours, ha-ha
Throttle lever strikes dash-pot rod, the rod must push diaphragm back
Before it can move back, air must be pushed up in
This causes the diaphragm to move slowly when the throttle valve is moved away
Stream will force diaphragm out, the air must now vent, dash-pot is ready to work again
(Mhm, see this?)
I don't care what that-
(The rod, that they're talking about-)
I don't care what that looks like Geri, I'm telling you what the dash-pot is
Where's the dash-pot on here, Geri?
(I don't know)
Dash-pot is inside. Geri, where it's hooked up at
And that is not made-, that is not made to regulate the f*ckin' choke goin' back and forth
(And that's not the end-loader?)
That's so you can get pure fuel in there
As soon as you start cranking it over, whoa
It will start sucking, and when I start sucking, this choke here-
'Cause you can't just have pure fuel, it won't light, you have to have a little bit of oxygen
It sucks open and it cracks the choke like this
And that's how that works
(That is not what you just said)
I said no, Geri, the heating is the motherf*cking spring
This one here, as soon as you start turnin' over the engine
It's supposed to pull it back when the vacuum starts
When the vacuum starts, nothin' to do with f*ckin' heat, vacuum
(Why are you screaming?)
Because you said-, you said "It's supposed to work off heat" no, Geri
(You said, "As the car gradually warms up...")
As it gradually warms up, this motherf*cker with the coil, the spring, opens it up
This has already done its job, the only thing its job is to do is when you're cranking the engine up
After it's been choked, all it does is pull back, and it cracks it open just a pinch
(Then you don't know what it's called)
The Choke Vacuum Diaphragm (okay)
I mean, it's right there in the book
(Sure it is)
Oh, God, you're a hard, hard woman to live with
(If it was right here in the book, I would have found it)
Oh, you motherf*cker, you as*h*le, you stupid son of a b*tch, you showed it to me
You showed me the goddamn thing in the book what it was called, that's what I knew what it was
(Get out of here and quit yelling at me)
No, Geri, you're f*cked
(I haven't seen that in there)
"I haven't seen it," you stupid son of a b*tch
(That vacuum thing? Yes)
(We don't know what the little business is.)
(It doesn't explain anything, I haven't read anything that explains that)
I told you what it says (yeah, you did, yes, yesterday)
I just told you what it did
And you're sittin' there saying you never saw that before
And yet you're the one that f*ckin' showed me it, Geri
(You stink like gas)
(I told you that f*ckin' fuel filter was not on there)
(It's not that f*ckin' orange business hanging across the goddamn business)
Let's try rebuilding the f*cking carburetor first, Geri
Let me tell you something, Geri
Let me tell you a little secret, Geri
(Don't tell me any secrets, be quiet)
Oh, man, I quit, I am fed up, I mean
I tell you something and you f*ckin' don't believe me
You show me something and you still don't f*ckin' believe me
(I can't show you anything Michael, because your head is blank)
Well, you're sitting there telling me that motherf*cker isn't that
Well, that's not how it works
Well, Geri, a mechanic told me that's how it works
(Who's talking about the truck? We're talking about-)
A Dodge Dart, on slant 6
(You have lost your mind)
What are you talkin' about?
(My God)