Who is He lyrics
[Verse 1 – Lecrae]
Yeah … walked out of his home, different time zone
Lives in eternity, now he’s living in time zones?
This is mind blowing, God of the universe
Knows every star in the sky to my human hurts
Made the trees, made the breeze
Made the seas, emcees like J and me
But let me tell you what amazes me
How he came as a man who was made to need
Hungered and thirsted
And the very same earth that he cursed, he’s now fully immersed in
Look at his work, he’s God to be exalted
But he came and lived with people falling and faulted
I hope you get it homes
Only a God who’s perfect in love would ever leave his throne for some skin and bones
It’s hard to live just breathing to death
When the same God that made you is breathing your breath
[Hook – Json & Lecrae]
Who is he?
God in the flesh who was tested
Who came manifested, was killed, resurrected
Who are you?
Do you even know who you are?
Created to know the God who created the stars
Who is he?
He was, he is, he will be
Death couldn’t hold him and neither shall death seal me
Who are you?
You’re better off never existing if you don’t trust the God of the Scriptures
You listenin’?
[Verse 2 – Json]
Can you imagine God in the flesh? Invisible seen as visible
Infinite seeming finite, spirit becoming physical
It’s odd man, God man slept and obeyed
The earth’s confines, to breathe the very breath that he made
He would sweat, he would weep, even eat for his hunger
Defeat death within three, so we’d see that he’s stronger
Could give us anything even offer us wealth
That wouldn’t be love if he ain’t offer himself
So he stepped down from his throne and removed his crown
And touched ground, though he knew he would be bruised and bound
He is now and then next and later on
And still is what me and Crae can’t convey in this song
Though our minds can never reason this thang
The question is: do you really see him the same?
And if you see him as sane, as the living God and matchless Christ
How much do these truths impact your life?
[Hook – Json & Lecrae]
[John Piper]
In order for Jesus to suffer and die, he had to plan way ahead of time, because … he couldn’t die. Immortal. He didn’t have any body, yet he wanted to die … for you. So he planned the whole thing by clothing himself with a body so that he could get hungry and get weary and get sore feet. The incarnation is the preparation of nerve endings for the nails – the preparation of a brow for thorns to press through. He needed to have a broad back so that there was a place for the whip. He needed to have feet so that there was a place for spikes. He needed to have a side so that there was a place for the sword to go in. He needed fleshy cheeks so that Judas would have a place to kiss and there would be a place for the spit to run down that the soldiers put on him. He needed a brain and a spinal column with no vinegar and no gall so that the exquisiteness of the pain could be fully felt. I just plead with you – when you’re reading the bible and you read water toy texts like “he loved you” and “gave himself for you,” you wouldn’t go too fast over it. Linger, linger, linger, and plead with him that your eyes would be opened