The Patristics lyrics
Irenaeus taught it
Athanasius taught it
Even Origen taught it
Cyprian of Carthage taught it
And Chrysostom taught it
St. Augustine taught it
The Martyr Justin taught it
Hippolytus taught it
Basil the Great taught it
The Didache taught it
Nicene Creed taught it
And Ambrose yea he taught it
And Jerome taught it
Cyril of Jerusalem taught it
Paul and Peter taught it
Because Jesus taught it
Family it's clearly unanimous
Baptism truly is regenerative
Go study them early Patristics (like Clement and Polycarp)
The position is really ubiquitous
He told me we're giving tradition too much authority let's see what the Bible say
Then he started quoting his denomination's tradition to see what the Bible say
I told him the goal was look at those
Who wrote closer to the 1st century
And see what they taught on the topic
They were not as far removed as you and me
Then you discovered the fact
Some of the early text
Some of them dating back
A.D. 80 facts
People like the Shepard Hermas
Taught baptism's where He saves us at
Then you find people like Origen
3rd century and even that boy taught it
Then here comes Zwingli again
Swinging again
To the other extreme
Changing unanimous things
The Church believed for the first 1600 (years)
Irenaeus taught it
Athanasius taught it
Even Origen taught it
Cyprian of Carthage taught it
And Chrysostom taught it
St. Augustine taught it
The Martyr Justin taught it
Hippolytus taught it
Basil the Great taught it
The Didache taught it
Nicene Creed taught it
And Ambrose yea he taught it
And Jerome taught it
Cyril of Jerusalem taught it
Paul and Peter taught it
Because Jesus taught it
You're simply not going to find not one Church Father that made the confession
That what baptism really is
An outward sign of an inward expression
It's not in the Bible and scripture don't teach it
American pulpits
Most people preach it
Wanna know what baptism really is
1st Peter 3 verse 20-21
Go read it
Baptism saves remission of sins
A means of grace to get you cleansed
Faith receives it
Based on Jesus's work
The ancient church believed it
Why you think some delayed baptism
NoCap like Cappadocian Fathers
Believed so much baptism did save
Just to be safe they'd push it back farther
Even people liked Tertullian believed that the act of baptism did save
The man didn't believe original sin
So bypass the baby Baptism and do it later
Yes we repent receive by faith
Forgiveness connect to means of grace
The Word and Water will clean our slate
Read Acts chapter 2 verse 38 and 39
Irenaeus taught it
Athanasius taught it
Even Origen taught it
Cyprian of Carthage taught it
And Chrysostom taught it
St. Augustine taught it
The Martyr Justin taught it
Hippolytus taught it
Basil the Great taught it
The Didache taught it
Nicene Creed taught it
And Ambrose yea he taught it
And Jerome taught it
Cyril of Jerusalem taught it
Paul and Peter taught it
Because Jesus taught it