Darkness I Became lyrics
by Grey
Shrouded in the darkness
Fermented into Pain
Diseases made of one man’s mind
Fears of feeling shame
Darkness I became; The Darkness I became
Thoughts alone don’t end, the war that wages insides
Darkness I became; The Darkness I became
Thoughts alone can’t rid me of the shrapnel deep inside
Sown grains of hatred
Furrows lain with fear
Bonds begat by family blood
Ended just the same
Numbed to all that’s happened
Buried deep within
A stir of echoes across time
Are links within the chain
In The Darkness, you hear me scream
In my Darkness, I long to see light
Darkness I became; The Darkness I became
Thoughts alone don’t end, the war that wages insides
Darkness I became; The Darkness I became
Thoughts alone can’t rid me of the shrapnel deep inside
Darkness becomes me
Turn out the lights