October 15, 2013 lyrics
by Home Runs of the Day
Home Runs of October 4, 2013 (Postseason)
Batter | Team | Inning | Pitcher | Runners on Base | Outs | Score
St. Louis Cardinals def. Los Angeles Dodgers, 4-2 (Game 4):
Matt Holliday (1) Cardinals | 3rd | Ricky Nolasco | 1 | 2 | 1-0, Cardinals
Shane Robinson (1) Cardinals | 7th | J.P. Howell | 0 | 1 | 3-2, Cardinals
Boston Red Sox def. Detroit Tigers, 1-0 (Game 3):
Mike Napoli (1) Red Sox | 7th | Justin Verlander | 0 | 1 | 0-0