Find Your Voice lyrics
by The Foreign Exchange
You gotta fiiind your voice
I gotta find my tone where I'm most comfortable
I was born this way
I'm not gonna change
Not for nobody
If I sound peculiar notice we are similar
I'm not qualified to speak out
My silence speaks for itself
My voice is a intangible that was given to me during my first snivel
The frequencies go passed by larynx to create a noise
Who's ears would be attracted to these acoustics?
I'm sorry it's not fluid
I'll sing horribly
I'll scream till my voice box ruptures and have everyone stare at me
I'll impersonate and venture accents
I'll stop being insecure
No more inside voices in the outside world
I won't worry about the pronunciation or the speed in which my vocals spew
Squeaky or deep
We're different biologically
See my voice isn't intimidating
Some have explicit and others have bellicose tones
It's time to halt this diffident custom
If I don't resolve this conundrum the damage can't be undone
I need to be outspoken
Discontented with keeping quiet
Reliant on my silence guiding me through this forsaken island
Stop taking negativity to the heart
Those who are counter active have no heart
I need to revolt
Your voice is a formidable weapon that can be used to overthrow
They say sticks and stones may break your bones but words can't hurt you
When it's spoken from a piece of paper you feel the chills rising from inside you
I don't wanna whisper and mumble
I want to talk clearly and be rigorous
This voice I was given is a feature that has no removal procedure
The day I become my own teacher is the day I become an independent speaker
I got a voice and I'll use it to the best of my abilities
It'll come someday I'm still blossoming
Once you find it you'll realize you never lost it at all
I will no longer monitor my volume
I won't think before what I say
I'll use the 1st amendment to its fullest extent
No more withholding my breath
Words are deadly but only if you let them kill
It's our choice
You just gotta find your voice