Several several seas I could swim in with ease
A parasailing sociopath
A salivating chief of staff
If he drools out a stream roll on over to me
I'm three and three and three
At a very big party
You're buying and I guess that I'm sold
Not getting wiser but I'm gettin' kind of old
I'm sorry for the time that I made out with all your friends
I'm really a sh*thead
Wasn't it so hard just to bod in the raw
Several several brews and a Bavarian flu
I only wanna sing about murder in my songs
I have to use these metaphors just to say I like you
I guess that I'm sold
Not getting wiser but I'm really gettin' old
I'm sorry for the time that I made out with all your friends
I'm really a sh*thead
I'm sorry for the time that I made out with all your friends
I'm really a sh*thead
I'm sorry for the time that I made out with all your friends
I'm really a sh*thead
I'm really sorry for the time I tried to make off with your friends
But I'm not that sorry