The Moments I’m Missing - Commentary lyrics
by Nina Nesbitt
It's Nina here and I wanna tell you a little bit about how "The Moments I'm Missing" became a song.
So I was kind of in a weird phrase of my life, where I was between albums and I really wasn't sure whether I wanted to make another one.
Because I feel like with albums, there's should be like a purpose of you doing it and not just a year as an album.
So I was kinda just trying to find what that would be.
And I was between labels at the time and I just thought, "You know what? I'm just going to do what I love doing, which is writing music."
So I kind of went headfirst into songwriting for other artists, and then I started gеtting a few cuts, country song cuts, which is very random, with the Shirеs, and then I had a few pop cuts, with Olivia Holt.
Lego, which is fun, some DJs, and it all just kind of became this thing for me.
So I was doing that everyday in sessions with these artists and writers.
And although I loved it, I was always writing about their story, or writing about something that was kind of very vague so other people could really interact.
And that kinda became a job of such.
And then I got news that one of my favorite pop stars, Rihanna, had heard my song.
And her label had put it on hold.
And I was like, "Oh my God, like I musn't been totally sh*t."
So, I mean, it's quite unlikely that that would ever happen, but that kind of filled me with a bit of confidence and a bit of hope again, maybe I wasn't totally rubbish.
And I really wanted to make another album, and I went home quite a few nights after these sessions and I would sit in my studio when everyone else was sleeping.
I live in London, so it's a very noisy place, but between about 11 at night and 2 in the morning, it would just be silent and everyone would be sleeping.
And I would have no emails or social media stuff; it would just be me in my little studio, learning how to produce.
So that's when "The Moments I'm Missing" came about, and I was like, "I just wanna write a song that nobody else could sing, and it doesn't sound like anything else. I just wanna do something that feels really honest and really true to me."
So that's what I did.
And then I put a little snippet onto Instagram, I think it was, and Twitter.
And lots of you commented about how much you liked it, and it was a reaction that I hadn't heard about my music in quite a while. So I felt like this song had something special about it.
And then I re-signed to Cooking Vinyl, and they were like, "We love this song."
And then I wrote most of the album, and I was like, "This needs to be the first song, because I feel like it's a good introduction and it's one of my favorites."
And then I reached out to my friend Goody Grace, who's a singer-songwriter from Canada.
And I had met him through gnash, who did "i hate u, i love u", which you've probably heard.
And we had this writing day at Abbey Road, and I loved what Goody did with his guitar-ing and his singing and his lyrics. Everything was just amazing, and I really wanted to collaborate with him.
So I sent the song to him, and I was like, "Can you put like a middle eight thing on this?"
So he did.
And then I took it to my friend Jordan Riley, who's an upcoming producer.
And I was like, "Jordan, I need you sorely on the drums."
So he kinda added a few sprinkles here and there.
And then it became a song, and now it's out, so that's the story of "The Moments I'm Missing".
It's quite a long one.
And there'll be more music coming your way soon.
Thank you very much, bye!