What Do I Know About Love? lyrics
by Camila Cabello
What do I know about love?
Where does the love go when it runs out? When does it leave? Why does it die?
Do you kill it in one violent blow?
Or is it a million unattended, unhealed little cuts and scratches?
What do I know about love?
It creeps into my chest, uninvited and untameable
I know love has no mercy on anyone, rich, poor, independent codependent, confident, insecure
It'll bring you to your knees - if you did it right
What I know for sure about love is that you never come out of it the same
The other person is a chemical and I am a chemical and we both will come out as different people than when we met
I know when you're in love, kissing is everything
Because words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel
I know when you fall in love you feel like you're the first and only two people in the world
Every kiss, every touch, every caress is like something you feel nobody has ever felt before
And you think - has everybody that's fallen in love before just walked around this nonchalantly the whole time?
You're at a restaurant with your friends and you can feel it, this
secret under your tongue
Burning like fire
But sweet
And it creeps up to your cheeks and makes you smile
And suddenly you look down and you see your heart's veins reaching, reaching, clinging to someone else's heart
I've learned a lot about love in my 20s, but not enough to maintain any control in the face of its power
And for every new thing I learned, there was something else I couldn't understand
All I know is love changes you
If you're lucky, to something better
What I know for sure is falling in love with life itself makes an artist out of everyone
I thought I was making art before
Writing songs was me making art but...
Now I want my life to be the work of art
And my songwriting to be the camera that I take a picture of it with
It's what I'm living
That's the art
What do I know about love?
Maybe nothing
And that's why it's everything