Open up on Sesame Street; Oscar comes out of his trash can; Ricky comes out of his recycle bin
Well howdy, new friend. I'm Ricky Recycle-Bin.
Recycle my as*h*le!
If it would help save the planet, you bet I would.
A man drops an orange juice container into Ricky's bin
Excuse me, sir. No bottle caps. Ah, no big deal. Recycling is good for the environment.
A couple puts a plastic container into Ricky's bin
Hey thanks, guys! Oh-oh, but this is PVC plastic type 3. I accept types 1 and 2 only.
The couple looks at each other, then tips Ricky's bin over
Cut to a blackboard reading "TWO WEEKS LATER"
Cut to Ricky getting angry at a man trying to throw out a pizza box
For the last time, no dirty pizza boxes or polyethylene-coated coffee cups!
I'm trying all right! You don't have to be a di*k about it!
I'm being a di*k about it for the children!
A girl and her mother try to throw out a cardboard box inside Ricky's bin
Hey dipsh*t, what part of "cut up cardboard boxes into 2 foot by 2 foot squares, bundle them with twine and leave them out on the third Tuesday of every other month only" DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?
The mother and daughter run away
Sheesh, now I understand why you're so grouchy.
Do you?
Fade to flashback with Oscar and his older brother
[Oscar's Brother]
I love you, little brother, but now it's time for me to seek my fortune out in the world. Give mom a kiss for me, will ya?
A garbage man picks up Oscar's brother's can
[Oscar's Brother]
Hey, thanks for the ride. I'm gonna--Hey, whatcha doin'!
Garbage man throws Oscar's brother out of his can and into a garbage truck and he gets crushed
Fade back to the present
You don't know me at all, man. You don't know anything about me.