List of all “Get Involved!” pages ever lyrics


Genius Lists

Vol. 11. Contributor Sports Teams
2. Genius Username Definitions
3. Your Favorite Experiences
4. Genius Users' Birthdays
5. Dream Journals
6. User Goals
7. Users' Cities
8. Time Travel - Where And Why
9. Users' Strengths
10. Your Spirit Animals
11. Your Motivations
12. Your Favorite Activities
13. What Genius Means To You
14. Your Best Summer Memories
15. 5 Albums You Could Listen To For The Rest Of Your Life
16. Bad Habits You'd Like To Change
17. What Makes You Happy
18. Your Accomplishments
19. Childhood Cartoons That Could Be On TV Today
20. What Made You Wanna Annotate?
21. Workout Log (2015)
22. Your Bestе Designs
23. Your Greatest Fеars
24. Your Favorite Comedians of All Time
25. Your Most Embarrassing Moments
26. Social Media Accounts
27. Your Favorite Albums Of All Time
28. Your Favorite Songs Of All Time
29. Your Most Awkward Stories
30. Your Favorite Games
31. Your Hidden Talents
32. If I Were President...
33. Your Superpowers
34. Things You Did Before They Were Cool
35. Your Favorite Books
36. Put Me On... (Rap)
37. Workout Log (2016)
38. What Musical Instruments Do You Play?
39. New Year's Resolutions 2016
40. Looking Forward To In 2016
41. Your Favorite Lyrics
42. Other Online Communities You Belong To
43. Genius User Time Capsule
44. Experiences with Paranormal Activity
45. Your Favorite Foods
46. Get To Know Genius Users
47. Bucket List
48. Your Areas of Expertise
49. Your Dream Home
50. Genius Users' NicknamesVol. 21. Your Favorite YouTube Videos/Channels
2. Albums That People Forgot Were Good
3. April Fools Jokes
4. Ideal People Qualities
5. Team Captain America VS Team Iron Man
6. Favorite TV Shows/Shows We're Watching
7. Fan Art Of Genius Users
8. A Day Without Technology
9. Artists You've Seen
10. What Will You Name Your Kid If You Had One?
11. Your Favorite Beats/Instrumentals
12. Your Go-To Dance Moves
13. Your Most Favorite Songs
14. Your Favorite Comfort Foods
15. Your Genius Summer Goals
16. Put Me On... (R&B)
17. Your Favorite Genius Moment of 2016
18. What Do You Want To Be Remembered For?
19. Your Favorite Summer Activities
20. Explain Your (Current) Avi
21. Your Favorite Pokémon
22. Your Favorite Disney Movies
23. Epic Concert Story
24. Your Favorite Animated/Cartoon Shows
25. Your Favorite Olympic Sports
26. Your Favorite Actors/Actresses
27. Your Favorite Brunch/Breakfast Items
28. Your Favorite Feels Songs
29. Your Favorite Snacks
30. Your Favorite Things About Autumn
31. Is There Life On Other Planets?
32. Your Favorite Sequels
33. Your Favorite Social Media Accounts To Follow
34. Your Favorite School Subjects/Time
35. Songs That Made You Dream
36. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavors
37. Your Favorite Video Games
38. Your Favorite Cookout/Picnic Food
39. What Are Your Saturday Night Car Tunes?
40. Dogs Or Cats?
41. Your Favorite One-Hit Wonders
42. Your Favorite Cover Arts
43. Your Favorite 90s Albums
44. Your Favorite Memes of 2016
45. Your Favorite Slept-On Songs Of 2016
46. Your Astrology Signs
47. Song From 2016 That Describe 2016
48. Your Spotify Year In Music 2016
49. Your Favorite Professional Athletes
50. New Year's Resolutions 2017Vol. 31. Workout Log (2017)
2. Places You Most Want to Visit
3. Your Favorite Sauces
4. Your Dream Cars
5. Your Favorite Rollercoaster/Rides
6. Your Dream Job Or Occupation
7. One Unique Fact About Yourself
8. Your Favorite Unusual Animals
9. Your Favorite Things About Genius
10. Your Spotify Year In Music 2017
11. Your Favourite Summer Hits Y2K+
12. Your Favorite Songs From The Year You Were Born
13. Your Favourite Genius Contributions
14. What's Your Guilty Pleasure Song?
15. Best Cartoon Soundtracks
16. Underrated Artists
17. Your Favorite Artist Outside of Your Favourite Genre
18. Your Favorite Lines In Music
19. Your Spotify Year In Music 2018
20. New Year's Resolutions 2018
21. Your Spotify Year In Music 2019
22. Your Favorite Superhero Movies
23. Why We Love GeniusVol. 41. Coping With The Quarantine
2. What Would You Do With $1,000,000?
3. What Is Your Idea of Freedom?
4. What Skills Would You Like To Learn?
5. Best Way To Listen To Music
6. Misheard Lyrics
7. Conspiracy Theories
8. Your Favorite Types Of Weather
9. Your Favorite Outdoor Activities
10. Your Pet Peeves
11. Your Comfort Food
12. Your Fondest Memories On Genius
13. What Will The Future Be Like?
14. Meeting Someone Famous
15. How Are You Tackling Climate Change?
16. Your Favorite Fictional Characters
17. Fashion Trends
18. Your Favorite Holidays
19. Songs/Artists You Hate/Love That Are Uncommon
20. Your Celebrity Crushes
21. Why Do You Like The Music You Like?
22. Your Favorite Horror Movies
23. The Perfect Pizza
24. Something of Sentimental Value
25. Your Favorite Classic Fairy Tales
26. Best Halloween Costume
27. Songs Ruined By Features
28. Your Personality Type
29. Your Favorite Deceased Artists
30. Your Studies
31. What Are You Curious About?
32. Your Earliest Music Memories
33. Share Something Special From Your Culture
34. What We’re Thankful For 2020
35. Black Friday Purchases
36. The Perfect Partner
37. Fantasy Places You’d Like To Visit
38. Your Biggest Regrets
39. Favorite Albums Of 2020
40. Your Favorite Historical Figures
41. Your Favorite Artists Discovered In 2020
42. Your Favorite Songs Of 2020
43. Your Favorite Movies Watched In 2020
44. Your Favorite TV Shows Watched In 2020
45. Your Favorite Books Read In 2020
46. Your Favorite Things About Christmas
47. Your Favorite Hot Drinks
48. Best Cultural Moments Of 2020
49. New Year's Resolutions 2021
50. Get Involved! Vol. 4 ReflectionsVol. 51. An Invention The World Needs
2. Your Favorite Smells
3. Who Do You Look Like?
4. How’d You Get Started On Genius?
5. Your Favorite Instrumental Music
6. Your Favorite Colors
7. Shower Thoughts
8. Your Favorite Genius People
9. Albums You Look Forward To
10. Last (Proper) Concert You Attended
11. Your Favorite Quotes
12. Your All-Time Favorite Artists
13. Your Proudest Genius Contributions
14. Insects You'd Want To Be
15. The Foods That You Hate
16. What Scared You As A Child?
17. Your Favorite Animals
18. The Perfect Date
19. Your Favorite Desserts
20. Your Favorite Vacations
21. Your Dream Artist Collaborations
22. What You Love About Yourself
23. Your Weirdest Dreams
24. Best Compliments You’ve Received
25. What Do You First Notice In People?
26. Your Passions
27. How Can Society Be Improved?
28. Influential Women
29. Your Favorite Candy
30. Your Favorite Life Hacks
31. Tattoos You Want
32. Android vs iOS
33. Your Guilty Pleasures
34. Trends That Will Look Silly In 10 Years
35. Songs That Make You Nostalgic
36. Your Personal Sleeping Habits
37. Your Proudest Transcriptions
38. The Best Pranks
39. Your Pets
40. Your Favorite Cities
41. Unpopular Opinions
42. If You Had 3 Wishes, What Would They Be?
43. Your Favorite Memes
44. Your Favorite Things About Spring
45. Your Favorite Conversation Topics
46. Your Fatal Flaws
47. If You Could Be Anyone, Who Would You Be?
48. How Do You Balance Between Genius And Your Personal Life?
49. Your Favorite Things About Movies
50. Your Favorite Vol. 5 Topics + ReflectionsVol. 61. Why Do You Get Involved?
2. Your Favorite Music Videos
3. Face Reveal
4. Your A e s t h e t i c
5. Artists Who Have Affected You The Most
6. What Do You Collect?
7. Words You Can Never Seem To Spell Correctly
8. Your Funniest Transcription Errors
9. The Funniest Genius Users
10. Your Favorite Memories
11. What Makes You Cry?
12. Languages You Want To Learn
13. Quality Music That Came Out Of The Pandemic
14. Your Favorite Annotations
15. What Are Your Talents?
16. What’s The Coolest Thing You’ve Done For Someone?
17. Your Favorite Cover Songs
18. Nostalgic TV Shows
19. Your Favorite Cold Drinks
20. Your Love Language
21. If You Could Go Back, What Would You Change?
22. What Risks Are Worth Taking?
23. What Kind Of Person Do You Think You Are?
24. Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?
25. What Would You Do With $10?
26. Your Favorite Sounds
27. Your Favorite Outfits
28. Songs You’re Listening When You Want To Get Hyped
29. Your Preferred Music Streaming Services
30. Your Idols
31. Your Favorite Villains
32. What Song Do You Currently Relate To The Most?
33. What’s The Best Storytelling Song You’ve Ever Heard?
34. Artists You Were/Are Ahead Of The Curve With
35. Your Favorite Samples
36. Funniest Genius Conversations
37. Someone You’ll Never Forget And Why
38. What’s Your Perfect Weekend?
39. Things You Often Overthink
40. Your All-Time Favorite Movies
41. What Bores You?
42. What Do/Did You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
43. Share A Secret
44. Songs That Give You Goosebumps
45. Your Favorite Season
46. What Is The Best Thing About Humanity?
47. Your Favorite Movie/TV Performances
48. Best Bad Movie
49. Something You Wish You Knew When You Were Younger
50. The Toughest Challenge(s) You've FacedVol. 71. Something Important You Wish Everyone Knew
2. Things You Like To Do Alone
3. Your Favorite Senses
4. The Bravest Thing You've Done
5. Pitch A Movie/TV Show
6. Your Favorite Producers
7. The Best Time Of Day
8. What's One Weird Thing About You?
9. Your Favorite Unknown Song From Your Favorite Artist
10. Concerts You'd Want To Go To
11. Worst 'Good' Movies
12. What Makes You Laugh?
13. The Greatest Comeback Stories
14. Your Favorite Background Music
15. Favorite Unexpected Artist Collaborations
16. Smartest Genius Users
17. Your Favorite Streamers
18. Artists You've Discovered From Other Genius Users
19. What's the Last Song You Listened To?
20. A Song You Like Outside Of Your Typical Genres
21. Share Your Playlist!
22. Weirdest Lyrics You've Heard
23. Least Favorite Genres Of Music
24. Share A Fun Fact
25. What Would Your Theme Song Be?
26. Your Favorite Word
27. Your Best High School Memories
28. Your Favorite GIFs
29. Windows vs. macOS
30. Where Do You See Genius In 10 Years?
31. Your Favorite Songs From The '90s
32. Your Top Albums of 2021
33. Lyrics As A Life Motto
34. Best Songs From Before You Were Born
35. Christmas Wishlist
36. What Does The Genius Community Mean To You?
37. Best Christmas Presents
38. What Would You Do As A Celebrity?
39. New Year's Resolutions 2022
40. Why Should An Employer Hire You?
41. Nostalgic Things From Your Childhood
42. Ideal Lifestyle
43. Scariest Dream You Ever Had
44. What Forms Your Identity?
45. What Is An Artist Most People Like But You Don't?
46. Songs Improved By Features
47. What Is Something You Can't Go A Day Without?
48. How Have You Matured?
49. Stuff You Hated/Loved About School
50. Your Favorite SoundtracksVol. 81. What Do You Do Most On Genius
2. Your Favorite Marvel Movies
3. Weird Things You Did As A Kid
4. Your Height
5. Your Favorite Piece of Clothing
6. What Makes You Laugh The Most?
7. Your Favorite Authors
8. Your Favorite Fast Food Item
9. Your Favorite Voices In Music
10. Best Photo(s) You've Ever Taken
11. If Animals Could Talk, Which Species Would Be the Rudest Of Them All?
12. Your Previous Nicknames
13. Your Biggest Transcription
14. Favorite Musical
15. Morning Routine
16. What Feature Would You Like To See/Be Improved On Genius?
17. What's It Like Being You?
18. What Was The Driest Response Someone Has Given You?
19. Your First vs. Most Recent Liked Song
20. Share An Art Piece (Non-Music)
21. Your Favorite Marvel VillainsVol. 91. What's A Release From 2023 That Surprised You?
2. Marvel or DC?
3. Where do You See Yourself on Genius in the Future?
4. Who's an Artist You Want More People to Listen to?
5. Your Favorite Pixar Movies
6. Your Favorite Producer Tags
7. Your Favorite Recipes/Dishes To Make
8. What's the Dumbest Way You've Ever Gotten Hurt?
9. Your Favorite Instruments
10. Your Favorite Video Game Genre(s)
11. Best Genius Verified interview?
12. Stuffed Animals/Plushies You've Kept as a Kid
13. Eurovision: Yay or Nay?
14. Your Previous Music Projects
15. Comfort Movies and Shows
16. Funniest Moments You've Seen in the Genius Discord
17. Your Favorite Albums From 2023
18. Your Ideal Dream Room
19. Your Hottest Take On a 2023 Release
20. Your Favorite TV Show/Movie That's Not in Your Native Language
21. New Year’s Resolution(s) 2024
22. Light Mode VS. Dark Mode
23. Weird Habits You Do, But Others Don't
24. Favorite Song Recommended to You by a Genius User
25. Your Fashion Style
26. Smooth or Crunchy Peanut Butter?
27. How Do You Define Yourself as a Person?
28. What You Did During Quarantine
29. What Is the Worst Collab an Artist Has Had?
30. Quotes That Have Stuck With You in Your Lifetime
31. Your Favorite Genius Memes
32. Your Favorite Cat Breed(s)
33. Your Favorite Dog Breed(s)
34. Your Canon Event(s)
35. Songs You Tie to Certain Concepts/Ideas
36. Your Favorite Otter Breeds
37. Mythical Creatures You'd Want to Keep as Pets
38. Your Favorite Music Sub-Genres
39. Your Taylor Swift Era
40. Vinyl, CD, or Streaming Platforms?
41. Times You've Interacted With Your Favorite Musicians
42. Struggles With Your Genius RoleVol. 101. Suggest a topic for GI X
2. Favorite sharks of Genius Users
3. What is your favorite drink? (non-alcoholic)
4. What is your favorite urban legend?
5. What is your ideal holiday destination?
6. What was your favorite song when you were little?
7. If you could be any person that has ever lived, who would you be?
8. What is your most embarrassing Genius contribution?
9. What is your favorite diss track?
10. What are your favorite emojis?
11. What are your least favorite songs you've transcribed?
12. What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
13. What is your favorite flag?
14. Have you ever become a fan of a song because of a video game?
15. What is one song you love that not many people know?
16. What are your least favorite historical events?
17. What are your favorite mobile games?
18. What continent do you think makes the best music?
19. How do you think AI will shape the future of music creation and lyrics?
20. Have you ever become a fan of a song because of a movie or TV show?
21. What are your dream remixes?
22. What do you want to do before you die?
23. What is your take on releasing multiple versions of the same track?
24. What artists do you wish were still alive?
25. What album or song changed your life?
26. What song would you like to be played at your funeral?
27. What age did you stop trick or treating?
28. What is your biggest gripe when it comes to the holidays?
29. Who are your favorite DJs?
30. If you could live in an alternate universe, which one would you live in?
31. What are your end-of-year goals?
32. What fast food place has the best fries?
33. What is your favorite midnight snack?
34. What is your favorite part of your daily routine?
35. What is your favorite record label?
36. What is your favorite car?
37. What is your favorite Christmas song?
38. If only two people were left on Earth, which Genius user would you pick to join you, and why?
39. What Christmas tradition do you enjoy the most?
40. What is your favorite album of 2024?
41. What are your favorite Christmas movies?
42. What are you most excited for in the new year?
43. What is your favorite song that came out in 2024?Vol. 111. Suggest a topic for GI 11
2. Which song would you like to have in a movie?
3. What are the saddest songs ever recorded, in your opinion?
4. Why do you contribute to Genius?
5. Is there a dream you are hiding from others?
6. What is your take on songs becoming shorter?
7. What do you think about posthumous releases?
8. What are your go-to songs for the club?
9. What is your favorite chocolate?
10. Which one is better, earbuds or headphones?
11. Who is your favourite painter?
12. What is the most helpful advice you have ever been given?
13. Who is your favourite writer?
14. What albums are you looking forward to in 2025?
15. What do you not like about Genius?
16. What is the longest song you’ve transcribed?
17. What is your opinion on autotune?
18. Which song from your country is famous all over the world?
19. What is your favorite song page gradient on Genius?
20. What is your view on IQ?
21. Did your music listening habits change with age?
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