George Lucas at the Convention lyrics
by George Lucas
Nerd: (gets into an elevator with George Lucas; gasps) You're George Lucas!
George Lucas: Uhh, I take it you're here for the Star Wars convention?
Nerd: I sure am! Ooo, wanna see my costume? (begins to dress into it)
George Lucas: Uhhh... hm.
Nerd: See? I'm a Tauntaun! But I don't have to tell you -- you invented Tauntauns!
George Lucas: Well, that's uh.. that's very interesting--
Nerd: Listen to my Tauntaun call! Oorah-rah-rah-ooh-rah-rah-rah-ooh-rah-ooh-rah-ahh!
George Lucas: (elevator stops) Uhh... nicely done. (runs out of the elevator; sees a group of Star Wars fans in front of him] Oh, dear God...
Star Wars Fan #1: (screaming) Oh, my God, George LUCAAAAAS!
George Lucas: Oh, dear God, oh, dear God... (runs away)
Star Wars Fan #2: I love you! Give me a baby!
Nerd: (halts George Lucas) Quickly, sir! Onto my back! I am your steed!
George: Uhh... (pause; gets on) I have a bad feeling about this...
Nerd: (begins hopping away) Oorah-rah-rah-ooh-rah-rah!
George: Oh, dear God! (they enter the convention room on the stage; Lucas gets off and stands at the podium and gets small feedback from the microphone) Uh, well, um... and I thought they smelt bad on the outside. (laughter, cheers, and applause from the audience)
Nerd: Just like in the movie! (George Lucas offers his hand to the nerd) Me?! (takes his hand and bows, hyperventilating) Thank you! Thank you!
Scene switches to the nerd in his old age with his grandson on his lap
Old Nerd: ...And that was the greatest day of my whole life.
Grandson: What about when I was born?
Old Nerd: Not even close.