War of the Fat Italians 2023 - Roll the Die lyrics
by SMG4
SMG4 -
Don't look back! That plumbers gaining on our tail
Reinforcements grow! I think it's time to bail
SMG3 -
Now stay alert! And keep your wits about
C'mon, there has to be an escape route
Mario -
No! Don't let them get out
Unidentified Female Singer -
We gotta lose the heat! This is our one shot
We're going weapons loud! It's time to HIT THAT JACKPOT
Looking to escape from sight! Think you can sneak by?
You better place your bets, and ROLL THE DIE
Woahoah Woahoah
SMG4 -
Oh man, they're everywhere! How're we gonna pass?
Stay low, sneak fast, or they'll get your ass
SMG3 -
What? No, you kidding me? We don't need to run
I think you forget we have a thing called Gun
Mario -
Intruder alert! Fat spies in the base
Mario needs you to dismantle their face
SMG4 -
Whoa...watch it, here they come
Bob -
Why are we singing? This is kinda dumb
SMG3 -
Zip right past them! Swift like air
Damn, I'm so good! My stealth's got flair
Mario -
Hey you! Don't move! Are you two spies?
SMG4 -
Uh, no! We're just the delivery guys
Did you order this pizza with a side of fries?
Mario -
Ooh, maybe, yeah! Lemme take a look inside
Urgh! Pineapple on pizza?! You goddang crooks
SMG3 -
Hey! Wait! No! Stop! My notebook
Unidentified Female Singer -
As the roulette wheel spins, you'll feel your heart's thrill
Keep to your hand! Don't fold! Until the VERY LAST KILL
Do you have the strength for freedom guiding your eye?
You better place down your bets! Hope you're up to the test
Here and now, we aim for the sky! We must try! Take a roll of the die
Mario -
You idiots just fell right into my trap
That book is mine and your asses are clapped
When I open it up, I will finally win
Cause I'll log in and steal your Club Penguin skin
SMG3 -
Are you serious? All this just for a hat?
Mario -
Oh, well yes, but a bit more important than that
Marty wants your secret pizza recipe
SMG3 -
Oh no way, you wouldn't! That's a felony
SMG4 -
C'mon, Mario, stop this! This isn't you
What happened to the fat Italian I knew?
Are you turning your back on the friends you've adored?
Why are you trusting that big piece of cardboard?
Mario -
He pinky promised! I trust in m'lord
SMG3 -
Come closer, I have a nicer reward
This ultra rare Roblox skin that I scored
Mario -
Whoa, really? You'd give that divine skin to Mario? Is that fine?
SMG3 -
No, it's mine
Unidentified Female Singer -
The game is in our hands! This is our last chance
We have to win it all! Live through dangerous dance
Sound off with your gun! Load up! They've raised the stakes high
And all our bets are placed, the clock is ticking goodbye
Now or nothing! One final push! Time to ROLL THE DIE
Woahoah Woahoah
SMG4 -
Wipe that smile! Your plan is running outta steam
Save your breath! It's over with your little scheme
SMG3 -
Your wishes bring me nothing but disgust
We hold the cards! Your hand has crumbled to dust
SMG4, SMG3, & Unidentified Female Singer -
Your dumb dream's a huge bust