In Love lyrics
by Juju
I’m in love with somebody. He got diamonds, he rubey he got everything I need, I think the one for me. We be staying up late on the phone telling me I'm the only girl he's been with ( red flag ) My girls are tellin me he ain’t the one but it's my mistake let me make it and feel so great. I think you are the one I’ve been looking for my whole entire life I finally relievеd that you are the one ( thе one ) Yo its queen staying up late on the phone with you Man my friends be telling me that I need stop going back to you but I can’t cus you got me wrapped up in,inside your lies everytime I try to get out its gets even more harder I’m done playing games this time we break up its for good but I know that won’t work Your lies my eyes I keep falling back for you I try not to but the game is so hard I think you care about me but really you just need somebody to be there for you when I have cheer practice and you have a basketball practice I’ll drop it for you cus my eyes your lies keep me coming back for you Your body keep callin my name everytime I wonder if its really you is really you? I can’t stand these lonely nights where Im just staring at the ceiling wonder if your feeling me are you feeling me? Thinking that your the one but your sleeping with another hoe. I’m done with you I can’t keep going back to you Yo its queen how gonna sleep with that chick like that and you were just begging me yesterday to stay with you yeah no how you think I feel thinking that I’m someone that I think loves me but really he just like the other dudes I’ve been with
Yo its juju I know you hate me but that will change me I know I lied I cheat but baby don’t do this to me I need you in my life then who is going to be there for me when I need me cuddles,kisses my late night texts saying you love me and miss me. You the only girl that does that how can I change when you change me when I’m away from you it crazy girls want my number they don’t bout you I ignore but its hard for me you got to be with me baby I’m in Love with you
I’m in love with you