Jordan lyrics
by Paul Shapera
So at last Slender Man eye to eye here we stand
Girl to beast, lash to teeth
With whip in hand i grasp you are mine at last
Let’s play game: do you feel pain?
And as i tear your flesh all bare what will i find down deep in there
Are those you snare in there somewhere?
As i excrete grief from the beast, if you cannot bring him back to me
At least you can scream for me
Back in the day, when all i did was make games…
The way Daddy’d say back in hazy days
I’m the princess in the tower he’d come to save
Alas life it plays sad and darker games
It was daddy who never came back one day
So i made games with more than faith the rules won’t break
It’s what the sad girl, mad girl did as she grew to a bad girl
Worlds i’d create and state the stakes by which you play
Became my vision, mission, maybe just a bit obsession
My teenage goth attire, coding, psych design
And the pile of occult books i’d aquirred
Soon Universities came to persue me
Game theorist savant they thought i’d be
A few years passed and then one day as undergrad
His smile grabbed me, had me, in love with him so very madly
Two sides the same we hid away, created games
And how we made them, played them, created the next generation
Basements deep beneath the gothic house that we
Bought and built a maze down underneath
To test out new game live, with friends at night til five
Transcendation, the creation, the game changer of our time
But while we tested things unholy came unrested
In our maze there, came here, something dark and sharp insane there
And my sweet Sean for whom i long for now he’s gone
The thing it flayed him, slayed him, i watched it while it stood and ate him
It tried to take me but i knew some spells to save me
That created a gate that led me to this Abbey’s basement
For years we’ve planned to catch us a Slender Man
And i’ll chastize him, defile him see if my Sean’s still inside him
And as i tear your flesh all bare what will i find down deep in there
Are those you snare in there somewhere?
As i excrete grief from the beast, if you cannot bring him back to me
At least you can scream for me
(whips the sh*t out of the Slenderman)