Lee lyrics
by Paul Shapera
Blue light brings dreams dreams forgotten
Soft red on canvas lost and
Sometimes reminds me of your eyes
I came to paint, it’s true, and make it here with you
A dream on a leash in times gone by
With blind delight we came, unknown to hell’s wild rage
Pilgrims to the slaughterhouse
And all my soft, bright youth has burned away in truth
We hold the line, we hold our ground
Angel of Mercy, well, you’ve nothing for me
You buried me with all my dreams
Walk with me in my mеmory
You’re all I recall of that life
Thе boy I knew well, he left with you
You’re my last candle in the night
After you left, I’d wait, I’d fight and grind and paint, it’s
The last sweet solace I would know
But nine years back, they got me, my right arm’s gone, a memory
And dust upon my paints just grows
Angel of Mercy, well you’ve nothing for me
You buried me with all my dreams
Walk with me in my memory
You’re all I recall of that life
The boy I knew well, he left with you
You’re my last candle in the night
Blue light brings forgotten things, snapshots of you to which I cling
Sometimes at night, Control Room B, I’d sit and in the mic I’d sing
Send that song broadcast through space in hopes you’d hear, somewhere, someplace
Orange, the warmth, the smell of paint, back when I could, in better days
Yellow is the sudden flash, the shots that come when they attack
The kiss of dust, the burst of gun, the life one second lived then done
Red, the burn you best ignite, the rage that will keep you alive
Your brothers, sisters here in arms is all there is so you stay sharp
Purple is the thoughts you stop from thinking when they dare show up
A million thoughts which only will just weaken you and get you killed
There is no sky, there is no sun, and nothing’s still and things they come
That screech and howl with rile insane and give to you the kiss of pain
Chaos reigns and mercy weeps and nightmare’s aren’t just in your sleep
So harden up and brace your breath, the afterlife is full of death
Walk with me in my memory
You’re all I recall of that life
The boy I knew well, he left with you
You’re my last candle in the night