Q’s Clues lyrics
by Paul Shapera
[Matthew, spoken]
Along the shore, the cloud waves break
The twin suns sink behind the lake
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa
Strange is the night where black stars rise
And strange moons circle through the skies
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa
Q left a clue today, I had hoped and prayed
Now my week will be okay
Winter comin' in, crows all beckonin’
And the march of endless days
That just come and go, down an endless road
With no sense and no escape
But now it's okay, Q left a clue today
Everything will bе okay
Q left a clue today, all my friends will wakе
Such excitement, such debates
How we'll chat and scheme, what the clue could mean
All the world can be explained
We won't sleep you know, we won't be alone
No one visits anyway
All the tears and pain, can be kept at bay
Q left a clue today
[not real audio clip]
So adrenochrome is a drug that the elites love and this drug it's extracted from the pituitary gland of tortured children. Yeah, you can't make this stuff up. It's sold on the black market and democrats and them Hollywood elites, they love this stuff. It's like their favourite drug and they use it for all their drug-crazed satanic rights. It's so messed up. So what happened is that the White House tainted the adrenochromes supply with Coronavirus. That's how all of this started cause them sickos gotta get taken down and the White House poisoned their drug supply and Trump was gonna use this to arrest all them deep state pedophiles but then of course Bill Gates figures he can use this as an excuse to plant the microchips on everyone y'know disguised as the vaccine
Not much going on
Now that Sarah's gone
I still see the kids some days
Far as I can tell
World's gone to hell
All I feel is sad and rage
Look up at the skies
Seem so big that I'm
Just a speck to blow away
But Q left a clue today
For a little ways
Everything will be okay