Roll On (Whalesong Interlude III) lyrics


Dave Malloy

They all died. Fedallah first. Ahab second. Starbuck. Stubb. Flask. Tashtego. Daggoo. Pip. The blacksmith, Perth. The carpenter, whose name we never learn. And Queequeg-- my dear Queequeg died too. The last thing I remember was Tashtego and Daggoo, on the mast-head, sinking

Here, help me with this. The ship's flag came off

Hey, watch out for that sky-hawk!

I see him!

Damn! I thought you were gonna whack that bird

What? And drag the bird of heaven down with the ship?


No. We can change some things. Little things

Still gonna die though
Everything dies

[Sperm whale clicking can be heard.]

More sperm whales. Moby di*k's children

Do you have any kids, Tash?

No. I never did

Yeah. Me neither. What are they singing?

Sperm whales don't sing-- they click. Each one on a different beat, but they come together. They intersect to make up a whole

Like West African polyrhythms. They click
The ship is not sinking
The ship is already sunk

The ship is not sinking
The ship is already sunk
The ship is not sinking
The ship is already sunk

The ship is not sinking
The ship is already sunk (repeated)

The great shroud of the sea rolls on
As it rolled five thousand years ago (repeated)

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on (repeated)
Bye bye little fish
Bye bye
Bye bye
Bye bye

Bye bye little fish
Bye bye
Bye bye
Bye bye

The great shroud of the sea rolls on
As it rolled five thousand years ago

Bye bye little fish
Bye bye
Bye bye
Bye bye (repeated)

Come hither, broken hearted
Here is another life

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

Roll on

[The cast exits the stage, leaving Tashtego alone, before he follows]

The great shroud of the sea rolls on
As it rolled five thousand years ago
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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