Through up and downs....
Tribulations and trials....
You been there for me....
You been there for me.....
[Chorus x 2]
Through my ups and downs, tribulations and trials
When so called friends was nowhere to be found
You been there for me...Lord....You been there for me...
As I reminisce on past times down and feeling lonely
After being done wrong by those I thought I could call my homies
When shawtys' love flipped and was proven deep infatuation
But like Pimp Squad i still loved her though she seemed to hate me
Same one's I uplifted to keep fighting through their times of pain
Left me in the dust with no protection in the hurricane
Plenty days I felt that rain symbolized my tears
Who knew real n*ggas would be crucified by their peers
I've made mistakes like any man, but I kept my soul and character
And never switched on real friends for a false sense of acceptance
Never thought one minute I'd be stuck and left in this position
What was a perfect painting has now become a tainted picture
Living my life solo, for love I'm no longer seeking
Focused on making music the real can feel and believe in
Through ups and downs you remained when all others left me
Lord I thank you, for your blessings
[Chorus x 2]
Remember the times inside I felt that I wanted to die
Cause it seemed for me there was only negativity in life
Daily seeking for what's my purpose and reason for living
Only finding vanity and insanity, lacking enrichment
If one deep how I gots to ride then I'ma roll n*gga
Gave love before and got done wrong, made a cold spirit
Emotionally frozen from being scorned in the war
Catatonic state of mind resulting from a broken heart
Was I cursed to suffer hurt though I speak truth and not glibbery
Cause I speak from my heart instead of cliches and fake imagery
Betrayed by those I only sought to encourage and love
Got me thinking Lord, tell me, what have I done
Presented myself as kind, friendly, loving, and true
And in return got betrayed, battered, spit on and used
These are the truths of a n*gga feeling lost and encaged
Who any minute could've hit that kill switch and then dissipate
[Chorus x 2]
As times it seems I'm lost without a penny of direction
Asking questions bout why it seems down a hellish path I'm heading
Seeking refuge in a world full of traps and snares
Where many talk bout showing love yet so few seem to care
In living hell or some type prison it feels I've been placed in
Finding no trace of hope or guided path to help escape it
So many tears shed from a spirit turned brittle and hopeless
Empty shell feeling like a ghost for which none care or notice
Have I been left alone to struggle and left out to dry
With fruitless visions, a broken heart, and a scattered mind
Many nights this life do truly seem to fiend to take my vision
While alone and trying to hold on by the skin of my spirit
Maybe I'm tormented by demons deep in my inner most parts
Living outcasted from all lavishness of joy in the heart
Even though I feel like Jesus screaming "God, why forsake me?"
Somehow I still feel that He'll save me on the daily
[Chorus x 2 - Outro]
Thank you.....
For keeping me....
And protecting me.....
And being there.....for me.....