My Party Dress lyrics
by Kait Kerrigan & Bree Lowdermilk
Did you see my party dress?
This morning I was feeling dressy
Mother thinks I’ll get it messy
But you cannot see where I have spilled
I spilled here
And here
And here
And here
Oh no, that was on my other dress
John Michael stole my birthday cake
And Jenna Walker tried to take
My Crunch ‘n Munch. It wasn’t fair
I grabbed the punch
I climbed a chair
But then I fell and punch went everywhere
On the floor
On the chair
On his shoes
In her hair
But it wasn’t on my party dress
John Michael once made fun of soccer
So I stuffed him in a locker
I play soccer and I play the flute
I do art
And Discovery Camp
And tumbling
And tee ball
And I play piano every night
My dad says I’m a prodigy
But I think I would rather be
The FBI or CIA
A secret spy who saves the day
And when I finish saving it I’ll play
Ode to Joy
Injun Joe
Frére Jacques
The Pachelbel Canon
And also this song I wrote
It has words:
“I’m a spy
And it’s really fun
And I wear a cape
Do you like my party dress?
When I do pirouettes it rustles
I buy all my clothes in Brussels
Dad says that’s where Brussels sprouts are from
I’ve toured Brussels
And Paris
And Vienna
And this one time
We pretended
To go to Rome
But we went to Iceland
And in Iceland
My dad presided
Over an International Corporate Trade Hearing…
Oh woops, that was a secret
And we saw the Reykjavik Ballet
My dance class is on Saturday
Miss Laura and Miss Lisa say
I’m much more bright than I appear
I chassé right. It’s very clear
That I’ll be in The Nutcracker next year
As a mouse
Then a soldier
Then a candy cane
Or a marzipan
Then a Russian
Or an angel
Then a polichinelle
Let me dance to this song
‘cause I wrote it so well
It goes “ah-ah-ah
I will dance until
I play all the parts
In the great ballet.”
Sing with me!
That wasn't very good
Can we try it one more time?
I will do a turn
And another turn
Mother says I’ll quit
I will never quit
I will do a split
And I guess that’s it
Oh and one day when I’m president
My bedtime will be very late
So I have time to legislate
The kinds of laws I think are cool
I’ll pass a clause to banish school
And then all of the countries that I rule
Will be peaceful
And happy
And comfortable
And satin
And frilly
And pretty
And lacey, and silky, and perfect, and pink
Like my pa-ah-ah-ah-ah…
My party dress