I Didn’t Say Goodbye lyrics
by Kait Kerrigan & Bree Lowdermilk
You passed
I can’t do this alone
You’re scared. You should be. If you’re not, you’re not doing it right. You do it now, you do it for you, and you do it alone. Be mad, Sam. Be careless and wild and squeeze the life out of every second. And do not crash my car. I’m serious. I will like haunt you
You’re the kind of person who would do this. Not me
You take the risk
You pay the cost
You drive
Until you're lost
And look around
See where you went
And your life
Will be a monument
So what? Just get the atlas out and point?
Ugh, what did I always tell you?
I don’t remember
Yeah, you do
Maps are for brain-deads?
That’s right
I didn’t say goodbye
Sometimes, you don’t get to say goodbye
I really miss you
I know. It sucks, right?
Can’t we just stay like this?
You know we can’t
Just for a little while longer?
What do you want Sam?
I want the deafening sound of driving fast with the windows down. I want to reach the horizon of impossibility
I live in what you do
In what you want to do
Now that I’m gone
I’m moving on