1-833-OUT-BOYS lyrics
by Patrick Stump
Thank you for calling the Fall Out Boys. Please listen to the menu carefully to select your expensive mistake.
Press one to take Franklin home.
Press two for the Fall Out Boys special commemorative set.
Press three to get blown into space.
Press four to order Llamania.
Press five to talk to someone from the Mania Corp.
Press six to hear a joke.
[Press 1]
We’re sorry, all Franklins are currently sold out. Check back again when the break’s over.
[Press 2]
We do weddings, we do retirements, we do birthdays, we do it all! Go to thefalloutboys.com/tour to find out where we’re playing next on the Mania World Tour. If you don’t see a date near you, check back soon, and by soon we mean next week, especially you, Chicago.
[Press 3]
T-minus ten seconds until the roof flies off. Hold on tight, or don’t. You’re about to get blown into space.
[Press 4]
Llamania! Llamania could be yours for free! Only 200 exist. Go to llamania.com to try to get your very own today! That’s L-L-A-M-A-N-I-A dot com.
[Press 5]
Hello? I can’t hear ‘ya, can you- can you please say that again? Well sorry, eh, we seem to have a bad connection.
[Press 6]
How do you throw a party in space? You planet! [laughter]