Therapie De Choc English Lyrics lyrics
by Psyco M
Oh! Okay
The world today is getting corrupted and many things are happening
Tactics, plans and movements have to be explained
Without making the explanation long for you
You have to concentrate to understand the song
Therefore, in order to understand the process and the steps very well
I would explain to you the strategy of the shock of Naomi Klein
First, I would analyze and make you understand the strategy
I will take you to the domain of the psychology
I will take you back in 1951 in Canada
Dangerous experiments were developed by the C.I.A
They used to bring people to a place like a psychiatric hospital
They used to try on them methods of psychological torture
Experiments that lead human to the state of madness
Brainwashing and sensory deprivation
They used to bring specialists and neuropsychologists
To the patients in order to test on them the electroshocks method
Then it would result to destroy the human psychologically
Destroy his self-esteem and his thoughts, and destroy him internally
Mentally, he would not resonate because he is under the shock
And the ability of understanding and analyzing would be gone
He would then accept things in this psychological state
Things that used to reject them in the normal state
A structured program, led by Ewen Cameron
An army program, financed by The Pentagon
And today, the story became bigger and the theory became wider
All the world became led by this theory
It would not be applied on patients like before
Today, we see it gets tested on the nations
A theory of psychology got in the economy
Before, they tested it on the human. Today, they implemented it on the country
A theory overthrows people and countries by K.O
Was born in the university of Chicago
A theory makes coups and destroys countries
Led by the economist Milton Friedman
The shock therapy gets tested on the profits
Leading countries by economic that is based on fear
I would go deeper in the story for you to make you to understand what happened
You have to know that the capitalism is built by disasters
A system that takes advantage of any disaster happens in the world
It likes chaos and wants the world is stressed, doesn’t want it to be calm
Controls countries when it scares people
People would be in the state of shock, and insert in them the fear
It creates the problem, and provides a solution
And implements the strategy that people used to reject it
Let’s stop talking theoretically. I would take you to the actual field
Where they apply the theory of Milton Friedan
Let’s take you back to Chile in 1990
I would talk about coup d'éta that works behind the scenes
Allende won in the elections
People voted for him to be the president
He fixed the country and brought a new strategy
He made the nationalization in the economy
The problem is that his strategy was very sensitive
So this made the private companies in America worry
Then the president Nixon gave the order to C.I.A
To perish the country and make damages
By destabilizing the economy and implementing the plan
And the results people got angry and made the country to be corrupted
Then Lawlessness would appear as well as the strikes
People got out on the roads and yelled by thousands
And the vandalism and the riot that the mercenaries made
Gave an excuse for military intervention
And here the plan that was hidden would be implemented
In 73, coup d’état happened, led by Pinochet
Pinochet got the rule and took the control
He put Chicago Boys to control the monopoly
Chicago Boys is a group of economists
They followed Milton Friedman, the father of the capitalists
And in the list, they put a new economical program
Doesn’t serve the country. It serves only the benefits of the Americans
To control people, govern them by a dictator
Don’t let them think. And he used the torture strategy
After the shock, the therapy in the economy appeared
Orders that made people to live in hunger, and to perish the country
They made privatization of the public enterprises
And removal of taxes on the importation
And the result of that, the unemployment became greater as well as the inflation
It reached in a rate of 364%
The plan had implemented successfully and the country became under control
Rich people governed the country and people became underground
I would take you to the different place now in the experiment field
So you won’t say my story was only theoretically. In front of you, everything will be seen
After what Pinochet did in Chile in 3 years
The same scenario happened again in Argentina
A military coup against Isabel Peron
The tactics and the plans were, as usual, from The Pentagon
The American politics who made the coup
Led by generals, and their head leader was Videla
The country got corrupted in 1976
Mostly when the economy became under control of Alfredo Martinez
People were still under the shock. Didn’t yet wake up from it
Then he gave orders to quickly take advantage of the crisis
By the strategy of Chicago Boys, he implemented the same therapy
The privatization removed the deprive control
Then the prices of food went up high
Then crisis of water resources began
And the diseases got increased and the unemployment rate got higher
And the salaries got decreased 40%
And in order to make the shock therapy work, use the torture
Lead by a dictator and make crop cleaning
The same strategy, each time gets repeated
They bring a new system rather than the old system
The plan got implemented and the country became under the control
Rich people led the country while people were underground
The history teach us and the archive is full of stocks
Full of examples of the shock therapy
Countries change but the same tactic stays
Same method got implemented in The Soviet Union
Khrushchev brought a new strategy
Progressive transition to social democracy
Economy between the communism and the capitalism
Between the free market and the doctrine of the Marxism
And as usual, like all other countries, there were same results
Working invisibly and attempting for a coup
As usual, a new government took the control
In the year 91, Boris Yeltsin got into power
Brought a new strategy to the market economy
Economic policy made the country paralyzed
The unemployment rate got increased as well as organized crimes
The country became scary. Not secure anymore
The average of consumption dropped 40%
140 million people lived in below poverty line
The wages started to be delayed
People started to burn the country, sat the fire in it
Therefore, the parliament started to get involved
Made a rreferendum and made the decision
Then they eliminated the powers of the president
Boris Yeltsin had to get out of the government
The decision then had consequences
Yeltsin declared the state of the emergency
He implemented the shock theory of Milton Friedman
Brought tanks and bombed the parliament
The countries get into the shock always in the same way
People got outside and yelled to knock down the president
People went to streets in the events
Many people got killed by weapons against arrests
Yeltsin politics got supported by The Pentagon
There was a coordination with Bill Clinton
Then, of course, as it was planned
Boris Yeltsin got into the absolute power
Like the ones before him, implemented the same strategy
The public sectors got reduced and they brought private companies
Changed the country from the communism to the capitalism
Same plan got implemented. Always, the same mechanism
There is no difference. Always, the same consequences
The problems got increased and the violence as well
Capitalism policy, made the country to get corrupted
80% of the farms were used and they declared bankruptcy
The unemployment rate and the poverty got higher
70 of monism states had closed
The plan successfully got implemented and the country became under control
Rich people controlled the country and here are people lived underground
And today, the same tactic is getting implemented in Tunisia
The same systematic game, same strategy
Same way of thinking, same procedure
Same plan and same hidden hands
People are mad at the policy that drives the country
Stealing, robing people, and the country is led by corrupts
They took advantage of the accident that happened in the Sidi Bouzid
And they used the media here to intimidate
“people can’t handle it anymore. People are mad and destroyed”
To complete that, in Facebook, fake accounts and fake news
Things that in Tunisia channels didn’t talk about
An organized plan and a very smart tactic
Technique makes people get out to the roads
Then here, to step ahead and implement the second plan
They implemented the strategy that starts the revolution
To make people reckless, of course some people have to die
They brought mercenaries, coordinating with CIA and Mossad
By a sniper on the roof, a bullet to the head
Made people to be mad and kicked out the president of the country
Celebrating the plan, that was the 1st part
To make the strategy secret, they made some decorations
Then they made the media say that the revolution was started by El Bouazizi
He was the hero who knocked down the president of Tunisia
Then they got the president out by order from Jews
After coordinating with the agent ‘Al Saud
Like what happened in Chile, Pinochet took the power
In Tunisia, the General Rachid Ammar did
By coordination with CIA and the heads of the old system
They started by the policy of division under policy of opacity
Everything behind the scenes was planned in higher level
The country had hands move it from inside
Then the atmosphere got ready to implement the strategy
Whatever happened in Chile and Argentina, they started to implement it in Tunisia
Therefore, I would take you back to the psychiatric hospital
And remind you the method and the psychological torture
I told you they have to destroy the human psychologically
Destroy his self-esteem and his thoughts, and destroy him internally
Mentally, he would not resonate because he is under the shock
And the ability of understanding and analyzing would be gone
He would then accept things in this psychological state
Things that used to reject in the normal state
For example, he would accept transitional government, military bases or international assistance
But for sure all that wouldn’t happen except under the shock
People have to be hypnotized in policy that anesthetize like drugs
Therefore, after that, the plan started to implement
Let people under the shock and let the country hit the wall
The chaos had to be spread as well as the loss of security
To let people say “I accept anyone to lead me”
And the lie of media made them hypnotized
The only important thing to them was to make the country secure
For sure, they wouldn’t let people to think. Make them away of politics
Insert inside them the horror and the shock of snipers
A bullet, citizen, is coming to your head
And then In TV, they brought us people who wear mask
Pay attention to pause the questions
Without explanation. You will find the conclusion by yourself
Why in this specific time did the militias get increased?
People who used to walk with weapons got arrested in check points?
In a time where people were getting killed and the revolution is going to victory
The police by helmets were stealing and breaking stuff
And then in news in the channel of “El Wataniya”
They were telling us that they arrested people and terrorist groups
Why was it in that specific time when the situation was still bad?
Like that suddenly, the prisons got burned
Like that suddenly homeless criminals escaped
The check points increased as well as stealing and looting
Like that suddenly, the chaos started
Like that, the killing increased as well as the war between thrones
And withdrawing the army, security forces and police
Like that, how is this can be not planned behind the scenes?
Also, the places that they withdrew from were sensitive
This would make you understand something in the political game
In politics, there is nothing called coincidence
Everything happened was planned to make people live the shock
And then, plant the sedition between the problems that were happening
People needed to stay revolted and the revolution needed to keep going
And to make people mad, make war against Islam
Make a war in level of social media
They brought thinkers like El Talibie
One time insult Al Sayyida Aisha, and one time insults a Sahabi
Fabricate the prophet’s speech and doesn’t concede the Sunnah
Doesn’t know the Hadith terminology neither can read Quran by Ghunna
Then they brought things that diss Muslims belief
The ministry of culture brought the film of Nadia El Fani
Above all that, they got famous in media
Please, tell me what the results you would expect?
But don’t get confused. I will explain to you the strategy
I already explained to you the whole process of the therapy
A war against holy things and insulting the religion
The only purpose was to provoke people
When people saw Islam got insulted, they went outside in the roads
I told you it’s a structured program, and a very smart plan
The proof of this, we saw how police made beards as decorations
They were screaming in the roads and sticking the beards by glue
Manipulation was made to make the protests
And fighting with police to make some arrests
They made people under the shock, and made them to forget the aim of the revolution
Therefore, in any possible way, they had to make chaos
And of course, this plan needed infiltrator media
It needed to implement the plan and the agenda of Israel
Therefore, without doubt, it had to be Masonic media
A satellite channel that is supported by Berlusconi
By prostitution and depravity, the recipe is full
The media empire that they call it “Mediaset”
The media changed as well as the mentality of Italians
With new media system with the 80’s
The era of educative programs had been ended
The era of nudity and condoms had been started
Naked women only, you would see in the screen
You can’t differentiate between media and prostitution
Dirty jokes and TV programs with dirty words
Were made by infiltrator media, not biased
I told you that so you would know the channel that I’m talking about
To know who follow it, and who help financing it
Therefore, I would take you back to the strategy of chaos and temptation
The infiltrator media and the programs that perished us
As what we said, the objectives were to make people stay angry
Therefore, make Islam ambitious and fight the Manhajs
They brought all the animators that are seculars
They divided the Muslims and also made jokes of the religion
They made programs that make Islamic identity ambiguous
“They call for Greater Morocco or for a barbaric country”
A media war that divided the religion from politics
And in the 27th night, eliminated the holiness from Quran
The ignorance and the daring took them
To equalize the inheritance in man and woman
In Fiqh and Sharia, the understanding concepts became nihilistic
They called to ban praying during work
Leave your prayer at home, and make it away from the government politics
Soon, when woman be naked, they would say it is not ‘Awrah
This caused people to go outside in the roads to protect the religion
Among them, there were many political police as lurkers
And the violence got increased and excesses happened
And they filmed people who pray yell in the protests
And then in newspapers, the journalism opened a door
Opened pages of war against terrorism
For over weeks, you would find same subtitles
Terrorist attacks that people with beard did them
Pages talk about violence and the escalating crisis
“Tunisia is in danger” “Tunisia got threatened by Al-Qaida”
Don’t forget Shems FM and Mosaïque FM
And “Islam in the country is the biggest problem”
They made people under the shock, terrorized them by terrorism
A process called the economic shock
There were problems. Therefore, we needed new politics
The country had crises, economic crisis
Thus, the solution was international assistant
We needed support from FMI and G8
Otherwise, the companies in Tunisia would declare bankruptcy
Then they took loans from the International Bank
And assistance from International Monetary Fund
We would be chained by debts and drowned us by monies
We did not have even a good adjustment program
And before taking loans and financial assistance
We had to agree upon conditions and sign agreements
I don’t need to give you further explanation
We had to sign on removal of taxes on the portion
And on opening the free market following the system
And on expand the private sector in favor of the public sector
And on destroying the Tunisian companies
And on serving the benefits of foreign companies
But there were consequences buried behind that
The unemployment rate would increase with the violence
And they made the same strategy implemented to us
Like what happened in Chile, Argentina and The Soviet Union
From this point, I will explain to you the vision
Explain to you why revolutions happened
Explain to you the plan. Why coups happened
Explain to you the strategy of knocking down of governments
Before I start, first, you have to have overview
In-depth investigation to understand the full story
The world today is led by one side
The head of this side is The United states
They control the world by a strategy that anesthetizes like anesthesia
Moving the governments like playing in chess
Remember in Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze
In Chile, you already know who knocked down Pinochet
Remember who knocked down the Shah of Iran
Marcos in Philippines and Musharraf in Pakistan
Mobutu in Congo and Somoza in Nicaragua
With Ceausescu in Romania and Noriega in Panama
I would take you deep in the American politics
To understand more the Arab revolutions
I already told you that Americans control the world
Whether it was by economy, by bribery or by bombs
The method changes over time. The essential is not important
The only thing important is the universal domination
The domination strategy got implemented through three stages
Each time, there is a new era, follows the pervious era
You have to understand the strategy of domination
How they make enemy to make excuses for the interventions
They have to make enemies to interevent
To make excuses for coups and change governments
I will start the first stage. Understand it well
Understand the planning strategy with Americans
The first enemy was called communism
The biggest danger that threatened the benefits of the Americans
Through media, monopoly, and public opinion
The communists released security forces of arresting people
And the population fell in the ambush
We all saw what happened in the cold war
The missile crisis in Cuba in 62
And we saw the coups that happened in the Latin America
We saw Guatemala in 1954
And the coup against Árbenz that intelligence made
And the coup against Jaime Roldós in Ecuador
He was murdered by a plane accident
I think now the vision started to be clear for you
And also in 1981 in Panama
Same plan there got repeated, a coup happened
Omar Torrijos died in the same method
The president died in a plane accident
Now, you understood well the plan and the process
They make enemy to excuse the internal politics
They burn the world in the name of protecting countries
It’s not important if other nations get buried
The first stage has been ended. Now, it’s the stage number 2
Here, the whole world got destroyed by a very dangerous plan
The era of the first enemy has ended, which is called the communism
The era of the second enemy had started, which is called the terrorism
The Soviet Union got knocked down. Alright, close the door
Open the second door. The door of the war against terrorism
They made enemy to excuse the military interventions
To have the monopoly of the whole planet
Brzezinski, the United States national security advisor
In 79, they sent him to a tactical plan
To weaken the strength and the armies of the communists
He started to support the Islamist Jihadist movements
The plans started to get implanted in Pakistan
Making the Jihad and the leaders of Taliban
An American strategy to help the protection of the religion
Training agents and arming the Mujahideen
A thoughtful plan in the time of Jimmy Carter
Making Ben Laden, the greatest Mujahid
By coordinating with the CIA, the attacks used to get done
And double agents coordinated the calls
And then they bombed the twin towers by planes
An attack that was done by coordinating with the intelligence
They made excuses for attacks
To make excuse to declare war against Afghanistan and Iraq
By the name of the war against the terrorism, we have seen how many people got killed
We have seen the torturing in Abu Ghraib and the jets bombing Baghdad
The marines killed even babies and elders
We saw Fallujah, how the fire started inside it
And for sure, this plan had to have infiltrator media
Media that implement the agenda and plans of Israel
At this time, the media needed to make the suspicions away
Made the charges to be away from the intelligence
Therefore, this media had to be from Arabs
A strong channel that can be loved quickly
It brought great and trust worthy figures
It needed not to be appeared as Israeli made
They made programs that told us about the next death
They made us all to believe the lie that was called “Ben Laden”
He kept promising America to start a war and kept threatening
He had a relationship with Al Jazeera, used to send to them the cassettes
In fact, the equation is a bit dangerous
Americans could not find them (cassettes), how Al Jazeera did?
But don’t get confused. I already explained to you what happened behind the scenes
I would take you back to Al Jazeera, when it started
In 95, unhuman attitude happened
A coup against Sheikh Khalifa ‘Al Thani
And the one who made the coup is the current leader of Qatar
He knocked his father down and was supported behind the scenes
And the first order from him after he knocked down his father
Was to allow Americans in Qatar to build military base
And the second order was at the same time
Was finding Al Jazeera channel for 170 million Riyal
The objective was to promote the American politics
Don’t get confused. Al Jazeera was made by Israel
I will give you the proof that the things that Al Jazeera did not mention
Normalization with enemies and improving relationships with them
Visiting the leader of Qatar to Tal Aviv
They did not mention it in Al Jazeera. We saw it only through leaks
And I will give you another news to remind you if you forgot
Visiting Livni the main office of the channel in 2008
Another news in Al Jazeera that was not mentioned
Visiting Shimon Peres Doha in Qatar
And the most disgusting and the proof that supports my speech
The visit of Flemming Rose to Doha Center for Media Freedom
All people know Flemming Rose what he used to say
In Denmark, he used to insult the messenger (Muhammad peace be upon him)
Is it possible they bring him to a media seminar?
While he used make jokes of the religion and fight Islam
Why do they talk about problems? Why don’t they give solutions?
Why didn’t they talk about the problems that happen in Qatar?
About gas deals with the Zionist entity
They talk only about us and bring our problems to here
I want you to understand the plan and focus on the analytics
A channel wants to fuel the conflicts
Remember well the media coverage
Between Egypt and sons of Algerian communities
It encourages the division and the temptation
Encourages the hate and the programs that made our nation divided
It does not get tired of planting the temptation and does not take a break
We saw what Al Jazeera did between Hamas And Fatah
A channel that helps to plant the temptations
We saw how they covered the civil war in Yemen
And also in Iraq, they found subterfuge quickly
They fueled the temptation between Sunnah and Shia
I will take you deeper and give you more information about it
From Marines, they brought a captain in the army to work in it
Here you understood the politics and manipulating the news
The strategic path goes to intelligence favor
Briefly, I will take you back to the stage number 2
I told you it was a new strategy and a dangerous plan
We saw Al Jazeera role in manipulating the news
The speeches of Ben Laden and making the leaders
The war against terrorism has ended with whom won from it
Whom took the petrol and whom lost from it
This stage had ended, the stage of misinformation
They told us Ben Laden died. Congratulations!
And now turned all the eyes and the cameras
To the new strategy and the stage number 3
The war against terrorism ended. The situations had changed
They implemented a new strategy, the strategy of revolution
The first enemy was called communism
The second enemy was the terrorist groups
Now, they had to have enemy to complete the play
A new enemy called the dictatorship
A new war that would obligate the democracy
A mask that hides the American politics
And for sure, here is the media would play its role
By sending the journalists and by cameras they film
And they change the point of the public opinion
And you know well the role of media
We saw Al Jazeera for delivering the developments
The programs that used to encourage the revolutions
A future plan in a long term
And today, the democracy is the new weapon
Muslims don’t call for Islam anymore
They call for democracy to take them forward
And today when I see people hypnotized
The minds are still frozen in January 14
People still say we made a spontaneous revolution
They are happy with freedom call for democracy
You educated, sorry I’m bothering you
Sorry, the democracy is the biggest lie
If you start to talk and insult me, it’s okay. It’s not important
Follow me, hopefully, you won’t regret
You studied the democracy in school in papers
And we studied it in the streets when police hit people by batons
In Iraq, and Sudan, we studied it in prisons
And you studied it in night clubs in Calypso and Guitoune
Politics play on vocabularies, make the mind in prison
Make Islam gets fought by Muslims
An intellectual war and a doctrinal war
And the one who move and control in the strings are the Zionist hands
If you understand this all, I will finish the song
I will explain exactly why revolutions started
First of all, you have to understand the monetary system
The multinational and the politics of cartel
The world is not led by governments
It is led by economy and the profits of the companies
Walmart, Exxon, Ford, General Motors
Coca-Cola, Adidas, Nike, Pepsi w Mc Donald's
And today you know that the American economy
Got affected too much by economical crisis
The dollar fell, they suffer from economical crisis
In addition, the competition of Chinese companies
In favor of Americans, China and Japan got flourished
And mostly, the power of economy is with China
Directly, I will give you the conclusion of this explanation
The Maghrib region and the Middle east has to be staggered
A structured program, led by Ewen Cameron
An army program, financed by The Pentagon