I mean we could always start with the music, but I actually wanna start with you being Haitian
Like, growing up and not being Haitian I've heard
I’ve heard
"Oh, they do vodou" or "they're dirty"
How do you take something like that and then kinda wear it as a badge of honor the way that you do throughout your music, man?
I owe a lot of that or I drew from the weld
You know what I mean?
That was my grandfather
It was a source for a lot of mental clarity for me
Like you know, that's one of the voices that I still hear in my head when I’m tryna make difficult decisions
You know, all of us have those voices
You know what I'm saying?
You know, cautionary tales
Whenever I'm really really off
I just listen to my grandpa tell me a story
He always instilled a great deal of cultural pride in us
Our family
I wouldn't necessarily say I experienced that interacting with all Haitian people
But definitely my grandfather, he made that a point
He had to know your origins in order to even begin to learn the terrain
Because definitely at the end of the day, you know, this a diaspora
I don't care if you Haiti, Jamaica, United States
We all displaced
He made us understand that
We were brought up to have so much pride in our culture
To the degree of like
Haiti, okay Haiti is an island nation
You know, former French colony
A lot of the colonizer's sh*t is still there
Even in trace amounts, you know what I mean?
But it's there
And one of the primary vehicles of mental domination is language
My grandfather, he a funny n*gga
Like you know, Haiti is like-
You know, the primary language is French
That's the national language
Everything is written in French
All wealthy people speak French
And you know, you can’t go to school
Everything is administered through the colonizer’s language
My grandfather did not allow us to speak French in his house
Said that was for, "Putting on heirs"
It's too pretentious to hear that in his house
He don’t wanna hear that
So, I carried that with me a long way
That sense of... self-reliance
Like yo, all the people on the ground level speak Kreyol
Noone, that you really need to do anything constructive, is speaking French
I don't know if you saw that time when I did that post on Haitian Flag Day
About "[?]"
What he tried to do, he tried to bring education to the poor people
You know Haiti is an island nation that has a very high illiteracy rate
Like O.D. - 90's
Upper 90 percentile sh*t
Which means what?
Everything that's set in place to allow you some sort of respite or something, like relief, is in French
But you know, if you can’t read in French where does that lead you?
All of those things I understood at a very early age because my grandfather, he didn't really hesitate with me
He just cut to the point
That's why I hear someone say "HBO" to me and I laugh
And you know, people attribute that to me being self-centered or arrogant or full of myself
I'd rather be full of myself than full of sh*t
At the end of the day they say "HBO" to me and I'm like
"You wish motherf*cker"
That was my attitude
I mean, I didn't always have an answer right away
I would ignore it at first
I ignored it with such disdain that it escalated
My assailants, the n*ggas that was hurling the insults at me
They were hurt by the fact that-
It didn't bother you
Nah, it just slid off
Because it's like, you're not talking to me
I know where I'm from and I know who I am
And so you know, it got physical real quick
I make people feel that way sometimes
I don't acknowledge ignorance yo
And there's this-
I don't know what they call that sh*t
A euphemism or something in Kreyol
"Every Haitian person is a f*cking philosopher king"
n*gga finna give you all these puzzles and sh*t
Know what I mean?
They always tell you- the OP always tell you, it's to the effect of
"It costs money to smell good"
It say "sentir bon, coût de cent"
And I guess the science behind that is like
Yo bro, if you smell good - you obviously not working, right?
So how you smelling good without a job?
You must be the sh*t
So basically the whole sh*t is like, making sh*t look easy
Everything, whatever it is - it's nothing
That's the whole wave I got from grandpa
When n*ggas started dissing me like
"Haitian Body Odor"
"Yo you got HBO?"
"African Booty Scratcher" or whatever the f*ck
Go read a book muh'f*cker
f*ck outta here
So while people were hurling these insults at you
What did you know about your people that they didn't know?
What was prideful about being Haitian?
First of all as far as I'm concerned, the story is phenomenal, right?
And to me, all black people - well, so-called black people
The entire diaspora needs to draw from that experience
Because it's a signal, it's a beacon FOR YOU
It's not just for me
You must understand that this place started off as a fugitive slave colony
They sent all the worst n*ggas there
Know what I mean?
Who couldn't be controlled, right?
Who basically were non-programmable
And so basically, damaged goods
They would send them to Haiti from everywhere
Jamaica, Saint Kitts - Anywhere, anywhere in the Caribbean
Because the French had a very brutal style of slavery
So, how they administered their techniques so it's like
Whenever you gave trouble, you know
Actually it's like a common threat or caveat of slave masters throughout the Caribbean that
"You keep it up and we gon' send you to Haiti"
So, these stupid motherf*ckers-
But see that's the arrogance of the oppressor - of the colonizer
You think you finna put all the bad- all the "pop-off n*ggas" in one place?
Like, you really that arrogant?
And so that's what they did and they paid for it, dearly
After a while too many like-minded individuals started to feel some kind of way
I guess they didn't like the working conditions
They were less than desirable
So, n*ggas said that's enough of that
A slave who had just recently been relocated from Jamaica - he took it upon himself-
And you know what's funny? A lot of people don't know this
Like I told you
People had to keep their history alive, you know, verbally
Know what I'm saying?
Because nobody was speaking French or writing in French
You know, the modern day scholar or researcher-
He always gonna come with his scientific process
And you know, his way for deriving truths from hearsay, right?
Or you know, he say - she say
Whatever the case may be, but there's some corners of the globe where the truest story is the spoken story
Because nine times out of ten the person who's telling the story by mouth - they have no-
Know what I'm saying?
Like, what's their incentive for switching around the facts?
It is their honor and duty, traditionally, to keep it as close as possible to the truth
Or as it happened
As it happened versus you know-
I mean, of course people embellish-
Okay, there was like 30 bodies - they'll say it was 30,000
But n*ggas died
Know what I'm saying?
Whereas the oppressor or the scholar..
It's a whole 'nother story once he gets his hands on the information because he has a process by which he deceives
It's fine-tuned
It's so innocuous because they do it with no second thought that you won't even know you being lied to
For me
I prefer the story from my elders who got from their elders who got from their elders who actually went through the sh*t
Versus some third-hand rag from some f*cking- you know
I don't know where these people get their credentials from
Know what I'm saying?
At the end of the day, some cracker jack philosopher sh*t
Getting back to the subject
I know I be talking all tense and sh*t
Nah, it's all good
Getting back to what I was saying
Once this Jamaican came, his name is Boukman or whatever they called him and- this is funny - it's a lesser known fact
I don't know, a lot of people try to discount this or try to debate me
But I got this from the elders
Noone understands why they called this n*gga "Boukman"
Because that's not even- what the f*ck is that?
What it was, that was a pet name that he had acquired in Jamaica
Really, you know, 'cause Jamaica is English speaking
It's really Bookman
But you know, we didn't speak English in Haiti
So once he got to "Ayiti"
And it's really "Ayiti", it's not Haiti
That's some more trickery
That's a phonetic feather
Like Haiti, Hades is hell - it's a curse
Know what I mean?
I ain't even 'bout to get into all of that
It's Ayiti 'cause that's what the people, they found there, called it
So that's what it is
When Boukman finally got to Ayiti - You know, Bookman
They just called him "Boukman"
That's the disconnect right there, the language
For a long time people just running around believing whatever-
He's a "vodou priest" and all that
People don't understand he was a high ranking cleric, a Sufi cleric
Which is mystic Islam from the continent
The origins of what people-
Alright yeah, that's debatable, but this is what I know
And the reason why they called him 'Bookman' was because in order for you to gain that rank
You know, within that religious system
You had to memorize the Quran front to back
And be able to recite it
And he would do that on the plantation in Jamaica
Which is one of the reasons why they sent him to Haiti
But you know, whatever
"Vodou Priest!" - like a f*cking scholar
Like you know, an Islamic scholar
And you know, royalty
You how every family, especially those royal families
Especially when culture is uninterrupted, right?
n*ggas in a diaspora
We in some suspended animation sh*t right now, still
We don't even know where the f*ck to pick up from
Know what I'm saying?
The far east, that's why they sh*t is so beautiful whenever you see a Kung-Fu flick or something
Uninterrupted Progress
Ain't never been interrupted by no f*cking third-party interloper sh*t
See what I'm saying?
At the end of the day, Bookman came with his uninterrupted knowledge and kinda was shaking sh*t up on the whole island
So they sent him away and sh*t
And he brought that esoteric knowledge of all the ancestral rights
'Cause that's what Sufi is
They don't separate the tribal knowledge or data from the religious-
'Cause religion has to have a structure
So, they don't separate the intangible from the tangible
They just put it together
You know what I'm saying?
He came with that knowledge - that holistic sense of being, right?
Where you can't separate one from the other
Where this ends, this begins - it don't never stop
He knew that and so he come to Haiti with this philosophy
This kind of energy, right? - it's noble
But what people don't know is, before he came to Haiti
He started the successful revolt, but there was one 10 - 20 years before that one
That was forwarded before it even took place
Because what happened is, the night before
The main organizer was a "Maroon" or "Nèg Mawon" and basically these are the slaves that escaped into the wilderness away from the plantations
And there was a very famous one named Mackandal
But what happened to him was, the night before
He got drunk - fell asleep in a cabin with a woman
She sold him out
People were pretty much done with that whole slave revolt sh*t
'Cause they was like
"Yo, look what happened to the hero"
"I ain't finna do sh*t"
It was kinda dead on the island - within that geography right there
It had to be some sort of agitation from outside to reawaken that sense of urgency - like "what the f*ck, this sh*t need to stop"
So once they sent dude from Jamaica he just sparked the sh*t right back up and he wasn't having it
And that lasted like 13 years - 13 Years War which is insane
13 Years War with a ragtag assembly of fugitive slaves
Not to mention
Whoever was there that was fresh, but also the people that had been there for generations who were totally broken
Which would always get in your f*cking way
Understand what I'm saying?
There was a lot of internal beef even during the revolution
Like, 13 years - you think n*ggas ain't finna try to sell n*ggas out?
How did it happen?
It has nothing short of a miracle
ALL so-called black peoples need to draw from this
It's not mine alone - it's everyone's, it's an example
Like "f*ck this sh*t" - you feel me?
You talking 'bout a loose collection of slaves who defeated the superpowers of the known world at the time
The Spanish Armada - because you know it was a big thing
Regardless of how much beef they had
Spain, France, England
It was in their best interests to align themselves against these unruly n*ggas
What did Napoleon call us?
He made it a point, there's a quote - he called us "Gilded n*ggers"
Like "Yo, yeah there's something special about them, but you know they're still n*ggers"
In order for him to make that kind of joke regardless of whether he was trying to be comical or not
It speaks volumes of how he feels deep down inside
He was afraid
The first real challenge to White Supremacy
Before it even fully got its wings
The sh*t ain't even fully had its legs yet
They was still working on it
It hadn't even created races yet
That sh*t is new - white, black
That sh*t new - that sh*t new as f*ck
It's peoples that's alive right now still, that you know
They remember a time before there was races
Caucasian, that sh*t's brand new son
So, they was working on they sh*t
You know, the interrupted day sh*t, for once
You talking 'bout the Spanish Armada, the British Crown, and the f*cking emperor - Napoleon, this n*gga was tryna rule the world
We smashed them n*ggas, real talk, they had to give up
You know what type of blemish that is on the f*cking record of white supremacy n*gga?
"Yo n*gga, I don't give a f*ck what you call me
You know where I'm from?"
You know what I'm saying?
"Now, I'mma fight all you n*ggas"
That's what I was on 'cause my grandpa put a battery in my back
You know, I can't drop it
And real talk after 13 Years n*ggas said
"You know what? This sh*t is crazy, we losing
We're hemorrhaging money"
We almost broke them n*ggas' pockets son
'Cause like, we wasn't making no money so we don't give a f*ck
"f*ck it, we ain't get no money - nobody get no money"
That how it was for a while
Damn, there was some people that came because
They lost so many men they had to hire mercenaries from Poland to come in
I don't know what it was
A lot of those people, I think they sent like 20,000 or something
A majority of them-
Whatever, right?
'Cause I'mma keep it real with you
I like to cross-reference the oppressor's sh*t too
The colonizer- you know, what's on his mind?
'Cause you know, we all apart of this sh*t
Noone is innocent, know what I'm saying?
You being enslaved, you just as responsible as the f*cking enslaver
n*gga like me, you gotta kill me
If you allow it- you know you allowing
You know this universe functions on consent
At the end of the day, when they sent the Polish Legion n*ggas
The legionnaires - whatever you call them, the mercenaries, right?
They pledge no true allegiance to any flag
It's like The Odyssey or whatever - with the argonauts or some sh*t
You know, mercenary sh*t
They sent them n*ggas there
It was like yo, they were so inspired by what they witnessed and experienced that a good majority of them n*ggas-
They didn't necessarily join us, but they definitely gave up their arms - a good deal of 'em
And stayed and settled - stayed there and had families and sh*t
But noone talks about that
There's this place, right?
In the mountains, right?
Just to give you a good idea, in the North
'Cause after a while they had to start to come in from the furthest point from the actual hotbed of the conflict
'Cause you know, sh*t was real for them
So they start coming in further and further North
So there's this place called "Fond-des-Blancs" and basically
It translates into literally, "Fond of Whites"
And you go there and there's people with green eyes
Very pale skin
Know what I'm saying?
But these people are Haitian like, they've been there for hundreds of years
And you know, it's just amazing how sh*t starts off and where it ends ups further along down the road
You can never really project that what began as a conflict can turn into that type of communion
A community or whatever you wanna call it
And so anyway, after all that sh*t happened they were losing too much money
It had nothing to do with
"Oh, you know what? Nah, we respect these people"
Know what I'm saying?
"Cause you are deserving of self-respect and privacy"
Whatever, whatever an English man deserves
Or whatever a French man deserves - whatever the f*ck
I don't give a f*ck
So, it wasn't that it was just like
"Damn, we losing too much money and that's not what we came for"
"The only reason why we created this system was to make money"
I think a lot of people forget that sh*t
All these issues are economic - at the ROOT
Nobody intelligent believes that you're f*cking smarter than me because of your skin tone
You f*cking stupid?
They bout to make up some new sh*t - phrenology?
You finna measure the crown of my head and that's gon' tell you I'm smart?
Because you notice Europeans got bigger heads
You created science around that!
It's like, they shoot and then they aim
They shoot and they draw a target around the shot
And that's the bullseye
Wherever they sh*t hit at - it's the bullseye
Because you can do that
When you control the narrative you can do whatever the f*ck you want
n*ggas like us, where we from, we gotta aim then shoot
You feel me?
'Cause we don't have the power to create the bullseye and the target
We can't just do whatever the f*ck we want
And so yeah man, they took it pretty rough
They didn't take it too well
You know, Napoleon invited Toussaint over for some coffee
He never came back
And I guess we settled on an amicable truce in which we would pay them a million francs or whatever over however long it took
And that's the only reason why people try to sh*t on Christophe and all the leaders that came directly after the revolution for being too hard
But they don't understand why n*ggas had to do that
Why n*ggas had to make compulsory labor apart of the lifestyle
It wasn't a continuation of slavery
It was like yo we need to pay these motherf*ckers so they could get off our back
All we did was our fighting - but now it's still war, but it's cold
And you know, United States just watched and sh*t
Even after hundreds of years, they still just-
"Hmm? Oh, EMBARGO"
For what?
Like, what are we doing?
What are we doing other than sitting on a rich cultural history, but no real political infrastructure
Know what I'm saying?
There's still no f*cking sewage system
The f*ck?
It's f*cking 2016
You know how close Haiti is to the f*cking United States?
There's not supposed to be a third-world country that close to the U.S.
You know what I'm saying?
Like yo son, y'all n*ggas wouldn't even had this country-
Motherf*ckers would be speaking French if it wasn't for us
Like, one of the most pivotal battles of the American Revolution was in Savannah
You know, they had to send reinforcements from Haiti
Yeah, like n*ggas - in Savannah, Georgia
'Cause guess what?
There's one thing I know about Babylon there's one thing I know about the oppressor yo
He not finna make a statue of n*ggas and put it in Savannah, Georgia for no reason
There is a commemorative site there in Savannah with the soldiers from Haiti depicting the bonds
And so, I know that about myself bruh
"What the f*ck you been telling me about this lifestyle n*gga?"
Know what I'm saying?
Alright let me ask you this
Having been born here in the U.S. and then going over to Haiti
Was there ever any challenges or conflict?
Like, did people look at you like you didn't belong because you were American?
I didn't belong anywhere
When I'm there, they call me "te blond"
Which is like basically, you speak English
They call you, "white"
Out in Haiti they calling me "white"
I get to America, I'm an "African Booty Scratcher"
So, n*ggas calling me "Haitian"
Haitians calling me "white"
White people call me "n*gger"
So, I definitely had to rely on myself for everything
'Cause wasn't nobody tryna accept me for who I was, really
I wasn't about to make up a new face for you to like
'Cause I wasn't raised like that
That's what I like about the hood though
Like I told you, sh*t went from teasing - whatever
sh*t escalate to violence quick
You know - kids
Whatever level of violence kids do
But that's where sh*t start to change
'Cause n*ggas is like
"This n*gga really crazy"
The hood like that sh*t yo
And then like you know, n*gga's f*cked with me
Motherf*ckers wanna know now
It goes from
"Yo, what the f*ck is that nasty sh*t you eating?"
"Yo slime, that's that black rice?"
I did that
I may not be an ambassador in nice places
I go where n*ggas need to know
And it's usually in the worst places
Motherf*ckers don't need to know sh*t in the castle, in the palace, in the mansions
They good, they got tutors - they got everything at their fingertips
They could rewrite history - revisionists, everything
But in the hood that's where n*ggas is f*cked up
They need to see you
They need to know things
To me, it's a crime for you to be so-called black in America
And you don't know what the f*ck is a Haiti, son
Other than, you know
"I come looking for you with Haitians"
Like - "Nah"
Nah, no way - you not gonna reduce my sh*t to that
You not gon' reduce my culture to that
That's your misinterpretation of something that's way greater than what you think it is
I'm not dealing with it
I have strong feelings toward that sh*t
Because like yo, that's a more recent development
We've been scholars, scientists, lawyers, doctors, philosophers, painters, sculptors for way longer than whatever the f*ck n*ggas talking about these days
Know what I'm saying?
That's the type of sh*t that make my grandfather roll in his grave and sh*t
Just the way I turned out
But you know, we could start talking about PTSD and sh*t
But we ain't gonna do that
'Cause I'm from Newark - f*ck all that sh*t
That sh*t is some other sh*t
Like, all that sh*t they talk about in New Jersey Drive
Come on bruh..
On a scale of 1-10 that sh*t -9
I witnessed the sh*t that they was tryna depict
It was nowhere near that clean
I've seen a lot of sh*t-
Oh, you know what?
What else too - I'mma say this too
I never really experienced poverty until I came to America for real to really stay and live
Which is opposite of what people think
Like real discomfort, social awkwardness - none of that sh*t in Haiti
It's all black people - everything is f*cking black
We don't give a f*ck about that other sh*t
It doesn't come into your mind
Well, I come from a position of privilege 'cause my family was culturally rich
Let me say that though - I gotta say that
There were people across the street that knew nothing of the f*cking revolution
Because obviously illiteracy and sh*t like that
And just abject poverty had a tendency to make people numb
Nobody gives a f*ck about anything
It's hard for you to draw pride from a concept when you're f*cking starving and you tryna touch something - maybe a piece of bread
And you can't
Because there's no economy where you live - there's no industry
It's like they just play with us on purpose
Because of what we symbolized
Because that blemish can never be wiped from the record
Literally, it's the only real sh*t that happened
We talking 'bout contemporary history
I ain't talking 'bout some sh*t in the Bible that you can't even authenticate - like some fairy tale type sh*t
"Let my people go"
"f*ck you up until you let me go and keep f*cking you up some more until you forget about me"
And that was the way
The motto was, "koupe tet, boule kay"
Know what I'm saying?
"Cut the head, burn the house"
That was the motto throughout the whole 13 Years
That was the mantra
"Koupe tet, boule kay
Cut the head, burn the house
We don't wanna see you
Don't come back"
Know what I'm saying?
"Leave us the f*ck alone because we can't even go back to where we come from, sh*t different now
So we finna take this
This sh*t that you brought us to, this mine now - go"
Listening to you speak
For some people it would be hard to put everything that you just said into music form
But when I think about F.Y.I.
Like, that's something that you've actually accomplished
I mean, maybe you didn't go into as much detail about the history of Haiti-
Because it's virtually impossible to do that
I have an opportunity, two-three minutes max, to f*cking connect with someone, right?
I'm not gonna alienate you by f*cking bombarding you with boring ass facts and sh*t
I'm gonna allude to something greater
Follow the finger 'cause you gon' miss all the heavenly glory
Like what Bruce Lee say
The moon - I'm pointing at the moon n*gga
I'm not about to try to describe the moon to you
I'mma just tell you "yo, look"
That's where n*ggas fall short
That's why when n*ggas try to get too conscious the sh*t sound wack
The vibe suffers from too much intention
You have to let the sh*t flow
It's art - it's a vibe
You kill it, you bog it, you weigh it down with all that sh*t
You drown it out with all that thoughtfulness
Get yourself right inside and then speak
But a lot of n*ggas - I watch 'em too
I've had the displeasure of being around a lot of rappers and sh*t
I see how they work
It's different - it's not the same thing
They don't work like painters
But I think you did a good job of like-
Know what I mean?
You talk about the financial crisis
You talk about Malcolm X
You talk about H. Rap Brown
You talk about Haiti
You talk about poverty
You put all of these things-
And then you also talk about being able to get fly
You know what I mean?
So I think you do a good job of wrapping all that sh*t up in one place
Where does that come from?
Again, just the way I was raised
Nothing is really separate from anything else
Not for real
Okay prime example, right?
Because of how severe the punishment was for engaging in your own culture or sh*t from the continent
In the colonies, motherf*ckers had to codify everything they did that was cultural and find some sort of corresponding European ideal to mask the sh*t
So, you'll go into a vodou temple and see a bunch of white-
You know, Euro-centric sh*t
And you know, you'll might be in a bit of disarray mentally especially if you don't know the system
You'll be like
"I thought I was coming to Haiti n*gga
I thought this was where they-
You know what I'm saying?"
"Nah bruh, this sh*t ain't culture"
Like nah, you don't understand all of those faces represent ancestors, but it's a code
I think what happened over time people forgot that the sh*t is codified because of lack of communication, stress
Know what I'm saying?
Third-party interference
Four-fifth-sixth-seventh-eighth-nine-party interference
'Cause you know the sh*t real for us
Everybody come in to f*ck our sh*t up
I think people forgot to remind their children
"Remember we're just pretending"
Some people start to take this sh*t for real
You got some real staunch republican-type catholics in Haiti that's never gonna give that sh*t up
And that is the motherf*cking handmaiden of white supremacy
Christianity n*gga, most organized religion
'Cause what it tells you is
"It's okay to be tread upon and it's alright, just so long as Jesus loves you"
I don't know..
I was raised Catholic too, I always had beef
I used to get f*cked up all the time
Yeah, Catholic School - beat your ass
Know what I'm saying?
When I met you for the first time last year
There was no signs, or at least to my knowledge, of you being a rapper
You came with your camera
Yeah, yeah
But then over a period of time, obviously, you rapped
Then we come to find out that you write, that you paint
What came first, of all of the arts, for you?
The first thing I ever did was draw some sh*t
As far as I can recall, I may be wrong
My mom say I was singing first - it's all the same
Prime example, right?
This is some of the sh*t I be talking about
sh*t get funny when you coming from where I'm coming from
For instance, this morning when I got to Jersey
It's like 4 in the morning when I got to Jers'
I'm chilling with my man on the sofa
Some sh*t come on - Neil deGrasse, whatever
And they talking about the universe, gender and sh*t
They get to one part and this b*tch start describing synesthesia and all the different types
And I'm like, "Damn, that's f*cked up because
I've been tryna explain that sh*t to people for mad long"
That's what I got
But nobody cares 'cause it's like
"The f*ck this n*gga talking about?"
'Cause I be in the studio tryna convey a really strong-
Some strong sh*t, some real intuition
Not no "I sat here and thought this up"
Like some sh*t from deep inside me
And I'm telling the n*gga 'pause'
I'm telling the n*gga 'Yo!'
"This sh*t too flat, make it rounder"
And the n*gga looking at me like I'm retarded
I know what I'm talking about, but I can't explain it to you
OR I might be in the spot and be like
"Whoo, this sh*t blue - stop playing, make it red"
n*gga like
"Word, word, word."
I'm really tryna communicate though bruh
The sh*t pointless
So what happened to me is, after a while I just was like
"You know what?
If I'm ever gonna get any of this sh*t that's inside of me out
I gotta be the soul controller of the lynch
I can't even f*ck with these n*ggas - they get in the way"
So that's when I made myself learn how to do-
Even down to the video sh*t
It's just out of necessity - that's the mother of invention
It's like
"Yo word, n*ggas don't like me?
Oh, I can't shop here?
Okay, Black Wall Street toss over 'em"
Well you know, they gon' bomb the sh*t out of a n*gga eventually
But f*ck it, we gon' go for it anyway
Just real quick
I don't think people understand not too long ago in Philadelphia the local government leveled one-two square residential blocks
Because n*ggas was tryna be culturally aware
That's the type of reward you get for wanting to be someone in this sh*t
People always ask me
"You not afraid of being ostracized?"
Or whatever the f*ck, marginalized
I'm like
"More than I am already?"
What the f*ck you mean by that?
Afraid of what?
Whatchu afraid of?
Oh, I know what you did
You done normalized this f*ck sh*t
You don't reconcile the fact that you're a coward with the fact that you're a b*tch
'Cause eventually you gotta turn on yourself like
"All of this is happening to me because I allow it"
You know, you can use economy as a scale - it don't matter
It could be some one on one sh*t
Know what I mean?
Where it's nobody but me and you and I do something to you and you let me get away with it
That sh*t prolly gon' haunt you later
So, imagine that sh*t on the level that it's on now in reality when the entire diaspora is like that
Not to mention - the continent is like that too
It's even worse on the continent
Like, the exploitation
I'm not about to be on some Chuck D sh*t like
"I will never say 'n*gga"
Nah - that's some old man sh*t
And also too, in the same respect
I'm not about to marginalize the young rappers
You know how n*ggas try to sh*t on the young rappers?
How you think them n*ggas got like that, pus*y?
That's your fault n*gga
They was kids when you was doing your thing
Where would they get this idea to do what they're doing?
It's a direct result of whatever you did or didn't so
I'm not finna do that to the little homies
That sh*t stupid to me, yo
When n*ggas try to go in on the little n*ggas
Like, whatever 'cause they wear different clothes
That sh*t weak, son
That's the youth n*gga!
You doing the same sh*t
It's some vicious cycle sh*t - retarded, n*gga
n*ggas don't wanna f*ck with the youth?
So what you finna do?
Dawg, them n*ggas finna get killed just like you
You know, for being so-called black
How you got something to say about some little n*gga?
Like, bruh that's prolly ya little cousin or something
What's on your mind?
What's wrong with you?
I thought we was freer than our predecessors because of sh*t like Hip-Hop and you know, the monetization of HIP-HOP
Little bit of financial freedom
n*ggas start to learn more sh*t
It hasn't really contributed to the collective 'cause everybody on some individual rugged-sh*t - rugged-individual sh*t
Know what I'm saying?
Now it's like all the n*ggas that don't make it sh*t on the young n*ggas who made it
"Ol' colorful dreads - skinny jeans"
So, you gon' throw the baby away with the bath water?
That's what you doing
After all this sh*t we done witnessed
It's videotapes of this sh*t bruh
We don't gotta remember sh*t, all this sh*t was chronicle
Record, right?
Yeah, like how you fronting on little n*ggas?
I don't understand
Like, listen n*gga don't get sooped
I'm not finna rap with you
Know what I mean?
I love you though
Just because we don't have the similar tastes in music doesn't mean I'm bout to sh*t you
Like, no n*gga I'm not making no songs with you - no, probably not
But I love you nonetheless and I'ma play your sh*t 'cause I know what it do to the other side
They don't like it so I'ma pump it
Yo man, this sh*t is ridiculous yo
The way we treat each other
sh*t wack, bro
That's all I got to say about it
I'm probably gonna sh*t on a n*gga right after this just because I don't feel right
OR I'm agitated
But at least I have the presence of mind to know I'm sh*tting on a n*gga and I can do better
I think n*ggas need to start being more accountable
Yo, all older heads stop sh*tting on the little n*ggas
That sh*t does nothing, but breed contempt
Like, how are n*ggas supposed to get with you when you sh*tting on them?
Bruh trust me, if n*ggas thought you was a role model n*ggas would follow you
But all you pus*y n*ggas come and everytime you not a role model
But listen, they not even followers-
No, I'm saying it wouldn't be so different
The contrast wouldn't be so stock
How does 5-10 years separate n*ggas?
Why the sh*t so stratified, yo?
Why n*ggas is super hyper-feminine and n*ggas is ultra-masculine?
What the f*ck is the disconnect?
Somebody ain't do they job!
These little n*ggas ain't come up with the sh*t by theyself, bro
Know what I'm saying?
You let it happen
You let it happen and now you tight
I don't want no parts of that discussion
For instance, some n*ggas followed on the social media or whatever - they followed my account
My sister be wheeling and dealing the twitter sh*t
But they followed my account and sh*t
She was like 'yo, I'm bout to follow these dudes back'
I'm like
'What is this?'
ANTI-TRAP or some sh*t
I'm like
"Nah, block that sh*t"
I don't want no parts of that sh*t
Anti what, pus*y?
I'm from the trap n*gga
How I'm "anti" where the f*ck I'm from, n*gga?
It doesn't make any sense
Oh, because these n*ggas look different and dress a little different
It's your little cousin
Your little brother
That's your sister's son
What the f*ck wrong with you?
pus*y n*gga come on - wake up n*gga
You weak as hell in the mind
The division, it's unnecessary - the sh*t is illogical, yo
I don't give a f*ck
You suup?
You thugged out?
Ain't nobody scared
You don't want no sauce with me n*gga
I'm talking facts
I ain't worried about the ignorance
That could come - you could come in droves
You don't like this interview, come see me
I'm talking about what I experienced myself, bro
Why I'm so different than the n*ggas that came before me?
I was not embraced, n*gga
This sh*t is just gon' keep happening over and over and over again
Until somebody say
"Yo, I don't give a f*ck what's wrong with you
It's trauma, so I'm f*cking with everybody - it's trauma"
I'm not about to single n*ggas out 'cause the way they express their trauma is different than how I express my trauma
We all totally f*cked
Ain't nobody winning when you dissing n*ggas
"I hate these young rappers"
You sound like a b*tch, to me
I don't respect that
'Cause these the same n*ggas that you gon' wanna-
"I gave my little n*gga the ----"
The same n*ggas that you sh*t on
You no better than the f*cking oppressor
You worse actually
'Cause you make the sh*t like a self-cleaning mechanism
The sh*t on auto-pilot pus*y, and it's all your fault
So, you know
Deal with yourself - I deal with myself everyday
I know what I contribute to the bullsh*t
Do you own it?
I own my sh*t
I f*cked up a million times and I'm bout to f*ck up some more right now
It is what it is, man
I ain't even wanna go this direction, but like yo - whatever
I'm willing to talk about anything right now - it doesn't matter
Well let's talk about F.Y.I. though
Like again, it is a project with a lot of layers and depth
What was your intention in creating it?
I just felt like I was in a mood
It's alway a mood
It's a mood to precipitate whatever the f*ck coming out of my mouth
At the time I made F.Y.I. I had a really bad accident that immobilized me for like a year
I had to re-train myself in terms of how to walk correctly
sh*t like that
Basically I was bed-ridden for the first three months and after that I was just immobile for the most part
Crutches, whatever - pneumatic cast, Aircast and sh*t
I was in a funny place and sh*t
'Cause you know it was some real bad sh*t that happened and I'm allergic to opioids - so, no pain-killers
That's what F.Y.I. is - I guess
A combination of that and just where I was
You know how it is when you're f*cking disabled
You at the mercy of the elements and/or whoever you're with
That's vulnerable - that's some vulnerable sh*t
In my adulthood
I've never had that happen to where I been benched
Literally, I was benched for a year
That sh*t was that - that's what that sh*t will do to your brain
No painkillers - no nothing
I basically separated over 90% of my right ankle tendon
Two ribs, separated shoulder, some other sh*t
And like no pills - no nothing
I ate that sh*t everyday
That sh*t was not fun
Pain is transformative in the truest sense of the word
And I can't really tell you what happened to me forreal
Off of feeling that sh*t - it's nothing like that sh*t
That sh*t real yo, that sh*t serious
Anyway, long story short
That probably contributed to the tone of that
That's why that sh*t sound like whatever it sounds like to you
That's what F.Y.I. was - just a n*gga benched
You know how it is when you used to being outside
I'm an "Outside n*gga" - I jumped off the porch early
So, for me to be sitting down like that on some invalid sh*t
That sh*t was f*cking with my mind more than anything
'Cause then you start to wallow in self-pity and you get to a point to where you like
"Will I ever walk again?"
Goofy sh*t...
You know, you go through it
Yo, imagine you being the healthiest young man and then next thing you know your foot is hanging off your ankle like this bruh
"Just Dangling"
And you can't do nothing about it
And you like
"Damn, a n*gga finna be lame bruh"
"How's that gonna heal?"
Then you know, n*gga ain't got no insurance
I'm outside - I been outside
You know I ain't got insurance - I ain't got sh*t!
All I got is what's in my pocket and the contacts in my phone
n*gga try and play me?
Know what I mean?
That's the most humbling experience I ever had like
"Sit yo ass down"
I had to sit down
I really had to sit down
I was into sh*t - I had things going, different things I was working on
All that sh*t fell through because you know...
I couldn't do anything
It was bad - my attitude was totally f*cked up off of that
You can imagine
That's what F.Y.I. is - it's born of that experience
What's your infatuation with acronyms?
You got FYI, from the first project, and then now HBO
Or was it even not an intentional thing?
I'ma tell you what it is
Yo, what they call that sh*t?
In a sense, right?
Follow me though, follow me
They got some sh*t called pneumonic device, right?
It's just something you use to remind you of something else
That's just how I break it down
I don't be considering all the details, all the time, like that
So, n*ggas is coming from a position of extreme depression, confusion, a lot of really bad sh*t where I'm from
And so, I don't want n*ggas racking they brain all the time
Understand what I'm saying?
It's way easier for you to create a marker or a sign
OR some sort of device to stimulate a thought than to just make someone remember, repeat, and recite some sh*t
Everytime a n*gga say 'H.B.O.' he gotta have a thought process now
'Haitian Body Odor'
'Cause now he gotta break something down
Now, a n*gga starting to read
I'm encouraging thought n*gga!
I was just raised like that
Know what I'm saying?
So, even 'F.Y.I.'-
'Cause in the beginning, n*ggas racking they brain to what it is
And once I give 'em the key - they take off
'Cause they been sitting with that question for so long
For Your Information
For Your Information
For Your Information"
Then they start to do sh*t - start to go backwards
They start to put that together with little pieces they picked up from the songs that they've been listening to
You don't wanna make a big deal about it, right?
You wanna let a n*gga just do his thing and then tell him
"By the way, the sh*t you drank had kale in it
It was good for you
You ain't know, right?
Haa! gotchu!"
You know, you kinda gotta trick the kids or the homies - whoever
Sometimes I gotta trick myself
n*ggas be thinking like I read books
Pfft, barely
I got some of them sh*ts
But most of my observations come from empirical data
I'm outside, forreal
'Cause I feel like that's the only place you can get in contact with the sh*t
And then what I like to do is, I like to check out the little journals, whatever, scientific whatever the f*ck they talking about
Know what I mean?
I just weigh that against what I know
It's a secondary thing for me
Most people go the other way
They checking reality off the book
Aha, that sh*t so stupid
They judging reality off a book
They not judging the book off reality
It's no good
That's stupid
Real f*cking dumb
I wanna ask this before I forget
August Fanon?
That's my n*gga like, seriously!
What's the origin of that relationship?
You guys seem to have this-
Nah, he's sick
He a different type of animal
I met a lot of people - he 1 of 1
He from Jersey too?
Nah, that n*gga from everywhere
Forreal, seriously
Yo, August he's really unique
That n*gga special bruh, seriously
I don't meet a lot of special n*ggas
Did y'all connect off of music or was it just some everyday sh*t?
Nah, nah, nah
Let me tell you what's funny about that, right?
n*ggas be tryna sh*t on n*ggas
I don't be engaging
It's like yo, what happened is, around the same time I destroyed my life after the accident
I was in a place where I was so sick I couldn't even really sample right
You know a n*gga know how to do everything bruh
So, I'm making beats - I ain't feeling them
I'm recording on goofy sh*t n*ggas sending me, that ain't really poppin, some of that sh*t may be out here
I don't approve it and I don't endorse it
It's like 'mistakes'
We all make mistakes - I made mistakes
I made songs with n*ggas, goofy n*ggas, that I shouldn't have
But I'ma own my sh*t
Anyway, long story short
I was looking for someone to work with
And you know, someone told me
"Yo, I got some sh*t called Soundcloud son"
I'm like
"Oh word?"
Went on Soundcloud, set my sh*t up, and just start going crazy like a f*cking maniac
You know, there's no real way to look for anything on Soundcloud
Not forreal, it's not like you could be like
"Yo, give me all the n*ggas who make good beats"
Know what I'm saying?
Basically, a needle in a haystack bro
After a couple weeks I found him
I just liked the name, period - the sh*t says
I said
'n*gga, what? f*ck you mean?
How you got 'BlackKidsProductions' without me?
That sh*t ain't right"
So, I DM'd the n*gga literally like
"Yeah, I'm in"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh nah, I wanna work with you"
Then it's like yo...
We've been cultivating that relationship
As much as people like to say I'm 'closed-minded'
OR I'm not 'tech savvy' - whatever the f*ck
Guess what yo?
I accomplished that greatness through the technology
Through the same sh*t you say I don't know how to use
The sh*t you hearing comes from me engaging in that manor
So don't me nothing about internet
The sh*t you hearing is because I USED the internet - thank you
I didn't f*cking waste my time tweeting some bullsh*t
I got with the right n*gga and then we made history, son
My sh*t the third highest priced album in hip-hop history
You got the sh*t Shkreli just bought from Wu
You got Nipsey
Then you got Mach-Hommy n*gga
I don't care what you're used to
You want my sh*t, you gotta come to IG that's it
AND real talk, forreal, after our conversation we that had today at the KRAVAT mixer
I'm bout to pull that sh*t off - whatchu call it?
You can't get it unless you see me n*gga, now what?
Now, you gotta see me at a show or something
I'm cutting n*ggas off
Know what I'm saying?
I can't even really discuss it 'cause I have a copy
You know you gotta have a copy
But I won't listen to it until-
I don't know what the occasion is gonna be
Damn, you on it like that!
I like that
Yeah, I haven't cracked the plastic on it yet
Like, even when you sent me the package I was even hesitant to even open the box
Ahh sh*t!
But I got around to actually doing that
So now, it's just a matter of finding the right occasion to actually listen to the music
'Cause I read a review of it and it was dope
You know, it was in depth
Yeah, I haven't found the right circ*mstances under which I wanna listen to it
I can respect that
Yeah, I know what that's like 'cause I'm like that too
See, that's why I say August is special
August is always digging
Y'all n*ggas crate diggers
August Fanon is a f*cking gravedigger n*gga
Over for you..
I've heard sh*t that I haven't allowed y'all to hear yet
You're not ready
Like, sometimes his sh*t is so ill I can't f*ck with it, I just listen to it
Most of the time
Forreal, 85% of the sh*t he sends me, I can only listen to it
That's who we dealing with
That's my n*gga and it ain't no fake rap sh*t - we build
He deals with music way more than me
I deal with him more than music
He's a true- what they call that?
He's the real thing
It's borderline unhealthy
But then that's how you get that result that you get
That's that Beethoven madness
That's that sh*t - you buggin'
He could teach a lot of people a thing or two about this music sh*t
Let me ask you this
Being the self-contained unit that you are
Director, photographer, producer-
No, not because I want to
Out of necessity
I would love to work with everybody, but I can't
The follow up to that was
Why'd you link with Griselda?
This is what inspired me in the first place
I was minding my business like I'm always doing
Ask about me
And then what happened was, I came across this visual
It was really some luck of the draw sh*t
It just happened to be something that was just there as a part of the search
I don't know what the f*ck I was searching for
It was something called "Never Coming Homme"
And then I clicked that, and I seen it
I ain't even need to see the whole thing
Aight, yeah
I need to go doc*ment that sh*t 'cause that's it right there
And then I reached out to him or whatever-
So, at that time it wasn't even on some rap sh*t for you?
That's when you were more into your camera work
Yeah, 'cause I had really been just entrenched
I had been utterly imbued by the film sh*t
I'm talking about every aspect of "what is film?"
That's all I gave a f*ck about
That's how I am
I zoom in, that's it
Until I'm satisfied, I'm not done
You know what I mean?
I was on that
And so when I seen them n*ggas I was like
"Oh yes - willing participants"
So I'm finna go
OR rather I'ma check if what I think is true, is true
And then it was true
I reached out, son hit me right away
We spoke and then I just started f*cking with n*ggas like that
I'm like
"Yo bro, I don't even need nothing from you
I don't need no money - no nothing
Just let me know when y'all n*ggas doing your sh*t
This is some sh*t I'm doing for the culture"
So that's all it was forreal - it was on some 'found' sh*t
Especially once I met son and he start telling me the story and giving me some history
I'm like
"Yo, this is it
I'm f*cking with n*ggas
This is good for the culture"
And I'm definitely gonna be here
Whatever role I gotta play
You know?
I ain't no beta n*gga, I ain't no gamma motherf*cker
And I ain't no alpha, I'm God
And I ain't about to be made to feel secondary, tertiary - nothing
To nobody, I'm just here
A fly on the wall and that's it
I don't need to assert my authority or make my presence known
You remember
Yeah, I was just about to say
You were just like there and sh*t
As if I don't know how to speak English or some sh*t
Even at the Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival
Same vibe
I was just there
Yup, I'm just around
That's how it started
I think people who have heard 'Gold Pots'
Or 'Easter Gunday'
Or 'Don't Get Scared Now'
Or 'Beloved'
I think they might be disappointed that the relationship is no longer in existence between you and Griselda
But I think people are familiar with F.Y.I. think you're capable regardless of who you're aligned with
They don't care
They literally don't care
I had people come in my DM's and say we don't care
I haven't had any real negative reactions
Just a lot of
"Damn! Aight.."
"Damn forreal dawg?"
Are you back to doing it on your own though?
What's the agenda or team?
Aight look, it was never my agenda to be lumped up with a bunch of free-radical sh*t
There's a way I do what I do
I thought that this collective or business arrangement-
Was home
That's a strong word
Too strong?
No, I wouldn't say 'too strong'
I just wanna identify it - it's a strong word
I was to say like I thought it was advantageous 'cause it's business
I'm definitely ain't rapping for free
We know that by now, right?
Everybody knows that now
And so that's how I approached it
At the end of the day, this universe is 'economy'
If you go down the street..
The opportunity cost of going down the street is not being able to stay in the house and watch a show
You choose this one, that one has to go
That's just what it is bro
You make the best decision for yourself
And you know at the same time, people need to understand this, the way business is just like life
Things are constantly shifting
You have to adjust
It's just common sense
You have to adjust and keep your best interest at heart
That's all that is, it's just an evolution of a business relationship
I anticipated OR I projected OR I expected
Whatever, whatever word you wanna use
Oh! Okay now we have a conflict of interest and inability to agree
What's the next logical step?
You just move forward because that's the only thing you can do
Same way you go in court, you can't self-incriminate
You can't f*ck yourself over
Not choose something just because
We don't do things just because we said
We do what we do when it's done
That's it
People lie, people tell the truth
But what speaks volume is your action
You can think of
"When I get to the buffet I'ma eat this, this, this.."
And then you get there, you eat a egg roll - it's a wrap
Or you know how this goes
I'm not tryna be sexist either
You go to the spot with your girlfriend, she don't want nothing to eat
"C'mon man.."
You ask her like ten times
"You sure?"
"Nah, I just ate"
Get your food, she f*ck up 3/4 of it
If you lucky, you have enough money to order another thing for you
It's kinda like that
We have to adjust my n*gga
No one can predict all the nuances of the road
Especially if it's a road less travelled or somewhere you've never been in
You don't know, it's the little sh*t that can f*ck your life up
We talking 'bout engineering, mechanics, physics
You know, a little bump this big can have your car flipped and kill your whole family
Know what I'm saying?
You don't know what's coming
So, you gotta adjust with everything
That's what I did, I just adjusted
I'm definitely no stranger to adjustment
So, that's what I did again - I adjusted
"Oh word ABC no good?
XYZ then.."
Through that though, you developed this relationship with Fahim
Hell yeah
I had the pleasure of talking with you guys a couple months back about you executive producing T.G.I.F-
I'm proud of that project
I'm very impressed with the way Fahim performed on it
I said it before with some other dudes, but I meant it
And I'ma say it again
It's a combination of things he did so far, in one body
I wouldn't say you have to listen to some sh*t before, but if you hadn't heard it - you might be okay
This is a major turning point for son
He really about to come, he coming
People don't understand
He probably achieved 30% of his potential in public
In front of you motherf*ckers
I've seen the real sh*t
You don't want it
Nobody wants that, but it's coming
I'ma do whatever I can do
Whatever I have to do for you to make sure you get it
'Cause you deserve it, I mean he plans
Those that are out here claiming they doing this and that
You joking
Tha God Fahim is on the way
Like, he here but he coming some more
So, you know, I'm definitely looking forward to the reaction that we get from what's coming
Me & Fahim - we sitting on some sh*t, bro
People don't even understand - we sitting on it
sh*t better than Blackwater?
sh*t better than Beef Ramen?
That's the thing
I don't even know what's better forreal
I'd lie to you if I could tell you forreal
Like, if I could really quantify sh*t in terms of music
I don't know
I just know we're becoming more precise as a unit
It's scary
When I think about Jakk Kevorkian
When I think about Blackwater
When I think about Beef Ramen
I'm like, what's the next step?
I don't know, but the sound is evolving
You know, he's really like a kid
He's just starting to understand his own strength
I know he probably don't agree with what I'm saying, but what the f*ck do he agree with?
It's just the way I've come to see him
It's like
"Wow bro, you really 'bout to take off son
I hope you really like this rap sh*t
I hope you do 'cause it's yours"
I don't like it, f*ck that
Fahim know that
I alluded to this earlier, the thing that I appreciate about what you bring to the table is the ability to own a song like Breastmilk
Say something like
"Black boy you ain't no human being
You need to curve your ambition
Slide right up in that kitchen and do your thing
Make your momma proud, boy
Jump high, go to class, get a job, get your miles up"
But on the flip side, coming from the same person
You argue with Keira about her tryna play you for being from Jersey and you being like "You from Long Island, b*tch"
You know what's funny about me?
I always end up having to assert my self-awareness in the face of that kind of sh*t
I don't know what's wrong with motherf*ckers
I literally had b*tches tell me they can't f*ck with me because I'm Haitian and I go from that to having the same sh*t happen 'cause I'm from Jersey
Then within the framework of New Jersey, I had people tell me they can't f*ck with me 'cause I'm from Newark
I don't give a f*ck about what nobody talking 'bout then
Like, c'mon man
How does one gain your approval?
I don't even wanna know!
Maybe 10 light years ago I wanted to belong for half a millisecond and that was too long for me
'Cause it didn't sit right with me
All that was, was an instance where I was at the weakest I ever was, in that moment, thinking that I wanted to conform and sh*t
Alright well that's all I got for you man
I definitely got a lot more than I bargained for with the Haiti talk earlier
I don't even know where the f*ck that went
Yeah, you sparked some sh*t dawg!
You sparked some sh*t Tyron
Yeah, I probably don't got to do a re-in for another couple months
I could just listen to this sh*t back again
But yeah, thanks again for your time
Oh man, it's always a pleasure
An honor and a pleasure
Like I told you before and I tell you all the time
Like yo, I know when a n*gga faking the jacks bro
Yeah, you told me at the Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival
You was like 'yo, you did the Ralph joint'
But I had to make sure that it wasn't just a one-off
And it's crazy that Tasha's here 'cause she's the one that introduced me to Ralph at that same Barbeque that you mentioned earlier
You contributing to the culture, yo
It goes back that sh*t that we were saying earlier about telling our story
I don't want the mainstream publications to be responsible for telling our story
It's unavoidable, the level of corporate interest is so high
Like, how?
How is this sh*t supposed to be objective on what planet?
But it can't..
People really don't understand business
That's the problem with us, we don't learn economics
Prime example, right?
I got some wealthy family who send their kids to school in primarily non-melanated areas or whatever
Not only that, but affluent as well - on top of that
That's what they see for they kids - it's all well and good
But what I'm tryna shine some light on is
My mom told me she was speaking to my godson and he's 15 now
And he was explaining to her how they had to take money classes
Starting in middle school...
That's f*cked up - they're prepared
They had to take courses on credit
That sh*t is not even in the rubric where we're from
It's never even gleamed upon - they don't even mention it
Like, that sh*t is f*cked up son
I heard that sh*t
I was supposed to be happy 'cause I'm like how he getting set
They setting him up good
But I couldn't help but think of like, everybody I knew grew up without it
Price and company included
That's a f*cking crime against humanity son..
Fo a n*gga not to understand money
That's like one of the biggest problems we have
We don't understand the system
This sh*t is a capitalist system
I don't care what you wanna do
You can't think in terms of what ought to be
What is here is here - what is done is done
The globe is capitalist
This f*cking place runs on that sh*t - that's what it is
In order for you to even have a f*cking fighting chance
You need to familiarize yourself with what you are in
I'm sure fishes know about water
Some stupid sh*t going on
You know, at the end of the day, why don't I be out here marching and all that f*ck sh*t?
Like, there's work to be done
Precious work
There's very little time
No one is doing and I don't understand it
This sh*t is supposed to be covert
I don't know, I think religion got n*ggas on some other sh*t
Son, n*ggas need to be more private with this sh*t bruh
Maybe, maybe if you're gonna rob a bank - I don't know!
Maybe you wanna keep it on the low
Maybe if you gonna take something from somebody you might not wanna tell 'em
Like when they come repossess your car - they just come get it
Yeah, there's no forewarning
They just come get it
Usually under the cover of night
Ladies and Gentlemen,