Born again 4 life is, As clear as night is black, I never been a bad person. Somehow I got caught up in the system. Going to the mental home is like being in prison. The guards strip searched me upon entrance into the home. The gaurds lock the corridor doors every time you pass a section in the home. Everyday you are in inclusion locked inside the home to only see four walls. The guards have tazor guns. They pat you down in the caferteria to check for knives and forks so you won't hurt yourself escaping from the home. I was given a lie detector test a few times too. You are given a thin mattress and the rooms are very cold in the home. You are given a number that you must memorize as a code for your name. They ask you that code whenever you move. You are given a uniform to wear while you are locked inside. You have English class, Math class, Art class and physical education class. The people from STanford University give you a state test in Spelling and Reading skills. You meet with a psychiatrist everyday quizing you on memorization skills. You are tested on your skills daily each class and you have no time to complete the assignments because you are on a schedule that wont allow you to study. During the time in exile you are not allowed any visitors or phone calls to relatives. When you are released you go through therapy. You should be scared of the psychiatrist because she is like a parole office when you have to report to her and the therapist for the rest of your life. The psychiatrist keeps you medicated. While on the medication you are under the doctor spell. You are hypnotized with the medicine you take. The doctor says she was on to me and I never been a bad person. I don't steal, don't cheat, not on drugs, not a gang banger, dont sell drugs not do anything illegal at any time in my life. Can you imagine seeing a probation officer for your entire life. When you are mentally ill the psychichiatrist expects you to flunk out of school or drop out. No one wants to hire a mentally ill person. You lose all your friends becasue they dont want o associate with bad people. I have been mentally ill since the age of 15 and the doctor had kept me in therapy to catch me doing something illegal and I never been caught.. I refuse to do anything bad because I do not want to go to prison. Menatl illness is like prison because one strike and you are out for life. Once you are labeled mentally ill, people look at you differently, they act towards you differently they treat you differently. They think you are a bad person. They feel negative about you. They think you are a bad person. They begin talking about you and you hear their voices, hear how they feel towards you. You have to deal with life as it comes back at you. You deal with how they look at you like you are nothing. They treat you like you are nothing or nobody special. People ignore you because they do not want to be seen with you afraid people will treat them they they treat you, or judge them the same as they judge you. People begin to think you belong in prison. You live your life as if you are in prison for life. If you are born with inherit traits your rebirth is when you are released from the free world and trapped into seclusion from the free world. Suffergette, the label they gave me 4 life.