Before the Parade Passes By (Original Film Soundtrack) lyrics
by Barbra Streisand
[DOLLY, spoken]
Before the parade passes by...
Before it all moves on, and only I'm left
Before the parade passes by
I've got to get in step while there's still time left
I'm ready to move out in front
Life without life has no reason or rhyme left
With the rest of them, with the best of them
I wanna hold my head up high
I need a goal again, I need a drive again
I wanna feel my heart coming alive again
Before the parade passes by
Ephraim, let me go. It's been long enough, Ephraim. Every night, just like you'd want me to, I've put out the cat, made myself a rum toddy, and, before I went to bed, said a little prayer thanking God that I was independent. That no one else's life was mixed up with mine. But lately, Ephraim, I've begun to realise that for a long time I have not shed one tear. Nor have I been for one moment outrageously happy
Now, Horace Vandergelder, he's always saying the world is full of fools. And in a way, he's right, isn't he? I mean, himself, Cornelius, Irene, myself... But there comes a time when you've got to decide whether you want to be a fool among fools, or a fool alone. Well, I have made that decision, Ephraim, but I would feel so much better about it if... if you could just give me a sign, any kind of a sign that you approve. I'm going back, Ephraim. I've decided to join the human race again. And, Ephraim, I want you to give me away
Before the parade passes by
I've got to go and taste Saturday's high life
Before the parade passes by
I've got to get some life back into my life
I'm ready to move out in front
I've had enough of just passing by life
With the rest of them, with the best of them
I can hold my head up high
For I've got a goal again, I've got a drive again
I'm gonna feel my heart coming alive again
Before the parade passes by
[Music Interlude]
[GUSSIE, spoken]
Dolly Levi! Hi!
[DOLLY, spoken]
Gussie Granger? What are you doing here?
[GUSSIE, spoken]
Earning an honest dollar, which is more than I've made on a legitimate state in two years
[DOLLY, spoken]
Pity on you. But the meat packers' float?
[GUSSIE, spoken]
Ha! Listen, if there was more money in it, I'd play one of the pigs
[HORACE, spoken]
I came here for some privacy
[DOLLY, spoken]
I owe you an apology, Mr. Vandergelder, and I didn't want to let it go another minute
[HORACE, spoken]
You owe me more than it − what about the fee I gave you for getting me tangled up with that collector of men's hats?
[DOLLY, spoken]
Yes, Irene Molloy, she was a disappointment, darling girl
[HORACE, spoken]
I'll have you know the confectioner gave me back every cent for those chocolate-covered peanuts
[DOLLY, spoken]
Well, I'm sorry, I never give cash refunds. However, being ah honest woman who believes in giving service that's been paid for, I've already arranged to make it up to you
[HORACE, spoken]
Dolly Levi, let me make one thing clear. You have been discharged as my marriage broker. I have no use for one. From now on, you are just a woman like anyone else
[DOLLY, spoken]
I am?
[HORACE, spoken]
And I'm just a man like anyone else, and, just like anyone else, I'll do what I can to avoid the introductions such as you specialize in
[DOLLY, spoken]
Well, I can understand your feelings, Mr. Vandergelder, and I'm here today, marching beside you, to assure you that there will be no further need for my services after your dinner engagement tonight
{HORACE, spoken]
Dinner engagement?
{DOLLY, spoken]
7.30 at the Harmonia Gardens restaurant. It's all arranged. Private room, table for two. She'll be waiting
[HORACE, spoken]
Who? Who-who-who'll be waiting?
[DOLLY, spoken]
Who-who-who'll be waiting? The very rich, very beautiful lady I referred to when I saw you in Yonkers this morning! The heiress to a fortune, remember?
[HORACE, spoken]
I'm not interested. What's her name?
[DOLLY, spoken]
Uh... Ernestina
[HORACE, spoken]
I'm not interested. What's her last name?
[DOLLY, spoken]
Simple... uh, Simple. Ernestina Simple
[HORACE, spoken]
Can she cook?
[DOLLY, spoken]
Can she cook? Huh, frankly, I can never understand why a girl like that who could afford every servant around makes all her own meals, on a solid gold stove
[HORACE, spoken]
Sounds like a fool, and I'm not interested in fools
[DOLLY, spoken]
Neither am I. Good day, Mr. Vandergelder
[HORACE, spoken]
Good day
[DOLLY, spoken]
And don't forget: 7.30, Harmonia Gardens. And be sure to rent some evening clothes, she's very fussy
[HORACE, spoken]
Dolly Levi, you are a damned exasperating woman!
[DOLLY, spoken]
Why, Horace Vandergelder, that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me
When the parade passes by
Listen and hear that brass harmony growing
When the parade passes by
Pardon me if my old spirit is showing
All of those lights over me
Seem to be telling me where I'm going
When the whistles blow and the cymbals crash
And the sparklers light the sky
I'm gonna raise the roof, I'm gonna carry on
Give me an old trombone, give me an old baton
Before the parade passes by