Shot of a hallway in the house. Jessica's brother Phillip knocks on her door.
PHILLIP: Come on, time to go!
JESSICA: I'm gonna kill you if you don't leave me alone.
PHILLIP: Come on!
Phillip knocks on their parents' bedroom.
PHILLIP: Let's go, let's go!
DAD: Okay, we're coming! Relax, Phil.
MOM: Where's your sister?
PHILLIP: Farting in her room.
MOM: Ugh, Phil. It's time to go, honey!
JESSICA: I know, I'm coming! God.
Jessica's family leaves the house. Phillip turns around and calls out to her. An adult Jessica watches as the memory plays out.
PHILLIP: We're gonna leave without you, Jessie!
JESSICA: Twelve hours in a car with you? Fine, leave without me.
The younger Jessica follows her brother outside. The flashback ends. Jessica, Kilgrave, and a body guard stand in the house.
KILGRAVE: Welcome home, Jessica Jones.
JESSICA: My home never had an armed guard.
KILGRAVE: Well, that's Hank. Say hi, Hank.
HANK: Hi, Hank.
KILGRAVE: Sorry, I skip sometimes. Don't misunderstand. Hank's here because he's paid, a lot. Safety first.
JESSICA: I wouldn't have walked in the door if I was going to attack you.
KILGRAVE: Well then you won't mind if Hank searches you.
Hank walks forward.
JESSICA: I mind.
KILGRAVE: I'm not gonna command it. I was serious when I said I wanted you to choose. But trust is a two-way street. Look for any sharps or drugs.
Hank begins searching her.
KILGRAVE: That Sufentanil you shot me with gave me a wicked headache.
Hank finds Jessica's cell phone, which has been recording their conversation. Hank plays the recording back.
JESSICA: I am Jessica Jones. This is a one-party consent to record conversations with Kilgrave in order to get his confession to the murders of Hope Shlottman's parents.
KILGRAVE: You know how I feel about being recorded.
Kilgrave takes her phone.
KILGRAVE: So, you came here for a confession?
JESSICA: I came here to end the collateral damage you've been piling up around me. The confession was a last ditch.
KILGRAVE: I knew it wasn't out of love. I'm not delusional. Just... Optimistic. I'll show you around.
He reaches out his hand to her. She recoils.
JESSICA: You want me to choose?
JESSICA: I choose that you don't touch me.
KILGRAVE: Oh, please -
KILGRAVE: I promise I won't touch you until I get your genuine consent. All right, then? Welcome.
Jessica looks around the house. It is exactly how it was when she lived there. She examines the height chart on the wall.
KILGRAVE: A time-honored tradition by families everywhere. Not mine, of course. My parents wouldn't dare let their walls be defaced.
She walks into another room and looks around. She sees a picture of her family, then touches a couch.
JESSICA: It's the same one.
KILGRAVE: Wasn't easy to find. Mid '90s Sears and Roebuck furniture set.
JESSICA: How did you know?
KILGRAVE: I found the realtor who sold this place after your parents died. She had pictures.
Jessica picks up a picture of her and her brother.
JESSICA: You shouldn't have.
KILGRAVE: I wanted to. When we were together, I asked what your happiest memories were. You said...?
KILGRAVE: Home. I'll introduce you to the staff!
Kilgrave claps, summoning the staff to the room. A man and a woman enter.
KILGRAVE: This is, um... Tell her your names, please.
MAN: Laurent Bouchard.
WOMAN: Alva Ramirez.
JESSICA: I will not stay in a house with slaves.
KILGRAVE: Oh, now you're just being sanctimonious. Tell Jessica whether or not you are happy with your salary.
LAURENT: Absolutely. I make twice as much as my last job, from which I was fired due to a drinking problem.
KILGRAVE: See? Some of us give people a second chance. That's all, you may leave.
Laurent and Alva leave. Jessica says nothing for a few moments.
JESSICA: I'm tired.
KILGRAVE: Your room awaits.
He leads her upstairs. Hank follows.
KILGRAVE: Shared bathroom. It's quite the cozy home you had back in the day. This was little Phillip's room.
He reaches for the doorknob. She stops him.
KILGRAVE: Ah. Lot of feelings for the dead brother, huh? I get that. You're not all hard edges, Jessica Jones. Now, for the coup de grâce.
He opens the door to her bedroom. She walks inside and looks around.
KILGRAVE: I worked hard on this. I used a magnifying glass on the pictures of your room to ID the CDs.
She looks at the windowsill, where her binoculars are.
KILGRAVE: Yeah, just where you left them. Oh, Jesus, Jessica. A little appreciation wouldn't hurt anyone. P.I. bug got you early, huh?
He picks up the binoculars.
KILGRAVE: Just imagine little 14-year-old you. Peeping in on the neighbors. There's nothing to be ashamed of. We all like to see what goes on behind closed doors.
Jessica's cellphone vibrates. Kilgrave takes it out.
KILGRAVE: Oh, it's Patsy! Answer it if you want to.
He holds out the phone. Jessica doesn't take it.
KILGRAVE: You're not my prisoner. Here.
He answers the phone and hands it to Jessica.
TRISH: Jess? Jess, what the hell is going on?
JESSICA: I'm here.
TRISH: Jess, I called the precinct. You're not in jail. What the hell happened?
JESSICA: Kilgrave showed up at the station.
TRISH: Are you all right? Was anyone hurt?
JESSICA: No, but I had to get out of there. I left the city as fast as I could. I'm sorry, I should have called.
KILGRAVE: Do you want to invite her over?
TRISH: Well, how do I know this is not like last time? When he had you acting like everything was fine?
JESSICA: Because Kilgraveis a psychotic, repulsive, waste of a human being, and if I were under his control, he would never let me say that.
Kilgrave points at her and smiles.
TRISH: You'll need money.
JESSICA: I'm covered. Just let me do this, okay, Trish?
TRISH: Everyone's disappearing.
JESSICA: Everyone?
TRISH: Simpson's gone. He put in a leave of absence at work and then flat-out disappeared. I'm worried Kilgrave's got him.
Jessica looks at Kilgrave. He shrugs.
JESSICA: He'll show up. I'll be in touch, okay?
TRISH: I'm tired of missing you.
JESSICA: I gotta go.
Jessica hangs up and hands the phone to Kilgrave.
KILGRAVE: Oof. Rough being your friend. Now, this is for you.
He touches a box on her bed.
KILGRAVE: Laurent and what's-her-name are cooking up a storm for us. You're welcome to come down whenever you're hungry.
She closes and locks the door. She props up a chair against the door to prevent it from being opened.
KILGRAVE: Well, I suppose that went as well as could be expected.
He and Hank go back downstairs. Jessica opens the box. Inside is a note that says, 'TO NEW BEGINNINGS'. Underneath that is a sparkly dress, which Jessica rips up. She lies down on her bed and goes to sleep. After a few moments, some glasses can be heard clinking. Cut to Kilgrave sitting at a table in the kitchen. Hank, Laurent, and Alva stand nearby.
KILGRAVE: How do you people live like this? Day after day, just hoping people are gonna do what you want. It's unbearable.
A door opens upstairs.
KILGRAVE: Finally.
He gets up and adjusts his tie. Jessica hides around the corner listening in. Alva pours some wine. She walks in.
KILGRAVE: No dress?
JESSICA: Purple's not really my color.
They both sit down. Jessica chugs a glass of wine and begins pouring another one.
JESSICA: So is this bag of steroids always going to be lurking?
KILGRAVE: You're right. This is awkward enough without armed guards hovering over dinner. You can leave.
Hank turns and walks out of view. Jessica chugs another glass of wine. Alva moves some of the food onto a plate. Jessica begins pouring a third glass of wine.
JESSICA: So what exactly are you hoping is going to happen here?
KILGRAVE: That you and I will eventually make a go of it.
JESSICA: Not gonna happen.
KILGRAVE: Well, this is a weird, wild world where anything can happen. Look at us! Super strength and mind control in the same house. Amazing. Regardless, dinner is ready. I've had Chef Bouchard prepare your favorite meal, Pasta Amatriciana.
JESSICA: That's your favorite meal. Now it makes me nauseous. I'll be having a liquid dinner.
She chugs her third glass of wine. Laurent looks at Kilgrave. Kilgrave nods. Laurent stops preparing to serve the food. Jessica finishes her third glass and starts pouring a fourth.
JESSICA: Another bottle, please.
KILGRAVE: You ever think you might drink too much?
JESSICA: It's the only way I get through my goddamn days after what you did to me.
KILGRAVE: You blame me for your drinking problem?
JESSICA: It's the truth.
KILGRAVE: Come one, it wasn't all bad. I mean, certainly it ended roughly.
JESSICA: You call making me murder a woman 'ending roughly'?
KILGRAVE: Now, now, let's be clear. I did not tell you to kill Reva.
KILGRAVE: If you remember, I said, 'Take care of her.' Not kill her. You chose to punch her.
JESSICA: You goddamn son of a b*tch.
Jessica smashes a bottle of wine against the wall. Laurent and Alva come in and hold razors to their own necks.
JESSICA: I knew you had a safeguard in place.
KILGRAVE: Aha, testing boundaries, were you? Smart. I didn't see that coming. One of the many reasons I like you.
JESSICA: You said you weren't going to use your powers.
KILGRAVE: I said I wouldn't control you. You can stop with the razors.
Laurent and Alva remove the razors from their necks and sigh.
KILGRAVE: They're in place until we've built some trust.
JESSICA: Until I choose you?
KILGRAVE: You really do have a knack for destroying the poetry of the heart, don't you?
Laurent and Alva begin to leave.
KILGRAVE: D-d-d-d. Clean up the mess that our guest has made.
They begin cleaning up the broken bottle.
JESSICA: I'm full, and I'm tired.
She gets up and begins to walk away. Before she leaves the room, she addresses Laurent and Alva.
JESSICA: I'm sorry.
Cut to her walking to her room. She notices that the door to Phillip's room is ajar. She opens it a little. Simpson jumps out and grabs her. She pins him against a wall.
JESSICA: What the hell are you doing?
SIMPSON: I'm getting you out of here! You're under his control.
JESSICA: No, I'm not.
SIMPSON: That's what he'd make you say.
JESSICA: I'm not under his control. I know what I'm doing.
Simpson pins her up against a wall.
KILGRAVE: Is everything all right up there?
JESSICA: I tripped. I'm drunk. Just stay out of my sh*t!
Jessica throws Simpson off.
JESSICA: I'm not under his goddamn control or I would have given you up. You have to get out of here.
SIMPSON: You're coming with me. I put a bomb in the basement to kill that as*h*le downstairs.
JESSICA: sh*t.
She throws him into her room and closes the door.
JESSICA: You can't kill him with Hope still in jail!
SIMPSON: Well, you can't let him live. He's too dangerous.
JESSICA: There are innocent people living in this house.
SIMPSON: Well, I'll time the explosion to when they take out the trash.
JESSICA: No! I am handling it. You kill him and you kill me, and I will haunt you for the rest of your life.
She begins rummaging around in Simpson's jacket.
SIMPSON: What're you...
She takes a phone out of his jacket and puts it in her pocket.
JESSICA: I'm keeping this. I am here because I have to be, because I want to be. You have to leave, now.
Kilgrave knocks on the door.
KILGRAVE: Jessica?
JESSICA: sh*t.
She opens the door.
KILGRAVE: I hope everything's all right.
JESSICA: It isn't. There's a bomb in the basement. Get Hank.
Simpson is hiding behind the door. Jessica and Kilgrave leave. Cut to the basement. Hank reaches for something.
HANK: Found it.
He takes the bomb down.
HANK: Remote detonation. Small charge hits the gas main, whole house goes up. Looks like a tragic accident.
KILGRAVE: Can you dismantle it?
HANK: Someone really does have it out for you, boss.
KILGRAVE: That someone got past your security team. Fire last night's shift, bring in a better crew.
HANK: Yes, sir.
Hank leaves the basement.
KILGRAVE: You knew it was here?
JESSICA: Lucky guess.
KILGRAVE: Well, my lucky guess is that it was Trish's missing Officer Simpson. He would have killed sweet little Alva and Laurent, too.
JESSICA: You've killed more people as an afterthought.
KILGRAVE: I've never killed anyone.
JESSICA: You use your powers to compel murder.
KILGRAVE: Oh, tomato, to-mah-to. What matters is you saved my life. You do care for me.
JESSICA: I just can't handle another death on my conscience. Even if it's yours. You'd know the feeling, if you had a conscience.
KILGRAVE: I have a conscience. It's just more selective. I care if you die. The rest are fungible.
He begins to leave.
KILGRAVE: I shall see you in the morning.
After he's gone, Jessica takes out the phone. She plays a recording.
KILGRAVE: I care if you die. The rest are fungible.
Hogarth, Wendy, Hogarth's lawyer Desmond, and Wendy's lawyer all sit at a table.
DESMOND: 70% of Miss Hogarth's holdings is ridiculous. I mean, you can't be serious.
WENDY: Why don't you tell him how serious I am, Jeri. Or do you want to send in your private eye to threaten me again?
WENDY'S LAWYER: Wait, what? Who threatened you?
WENDY: Do you want to tell everyone, or do you want to revise the agreement?
HOGARTH: I didn't send anyone, Wendy. I fell in love with someone else. That doesn't make me a monster.
WENDY: No, not a monster. The word I'd use is bast*rd.
DESMOND: Okay, name-calling isn't going to get this done.
WENDY: Even when we were dating, everyone wanted to know what I saw in you.
HOGARTH: Then why did you marry me?
WENDY: Because you were kind to me. You were a bast*rd to everyone else, and you were kind to me. I was special.
HOGARTH: Well, I liked you. And I like you when you aren't trying to take my livelihood.
WENDY: But you don't love me anymore.
HOGARTH: Do you still want that? After all of this? You want that?
WENDY: No. It's too late.
WENDY'S LAWYER: If your client really has been strong-arming my client -
DESMOND: Strong-arming? As in demanding 70% of her assets?
Hogarth looks at Pam outside the room.
WENDY: Until that second in the subway, I still held out hope. Mid-life crisis -
HOGARTH: Wendy, don't do this to yourself.
WENDY: I built everything around you, and now you're not there. You have Pam, and I have nothing.
HOGARTH: I'm sorry.
WENDY: Well, I'm going to have to ask you to say that with cash.
Desmond leans over and whispers something to Hogarth. Pam enters the room.
PAM: There's a text for you, Miss Hogarth.
WENDY: Nice. You call her that in bed, too? Is that why she's the special one now?
HOGARTH: I need to take care of this. You keep going. You know what I want.
Hogarth gets up and leaves.
PAM: I can't believe you were ever married to her.
HOGARTH: Why did you pull me out of there?
PAM: It's Jessica.
HOGARTH: Oh, thank God. Did she dig something up on Wendy?
PAM: No, it's a message. She's with Kilgrave.
Simpson is talking with some of his friends. Trish watches from nearby.
TRISH: Will!
SIMPSON: Oh, shoot. Oh, hey, uh... You guys go in.
MAN: Who's she?
SIMPSON: Yeah, yeah, just bug out.
Simpson's friends walk away. Simpson kisses Trish.
SIMPSON: Hey, babe. You look amazing. Is everything all right?
TRISH: Who are those guys?
SIMPSON: A couple of my boys from back in the day. You know, they came to town. What's up?
TRISH: What's up? Last time we talked, you were hunting a homicidal mind-control maniac, and then it's crickets from you. I... I'm not wrong to be concerned.
SIMPSON: Yeah, I'm sorry. I just... I lost him, so...
TRISH: So, you came home?
SIMPSON: Look, Kilgrave is gone. He's out of the city.
TRISH: How do you know that if you lost him?
SIMPSON: Babe, we're free of him now, okay? We can be together.
TRISH: Not yet! Jessica is still on the run from him.
SIMPSON: She told you this?
TRISH: She can't come back until he's caught. It's up to us now.
SIMPSON: No, it's not, cause Jess can take care of herself. In fact, she can do that a lot better than we can, right?
TRISH: I doubt that.
SIMPSON: No, listen to me, because I see this now. Everyone wants to be the hero, right? But now I see that we can't be, because there's us and there's them. And that's okay, but it just means that we can't always help. You can't always help. Not without getting hurt and becoming some extra problem.
TRISH: You're saying this like it's about me, but this is about you. You're abandoning her.
SIMPSON: No, I'm getting out of her way. Both of us should get out of her way. No, think about it. Step back.
TRISH: Okay. Stepping back.
SIMPSON: Stay out of it. Stay safe.
TRISH: You should get back to your boys.
She leaves.
Jessica is sleeping in her room. Someone is trying to open her door. After a moment, her mom walks in.
MOM: It's time to get going, sweetie.
Her dad walks in.
DAD: Hey, vacation awaits. Rise and shine.
Phillip runs in.
PHILLIP: Come on, already. Time to go.
JESSICA: What are you doing here?
PHILLIP: She's not ready. Let's go. She's just gonna mess up the trip anyway.
MOM: Don't listen to your brother. It's not true.
PHILLIP: Why do you always take her side?
Blood begins dripping down from her family's heads.
PHILLIP: We'd all be alive if it wasn't for you, Jessie.
MOM: Phillip's right. You really are a screw-up.
DAD: Make it right, Jessie.
PHILLIP: Make it goddamn right!
Jessica wakes up from the nightmare. She hears something on a TV.
MAN: ... Live on the scene to our WHIH field reporter for the latest updates on this developing and unfolding hostage standoff.
WOMAN: The father has been holding the wife and two children at gunpoint for the last 40 minutes. Neighbors have reported the sound of a gunshot coming from the hostage taker's apartment earlier today. NY -
Jessica gets up. She turns off the TV. She looks outside with her binoculars, watching her neighbors.
JESSICA: Make it goddamn right, Jones.
Cut to the back porch. Kilgrave sits outside at a table with some breakfast. Jessica joins him. He watches as she sits approaches.
KILGRAVE: Just waiting to see which Jessica I'm going to get.
Jessica begins pouring some coffee. Kilgrave snaps his fingers, summoning Alva and Laurent, who come out with food.
JESSICA: When I was a kid, we used to eat breakfast out here.
KILGRAVE: Okay, trying to make an effort Jessica.
JESSICA: More like trying to make a sh*t situation tolerable.
KILGRAVE: I'll take that.
Alva and Laurent place down the food. Jessica grabs some of it. Kilgrave watches her, saying nothing.
JESSICA: Do your actions ever haunt you?
KILGRAVE: Before I met you, I rarely dwelled on anything.
JESSICA: Not even Hope's family? I mean, how would you feel if someone forced you to off your parents?
KILGRAVE: Wouldn't have to force me.
JESSICA: You never talked to me about them. Why is that?
KILGRAVE: Rather not relive it.
Jessica reaches for the phone and secretly starts recording.
JESSICA: So, killing Hope's parents, that was really about them?
KILGRAVE: No, that was all about you. I was mad at you for literally throwing me under the bus.
DE LUCA: Jessie Jones, is that you?
JESSICA: sh*t.
KILGRAVE: Who is this lovely creature?
JESSICA: Nosy neighbor. Let me get her out of here.
Jessica stands up to greet the neighbor.
JESSICA: Hi, Mrs. De Luca.
DE LUCA: Oh, Jessie! It's been so long. Oh!
De Luca hugs Jessica.
DE LUCA: Look at you. Such a lovely woman. Oh, and returning home with such a handsome husband!
Kilgrave gets up.
JESSICA: No, we're not married.
DE LUCA: Oh. I've known Jessie since she was tiny. Oh, the stories I could tell.
JESSICA: Unfortunately we don't have time -
DE LUCA: I'm Elizabeth De Luca. And you are?
She and Kilgrave shake hands.
KILGRAVE: Intrigued. I would love to hear all about my little Jessie.
DE LUCA: Well, I was there when her parents brought her home from the hospital.
DE LUCA: Yep. Such a pair of tonsils, that girl! I mean, I didn't get a lick of sleep for those first few months.
KILGRAVE: Well, I hope our caterwauling hasn't kept you up. Join us.
Kilgrave pulls out a chair for her and she sits down.
DE LUCA: Oh, bacon! Do you mind?
KILGRAVE: Make yourself at home.
De Luca takes some of the food and begins eating.
KILGRAVE: So what was Jessie and her family like? She told me all the surface stuff. Dad was a mechanic. Mum was a... professor of something or other.
JESSICA: I'm sure she's busy -
DE LUCA: Yeah, uh... Alisa taugt math.
DE LUCA: She was a great teacher, but a terrible cook. You know, when my husband died, she brought over her - the absolute worst meatloaf.
KILGRAVE: Must be where you get your cooking skills from, honey.
DE LUCA: I loved the Joneses, but they had their problems. I remember some nights when Brian and Alisa would just fight like cats and dogs.
JESSICA: That's not true.
DE LUCA: Oh, honey. I know that they loved each other, but everybody's got their troubles.
KILGRAVE: Lord knows that's true. So what about our girl of the hour?
DE LUCA: Oh, she was the strangest tomboy. She wore princess dresses with high-tops.
KILGRAVE: Really? I can't get her to wear a dress for the life of me.
JESSICA: I'll wear one to your funeral.
De Luca laughs.
DE LUCA: Oh, there's that sharp wit. Oh, I remember this one day - I'm sure you remember this, too - you duct-taped Phillip to a tree. It was terrible. You, I didn't blame her. I mean, he was such a juvenile delinquent.
JESSICA: No, he wasn't. He was a great kid.
DE LUCA: Oh, yes, of course he was, but the timing was awful. I mean, just the very next day, I mean, there you were leaving for vacation -
JESSICA: Please stop.
DE LUCA: I knew something terrible was gonna happen. Not a day goes by that I don't regret not warning you. You've no idea what a burden I've had to live through all these years.
KILGRAVE: Did you really have a sense that that terrible accident was gonna happen? Tell the truth now.
DE LUCA: No, I... didn't.
KILGRAVE: Then why would you say such a horrible thing?
DE LUCA: It makes me feel important.
KILGRAVE: Isn't that a sh*tty thing to do?
De Luca begins tearing up and nods.
DE LUCA: Yes, it is.
KILGRAVE: What would you want to do to someone who said that to you?
DE LUCA: I'd want to slap them.
Kilgrave looks at Jessica, who shakes her head.
KILGRAVE: All right, leave.
De Luca leaves.
KILGRAVE: That was just a teensy bit satisfying, don't you think?
JESSICA: A little.
KILGRAVE: You're welcome.
He puts his hand on hers. She throws it off.
JESSICA: I told you not to touch me!
She gets up and walks inside.
KILGRAVE: For God's sake.
Cut to inside the house.
KILGRAVE: Come on, Jessie.
JESSICA: Do not call me that.
KILGRAVE: We used to do a lot more than just touch hands.
JESSICA: Yeah. It's called rape.
KILGRAVE: What? Which part of staying in five-star hotels, eating in all the best places, doing whatever the hell you wanted, is rape?
JESSICA: They part where I didn't want to do any of it! Not only did you physically rape me, but you violated every cell in my body and every thought in my goddamn head.
KILGRAVE: That is not what I was trying to do.
JESSICA: It doesn't matter what you were trying to do. You raped me.
JESSICA: Again, and again, and again.
KILGRAVE: How am I supposed to know? Huh? I never know if someone is doing what they want or what I tell them to!
JESSICA: Oh, poor you.
KILGRAVE: You have no idea, do you? I have to painstakingly choose every word I say. I once told a man to go screw himself. Can you even imagine?
KILGRAVE: I didn't have this. A home, loving parents, a family.
JESSICA: You blame bad parenting? My parents died! You don't see me raping anyone.
KILGRAVE: I hate that word.
JESSICA: Just admit it. Your parents had nothing to do with why you forced me -
KILGRAVE: Do you want to see? Do you want to see what they put me through?
He pulls the flashdrive out of his pocket. Jessica flashes back to the warehouse where she dug it up. Cut to Kilgrave showing her on a computer what's on the flashdrive. He pulls up a video from the drive.
KILGRAVE: Watch this and tell us which one of us was truly violated. Welcome to my home.
In the video, a young Kilgrave is in a lab, hooked up to a machine. There are some blocks on the table in front of him.
MAN: Put the pieces back together in the correct pattern.
The young Kilgrave shakes his head.
WOMAN: Kevin, please. We need to see if your fine motor skills have improved.
KILGRAVE: That's my loving mum and dad.
MAN: Come on, Kevin. You know what you're supposed to do.
KILGRAVE: Scientists bent on turning me into a freak.
In the video, the young Kilgrave begins putting the blocks together. Kilgrave skips the video ahead to when the young Kilgrave is done with the blocks.
KILGRAVE: Neurological exams, fluoroscopy...
In the video, a woman takes the blocks away.
KILGRAVE: ... brain biopsies. And my personal favorite, cerebral spinal fluid extractions.
In the video, Kilgrave's dad grabs a large syringe.
MAN: Hold still, son. This will only sting a bit.
He pushes Kilgrave's head down on the table. His mother braces him. His dad prepares the injection.
WOMAN: This will all be over before you know it.
KILGRAVE: No, mummy, please!
WOMAN: Don't move.
The young Kilgrave screams as the syringe goes it.
KILGRAVE: While your dad played with you on the front lawn, my dad prepped me for my fourth elective surgery. How's that for love?
In the video, the young Kilgrave stops screaming.
His dad takes the syringe out of his neck.
WOMAN: Kevin, dear, we're not finished.
MAN: Calm down. If you just -
KILGRAVE: Get away!
His parents move away from him.
WOMAN: Albert... What's happening?
MAN: What's going on? Kevin?
WOMAN: Kevin.
The young Kilgrave looks directly in the camera. Kilgrave closes the computer.
KILGRAVE: Like you, this power was forced upon me. I thought you of all people would understand.
Kilgrave takes the computer into the other room and turns on the TV.
REPORTER 1: According to local PD, both state and local PD are cooperating. A hostage negotiator is currently communicating via bullhorn.
Jessica gets up and takes out her phone. She stops the recording and saves it.
REPORTER 1: Apparently, all cell phone communication has been suspended.
REPORTER 2: And we can see that here, in some of the footage, um, just right there, you see on the left side, where the arrow is pointing...
Jessica enters the room.
JESSICA: That's what you wanted from Reva.
KILGRAVE: It was the only evidence left of how I was made.
JESSICA: So no one knows you exist, except your parents, if they're still alive.
KILGRAVE: Probably. They were young. They ran away. From promising careers, and their ten-year-old son.
JESSICA: You're not ten anymore.
Jessica sits down and watches TV with him.
REPORTER 2: We do have a neighbor who has called in, and we believe that the husband's first name is Chuck. That is, um, that's brand new information...
JESSICA: All this sh*t that you do is because nobody ever taught you how to be good?
KILGRAVE: I truly hope you're not laughing at me, Jessica.
JESSICA: No, I'm not. I'm just thinking.
REPORTER 1: ... which alerted local PD. According to sources on the scene, the father has been holding his wife and two children at gunpoint for several hours now.
JESSICA: I think we should go for a ride.
She gets up from the couch and puts her jacket on.
KILGRAVE: I assume you have a destination in mind?
KILGRAVE: How long will it take?
JESSICA: I don't know. Two hours.
KILGRAVE: All right. Alva? Laurent?
Alva and Laurent enter the room.
KILGRAVE: If I'm not back within two hours, please remove the skin from each other's faces.
Kilgrave walks out the door. Alva and Laurent look horrified. Jessica walks out the door.
Shot of police outside the house of the hostage taker.
NEGOTIATOR: Chuck, please pick up the phone so we can talk.
CHUCK: Go away! I want to be left alone with my family!
NEGOTIATOR: Is anybody hurt? We heard gunshots. We can help you.
CHUCK: I don't want you here!
Jessica and Kilgrave arrive at the scene.
KILGRAVE: Oh, you want me to do the hero thing.
CHUCK: Leave me alone!
Chuck slams the window shut.
JESSICA: Come on.
She walks away. Kilgrave follows.
KILGRAVE: I don't give two sh*ts about these people. I don't want to do this. I don't want the attention it could bring.
JESSICA: Well, you can stay here or you can be a chicken sh*t. Either way, I'm going in.
OFFICER: Stop, you can't come through here.
Jessica looks at Kilgrave and gestures to the officer.
KILGRAVE: Let us through.
OFFICER: Yes sir.
Kilgrave and Jessica walk to the back of the house. Two officers are there.
OFFICER: Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. What are you doing here?
KILGRAVE: We can go about our business, move along. Move along.
The two officers move out of the way. Jessica and Kilgrave enter through the back gate into the backyard.
JESSICA: Obi-Wan Kenobi?
KILGRAVE: But cooler.
They approach the house. There's a grate in the way.
KILGRAVE: Oh, well, that's that, then.
Jessica tears the grate off of the door and breaks open the door. They walk inside.
CHUCK: Stop your goddamned crying!
WOMAN: Then let us go, Chuck.
CHUCK: I can't take it when you're crying.
WOMAN: You can't do this.
CHUCK: All of you shut up!
Chuck is holding a shotgun to his family. Jessica and Kilgrave walk in. Chuck turns to them and c*cks his gun.
KILGRAVE: Don't shoot. Don't move, Chuck.
JESSICA: Can you walk?
WOMAN: Who are you?
JESSICA: You need to get outside. The police will help you. Come on.
CHUCK: You can't just -
KILGRAVE: Oh, shut up, Chuck.
The woman leads her kids outside, then turns to Kilgrave.
WOMAN: Thank you. Thank you.
Kilgrave looks surprised.
KILGRAVE: Don't tell anyone we were here.
JESSICA: Go, now!
Once the family leaves, Kilgrave addresses Chuck.
KILGRAVE: Well, now that's out of the way, put the barrel of the gun into your mouth.
Chuck puts the gun in his mouth.
JESSICA: You can't kill him.
KILGRAVE: No, but he can kill himself. The man's clearly insane. He is never gonna be a productive member of society.
JESSICA: That is not for you to decide.
KILGRAVE: He will go to prison and feed off the tit of the taxpayers -
JESSICA: You've never paid a goddamn tax in your life.
KILGRAVE: Fair enough, all right. What would Jessica do?
JESSICA: Make him turn himself over to the police.
Kilgrave chuckles and turns to Chuck.
KILGRAVE: Shotgun's too messy anyway. Put the gun down, turn yourself over to the police.
Chuck whimpers as he takes the gun out of his mouth and throws it down. He begins to leave.
KILGRAVE: And do not tell anyone about us. What a waste of energy.
JESSICA: Was it? You just saved four lives.
Jessica leaves. Kilgrave watches her.
Laurent and Alva sit in one of the rooms of the house. The front door opens. Kilgrave walks in, taking off his jacket.
KILGRAVE: I want cake! Chocolate, with strawberries on top.
Laurent and Alva leave to make the cake. Jessica walks in.
KILGRAVE: The look on that woman's face. The genuine awe and gratitude for me. Is that why you did the whole superhero thing?
JESSICA: I don't know.
KILGRAVE: Or was that about balancing the scales? All that survivor's guilt you carry around, because of...
JESSICA: It doesn't work like that.
KILGRAVE: Why not? You're so outraged by all the people I've affected. Do the moral maths. How many more lives do you think I'd have to save to get back to zero?
JESSICA: Saving someone doesn't mean unkilling someone else.
KILGRAVE: Well, even so, we should do this more often. Think of all the people we could help, all the crimes we could stop. We'd be a hell of a dynamic duo.
JESSICA: You don't need me to do that.
KILGRAVE: Are you kidding me? That man almost blew his brains out, which I genuinely thought was the right thing to do. I can't be a hero without you.
Jessica sighs and walks away.
JESSICA: Oh, my God. You're right.
KILGRAVE: I've got a whole new purpose in life. It's exciting. You and me, together, we can change the world.
Jessica begins to leave. Kilgrave blocks her way.
KILGRAVE: Hey, what're you doing?
JESSICA: I need to go for a walk alone.
KILGRAVE: Why? I thought this was what you wanted!
JESSICA: I need to think. It's just a walk.
KILGRAVE: Well, I hope so. I don't think Alva and Laurent could survive the letdown if you didn't come back.
JESSICA: I came here of my own free will. Trust that I'll come back.
She leaves.
Cut to a flashback. A young Jessica is playing with a Game Boy.
PHILLIP: My turn.
JESSICA: I'm still playing.
PHILLIP No, you're not. It's my Game Boy.
JESSICA: Did you pay for it?
PHILLIP: Let me play!
MOM: Let him play, honey.
JESSICA: Because he yells the loudest?
PHILLIP: It's not fair, it's mine!
DAD: Let him play.
She throws the Game Boy.
PHILLIP: She broke it! She broke my Game Boy!
JESSICA: Well, you should've caught it, spaz.
Their dad looks back at them.
DAD: Jessica, why did you -
MOM: Brian!
Jessica's mom notices a truck stopped in front of them. Her dad slams on the break. The flashback ends as they hit the truck.
Jessica gets out of the elevator. She rings Trish's doorbell. Trish opens the door.
JESSICA: Uh, hi, Trish.
Trish hugs her.
TRISH: I thought you'r left.
JESSICA: I found Kilgrave, Trish. I've been living with him for a couple of days.
Trish pulls her inside and closes the door.
TRISH: Are you... you?
TRISH: Did you escape? Is he here?
JESSICA: No, and I left of my own will.
TRISH: Sit down.
JESSICA: No, I need to... I need to move.
TRISH: Sit down. I'll get you a drink.
JESSICA: I didn't know you still kept that stuff on hand.
TRISH: For you.
Jessica sits down on the couch. Trish pours her a glass and brings it over.
TRISH: But Jess, living with him? Living with Kilgrave, what the hell?
Jessica chugs the glass.
TRISH: Take your time.
JESSICA: He set up a house. My house. Trippy psycho drama bullsh*t. Nightmare Barbie's Dreamhouse bullsh*t.
TRISH: Oh, my God.
JESSICA: I need to run something by you. I'm having a, 'What would Trish do?' moment. Actually, I ask myself that a lot. So, here goes.
She gets another drink.
JESSICA: What would you do if you could harness Kilgrave's powers for good?
TRISH: You can't, he's a psychopath. The amount of meds it would require would be staggering.
JESSICA: But what if you could teach him to be more like you? Show him how to use his powers in a positive way.
TRISH: How would I do that?
JESSICA: You would have to stay with him. Giving up your life as Trish Walker, living with him.
TRISH: You mean have sex with him.
JESSICA: No, not that, but you'd have to be with him, and point him in the right direction.
TRISH: Would I have any guarantee that he wouldn't use his abilities on me?
JESSICA: None. But you could potentially change the world. What would you do?
TRISH: I don't know.
JESSICA: Yes, you do. You just don't want me to do it. Obviously I'm not the best one for the job, but I'm the only one.
TRISH: It can't be all on you, Jess.
JESSICA: But... But maybe it's a way to, you know... make it right.
Hogarth looks at a picture of her and Wendy. She places it on her desk and checks her computer. On it is an email from Wendy. 'COMING SOON TO A COMPUTER NEAR YOU, PROOF OF JURY TAMPERING BY A MANAGING PARTNER... OR SETTLE!' Hogarth closes the email, then looks out the window.
HOGARTH: God, damn it!
She picks up her phone and sends a text to Jessica. 'Stop what you're doing. I need dirt on Wendy. Now.'
KILGRAVE: Is she back yet?
Laurent and Alva are staring out some windows.
ALVA: Please, please, can we close our eyes now? Just for a moment!
KILGRAVE: You can blink when Jones returns and not a minute before! Don't want you missing her.
Laurent says something in French. Kilgrave throws some nuts at him.
KILGRAVE: Oh, shut up! You think you've got problems?
Jessica's phone vibrates in Kilgrave's pocket. He checks it and sees the text from Hogarth. He responds, '????'. Hogarth sends a text back, 'Cut the sh*t. Find some leverage on my ex before she ruins everything. Nothing else matters.' Kilgrave responds, 'b*tches right? I'm on it.' Kilgrave chuckles and puts the phone away. Outside, a taxi pulls up.
ALVA: She's here, she's returned!
Laurent and Alva both rub their eyes. Kilgrave gets up and looks outside. Jessica gets out of the cab with some bags.
KILGRAVE: Clean up this mess. Wipe your faces. I'm gonna make myself presentable.
Jessica has laid out Chinese food all over the kitchen table. Kilgrave enters.
KILGRAVE: You came back.
JESSICA: I remembered you like Chinese food as much as you like Italian. It's got noodles, too.
KILGRAVE: Why did you come back?
JESSICA: You were right.
KILGRAVE: About what?
JESSICA: Maybe about you and me. Maybe we can balance the scales a bit.
KILGRAVE: Well, we should certainly try.
JESSICA: If this hero thing doesn't pan out, I am out of here. Laurent, Alva, dinner's up!
Laurent and Alva enter the room.
KILGRAVE: Do they need to eat with us?
JESSICA: First step in heroism, don't be a prick.
Laurent and Alva sit at the table. Kilgrave doesn't touch his food.
JESSICA: Dig in. Oh, for Christ's sake.
She reaches over and takes some of his food.
JESSICA: You can't ingest Sufentanil.
He eats some of the food.
KILGRAVE: It's not bad.
JESSICA: Jesus, you're such a food snob. Oh, sh*t.
She spills some food on herself. Alva begins to get up.
JESSICA: Nope, I got it. Sit.
Alva sits back down. Jessica gets up. Alva passes out, followed by Laurent.
KILGRAVE: Alva, what's the matter?
Jessica approaches Kilgrave with a napkin and puts it over his mouth as he struggles. She injects him with something.
JESSICA: This is what Jessica would do.
Kilgrave passes out. Jessica grabs the lab top and the flashdrive and puts both in her bag. She picks up Kilgrave and takes him outside. She looks around, and sees that the area is covered with trees.
JESSICA: sh*t.
She runs over to where trees aren't blocking the sky. As she runs, Hank tackles her from the side. He pulls out a gun. Jessica holds Kilgrave in front of her as a human shield.
HANK: Don't move. Let him go.
JESSICA: You've seen what he does. What he can do. Whatever he's paying you, it's not enough.
HANK: You are harming my client. I can legally shoot you. Drop him now.
Someone else shoots Hank and he falls to the ground. Simpson runs over and knocks him out.
SIMPSON: Good job. Now let me finish him.
JESSICA: I can't.
SIMPSON: You've already done the hard part. Let his death be on me. You could walk away and get on with your life.
Simpson's friends approach and block Jessica's path.
MAN 1: Stop right there.
MAN 2: Don't move.
SIMPSON: There's no where to go.
JESSICA: I can't let you kill him. Sorry.
Jessica leaps away. Simpson and his men look on in awe.
MAN 1: What the hell was that?
MAN 2: Woah. Did she just fly?
MAN 1: That's impossible.
SIMPSON: sh*t.
He and his men walk away. Mrs. De Luca approaches them.
DE LUCA: Excuse me? Are you Officer Simpson?
SIMPSON: Ma'am, you shouldn't be out here.
DE LUCA: Kilgrave asked me to give you this.
She hands him a paper bag. He looks inside. It's the bomb from earlier.
De Luca sets off the bomb. Simpson and his men jump for cover. The bomb explodes, killing De Luca and destroying a nearby car. Simpson is heavily injured and not conscious.