Wake Up (Script) lyrics
by Jeremy Shada
Prismo is hosting a party in the time room. A number of people are in attendance, including Death, Peppermint Butler, Jake, Party God, the Cosmic Owl, The Lich, Grob Gob Glob Grod, Denise the Nymph, and some cloud people.
GROD: Denise, we have concluded you're an interesting and conventionally hot woman. My siblings and I would like to request a date with you. Are you available for a date with Glob on Saturday, Grod on Friday, Grob on Thursday or Gob on Sunday? Please select your dates now.
Denise frowns. Cut to Party God and the Cosmic Owl in a hot tub.
PARTY GOD: Ah-roo! That's nice.
Some cloud people throw toilet paper rolls over The Lich, who is stationary in a kneeling position in the corner of the room.
CLOUD PERSON 1: Eat it, Lich!
CLOUD PERSON 2: Eat it, Lich!
They both cheer. Cut to Jake, who is loudly eating cheese crackers out of a red cup. He dips his cup in a bowl for more, but but finds it empty.
JAKE: What? No more crackers!
He runs over to Prismo.
JAKE: Prismo! Prismo! Hey man, hey!
JAKE: Bad news, you ran out of cheese crackers.
PRISMO: What? No.
JAKE: Yeah, man, what are you going to do about it?
Jake shakes his cup.
PRISMO: Jake. I'm Prismo the Wish Master. We can have all the cheesy crackers we want.
Prismo materializes five bowls of cheese crackers. Jake laughs and starts eating from each of the bowls
JAKE: Prismo, you make me happy, Prismo.
PRISMO: Oh, stop.
JAKE: I'm always smiling when I'm around you. I just noticed that. I always am.
PRISMO: I'm always smiling when I'm around you, too.
Jake giggles.
JAKE: This feels so good.
Peppermint Butler and Death walk over.
PRISMO AND JAKE: Peppermint Butler! Death!
JAKE: What's up.
PEPPERMINT BUTLER: Hey, um, those guys are doing selfies on The Lich. Is that safe?
The camera pans to show Grob Gob Glob Grod taking selfies on The Lich.
GROD: Definitely going to send these to Denise.
PRISMO: Oh yeah, that's fine, he's harmless.
PEPPERMINT BUTLER: Yeah, but why isn't he killing everyone in the room right now? Controlling our minds, making us rip each other's eyes out while we buttercup one another?
PRISMO: Well, The Lich's primary function is to cause mass death. And since he can't do that while he is trapped in my Time Room, he's stuck in a standstill, like a machine without a purpose.
PEPPERMINT BUTLER: I am so scared right now.
DEATH: Yikes.
JAKE: Aw, don't worry, he ain't gonna hurt nobody.
Jake stretches his body and puts his cup on The Lich's head.
JAKE: Ha! You got a cup on your head. Ha ha, you dingus!
Jake laughs and returns to his normal shape.
JAKE: See, he's docile as a lamb.
PEPPERMINT BUTLER: Hmm. Well, okay, then I guess I can go for a selfie, too.
JAKE: Yeah, man, make your dreams come true.
Peppermint Butler and Death laugh and approach The Lich.
JAKE: Oh, what time is it? Hey, yo, Clock Face, what time is it?!
Clock turns around and checks his wrist watch.
CLOCK FACE: It's 12:30.
JAKE: Aw, boo to that. Yo, Prismo I gotta get back before Finn realizes I'm not home. He gets worried if I stay out too long.
PRISMO: All right, later, dude.
JAKE: Laters.
They high-five.
Jake is teleported to the treehouse. He climbs to the bedroom. He tries to sneak past Finn, who is awake and covered in seaweed.
FINN: Jake, where were you?
JAKE: I was, uh, in the, um... All right, man, I'm gonna come clean. I've been doing a lot of partying at Prismo's lately.
Finn doesn’t respond.
JAKE: Come on, man! I don't even take Lady up there.
FINN: Dude, I found out my human dad is still alive.
JAKE: Whoa, what?
Finn sits up.
FINN: He's at some place called the Citadel.
JAKE: Whoa.
Jake sits down next to Finn.
JAKE: Are… are you gonna go see him?
FINN: I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe there's a good reason why he didn't raise me. Like, he was probably captured by thieves and kept a slave for years.
JAKE: Yeah, or maybe he was ambushed in the wild and hid you so you wouldn't be captured, too.
FINN: Yeah, maybe it's better not to rock the boat.
JAKE: But... it might also be good to find out if you have any genetic risk factors, or allergies, or whatever. Plus, you get to see what you'll look like as an old guy. Could be cool.
FINN: Heh. I guess it would be okay to meet him, just to know what I'll look like.
JAKE: Cool. Oh! If we hurry, Prismo might still be partying.
Jake gets out a note from Prismo. It reads, “If YOU want TO COME BACK and Hang OUT SOmeTimE. c all me -P.” He touches Prismo’s signature. It glows pink, and Finn and Jake are teleported away.
Prismo and the Cosmic Owl are playing Card Wars.
COSMIC OWL: Come on, just one more game.
PRISMO: I don't know, mang. I was just gonna, like, clean up and crash out.
Finn and Jake arrive in the Time Room.
COSMIC OWL: Oh, yeah! More players!
Prismo sighs
COSMIC OWL: You guys wanna play some Card Wars?
JAKE: No. Prismo, we need to get to the Citadel.
PRISMO: Whoa! You guys do not wanna go there. Seriously.
Prismo materializes his remote.
PRISMO: Check this out.
He opens a view of the Citadel on his wall.
PRISMO: The Citadel is a nasty-sized prison.
On the screen, an alien being is shown decapitating dozens of other aliens and consuming their heads.
PRISMO: Only the worst of the worst end up there. Real stink faces.
Another alien is shown dicing up a planet. A third alien is shown stamping a doc*ment.
PRISMO: These guys are the pits. The armpits.
FINN: Hey, my dad must be, like, the warden there.
JAKE: I know you can't grant Finn and me any more wishes, so we brought Shelby along to wish on our behalf.
Jake takes out Shelby and places him on his shoulder.
SHELBY: Hello.
PRISMO: Oh, look at that, a little guy.
SHELBY: So, I wish for... a pony for my GF!
JAKE: Shelby!
SHELBY: Sorry, dudes. My girl's been hounding me for a pony for months. I'm gonna get mad points for this.
Shelby's phone rings. He answers.
SHELBY: Oh, hi! So you got it? That's great! You like him? Uh huh... You’re gonna name him what?
Shelby crawls into Jake’s ear.
SHELBY: Speedboat? Yeah, that's a good one.
JAKE: Dang, Shelby.
PRISMO: A wish wouldn't have worked anyway. You can only get to The Citadel committing a cosmic crime.
JAKE: So, what do we gotta do? Rob a cosmic bank? Steal a space baby?
COSMIC OWL: Oh, uh, I just remembered I gotta go home. Gotta groom my feathers.
He gathers his Card Wars materials and walks away..
COSMIC OWL: Goodbye! Goodbye!
He flies out of the Time Room.
PRISMO: Listen, if you guys are serious about this, all you gotta do is find a certain sleeping old man and bring him here.
JAKE: That's it?
PRISMO: Yep. He's on one of those floating islands out there. It kind of looks like an upside-down duck.
JAKE: That doesn't seem much of a crime.
PRISMO: Yeah, but that's all there is to it. For now.
JAKE: What?
PRISMO: Check it out! I got gifts for you guys.
A penlight materializes in front of Finn. He grabs it.
FINN: Ha, cool it's a penlight.
He waves it around and makes laser noises.
FINN: Jake, don't look directly in the - Ah!
A massive light shines in Finn’s face. Jake is shown to be holding a much more powerful penlight.
JAKE: Oh, oh, sorry.
Jake turns his penlight down. Both of them wave their penlights at each other and imitate laser noises. Prismo clears his throat.
JAKE: Come on, Finn let's go find this old guy.
PRISMO: Oh! One last thing, dudes. Whatever you do, don't wake him up. Okay, you can go now.
Cut to outside the Time Room. Finn and Jake exit, Finn jumping from rock to rock and Jake stretching. Finn shines his penlight around and makes laser noises. Jake comes and stands next to him.
FINN: You ever wonder what happened to make a place all wrecked up like this?
JAKE: Nope. Hey, upside-down duck!
He gestures to a large floating duck-shaped rock with a house on the underside.
JAKE: No, wait, it's right side up.
The island rotates such that the duck is upside down and the house is right side up.
JAKE: Aha!
Jake stretches over to the island and turns himself into stairs for Finn. They both approach the house. Jake makes his hand massive and begins to knock on the door and yell.
JAKE: Hey! Get out here, old man!
FINN: Dude, shh. Don't wake him up.
Jake shrinks head and whispers, still knocking.
JAKE: Hey, get out here, old man.
Jake shrinks and stretches through the door’s keyhole. He opens the door for Finn. Finn turns on his penlight and discovers the old man sleeping in a bed.
FINN: Old man.
The old man turns over in his sleep. Jake makes beeping noises and stretches himself under the bed. He expands and lifts the bed on his back. Suddenly, a small nightmarish version of Prismo comes out of the old man’s mouth.
JAKE: Uh oh!
The nightmarish Prismo scratches the wall and hisses.
JAKE: Finn, a little help?
Finn makes a laser noise and shines his penlight on the nightmarish Prismo. It shatters, but another one comes out of the old man’s mouth. Jake uses his penlight and instantly destroys the nightmarish Prismo. Finn climbs on top of Jake.
FINN: Let's hoof it!
Jake runs out of the house and jumps from island to island. The old man seems disturbed.
FINN: Jake, don't jostle the package.
Three nightmarish Prismos come out of the old man’s mouth. Finn leaps and shatters two at once.
FINN: All right!
Finn looks down and realizes he landed on the old man. Dozens of nightmarish Prismos escape the old man’s mouth. Finn shines his light and shatters a few, but they quickly overwhelm the group.
FINN: There's too many of them!
JAKE: Let's see here.
Jake looks at his penlight. There’s a dial which has two options, “FLASHLIGHT" and "SUPERNOVA." He changes it from FLASHLIGHT to SUPERNOVA. As the army of nightmarish Prismos completely covers them, Jake’s penlight completely obliterates them all. Cut back to the Time Room. Finn, Jake, and the old man enter.
PRISMO: Oh, hey, you’re back.
JAKE: Dude's got serious night terrors.
Jake shrinks to normal size, setting down the old man.
FINN: What now, Prismo?
Prismo looks at the old man for a few moments.
PRISMO: Okay, wake him up.
PRISMO: Yeah, I just wanted one last look at myself.
FINN: Wait, this old man is you?
PRISMO: That's right. ‘Prismo’ is nothing more than the dream of a wrinkly old man. Man, I've gotten a lot hairier, but also balder? Tell me how that makes any sense. I look like a big ol' hairy raisin.
JAKE: So, wait, what happens to you when we wake him up?
PRISMO: Poof! I'm a goner. Thus ends mighty Prismo.
JAKE: Prismo.
PRISMO: Killing a wish master is a cosmic crime. Once I'm dead, the guardian will show up and take you to The Citadel.
FINN: I don't think seeing my dad is worth sacrificing your life.
PRISMO: Ah, don't worry. As soon as my corporeal body falls back asleep again in a thousand years I'll be back.
JAKE: You sure about this?
PRISMO: Hold on, let me take one last look around.
He surveys the room. Other than the himself, the exit, Finn, Jake, The Lich, and his corporeal form, there is very little in the room.
PRISMO: Huh, thought I'd own more stuff by now. Okay, let's do it!
JAKE: Still feels like a bad idea, man.
PRISMO: Pssh! What could go wrong?
The Lich suddenly lurches forward, slapping Finn and Jake across the room. He picks Prismo’s corporeal body.
THE LICH: Wake up.
The Lich shakes the old man awake.
PRISMO: W-wait, I've changed my mind-
As the old Prismo wakes up, the dream Prismo fades away. Jake gasps.
JAKE: Prismo, don't worry! I'll put the old man to sleep and get you back!
FINN: Dude! That means The Lich jacked our entry into The Citadel.
JAKE: Aw, no man, how are you gonna see your dad?
OLD MAN PRISMO: Hello? Who are you guys? Could any of you strangers tell me how to go home? I'm done with my nap.
JAKE: Old man Prismo.
The Lich breathes heavily and brings the old Prismo up to his face.
OLD MAN PRISMO: I just woke up from my nap, uh, but I'm ready to go back to bed. I'd like to go home and take a nap.
JAKE: No, old man Prismo, don't talk to him.
The Lich lifts old Prismo higher.
OLD MAN PRISMO: Are you my son?
The Lich exhales a black gas which instantly dissolves old man Prismo.
JAKE: Old man Prismo! No!
Jake stretches into a massive version of himself.
JAKE: Lich, I’m gonna kill you!
Jake screams. The Lich laughs. Suddenly, a portal opens behind him. A large being encases The Lich in a purple crystal as he continues to laugh. The being grabs the crystal holding The Lich.
FINN: Oh, dang! I think they're going to the Citadel! I'm coming, daddy!
Finn charges straight for the portal.