The Wild Hunt (Script) lyrics
by Jeremy Shada
Cut to a shot of the night sky over the Candy Kingdom. The camera pans down to the entrance to the dungeons. Cut inside. Two banana guards stand watch outside of the banana guard’s dormitory.
BANANA GUARD 1: I’m scared it’ll come back tonight.
BANANA GUARD 1: Can we hold hands?
BANANA GUARD 2: I need my hand to hold my spear.
BANANA GUARD 1: Why don’t you use your other hand?
BANANA GUARD 2: Oh, that’s a good idea.
He reaches out to the other guard.
BANANA GUARD 1: But… I need this hand to hold my spear.
BANANA GUARD 2: Use your other one.
BANANA GUARD 1: It won’t reach.
He turns around and faces the door to be able to reach the other guard’s hand.
BANANA GUARD 1: This is less scary because now I won’t see the monster coming.
After a moment, a growl comes from off-screen. Banana Guard 1 turns and looks shocked. Banana Guard 2, oblivious, examines his spear.
BANANA GUARD 2: Wow. You know, I just noticed, these things have rings on the end. It must be for blowing bubbles.
He begins spinning his spear as the other banana guard grows more and more terrified. The camera pulls back and a massive hand comes in from the side, grabbing the Banana Guards, who scream. Their screams abruptly stop and the sound of something eating is heard. A brown ooze floods the area. Steam comes off of it as it comes into contact with a banana guard’s spear. The monster’s feet come into frame and it pushes open the door to the dormitory. Light from outside shines in on the sleeping banana guards. The monster comes into full view as it picks up a banana guard.
BANANA GUARD 3: Huh? Ah! It’s back!
The monster growls and spits the brown sludge onto the guard, covering his entire face. The monster grabs another guard and does the same. It goes for a third guard, but the guard transforms and is revealed to be Jake in disguise.
JAKE: Surprise!
Jake bites the monster, who howls in pain.
JAKE: Finn, get in here!
Jake punches the monster, who falls to the floor. Finn, also disguised as a banana guard, rolls over.
FINN: Okay, yeah!
He grabs his sword.
FINN: Sic ‘em, Jake!
He jumps down onto the monster.
JAKE: Feelin’ good, buddy?
FINN: I’m good, but this chump’s about to get slain!
Finn holds his sword up. Jake strains against the monster.
JAKE: Slay him quick, he’s got crazy devil strength!
FINN: No prob. Here comes the slay.
Finn looks at the monster. He imagines Fern’s face overlaid onto the monster’s face.
FERN: Don’t kill me, Finn.
FINN: Um… Here I go. Mathematical.
JAKE: Finn, are you doing the thing?
FERN: I’m your friend! I’m you.
FINN: Jake, maybe you should slay this guy.
JAKE: Aw, dude, you are doing the thing again!
FERN: I’m you!
JAKE: Slay him!
Everything slows down. Zoom in on Finn’s face. Suddenly, the scene cuts to text that reads, “THAT MORNING.”
In a flashback, Finn and Princess Bubblegum arrive at a baseball field dressed to play.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Thanks again for coming out to coach. The jamboree’s always a big morale boost for the troops.
FINN: Yeah, it’s, uh… It’s a nice distraction.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Hmm. So, how are you holding up after all the Fern stuff?
FINN: It’s been a rough month, P.B. I know Fern was an angry guy who tried to kill me, but I still feel awful about the way he went. It’s really messing with me.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Oh, Finn, I’m so sorry. Death is no laughing matt-woah!
Princess Bubblegum slips and falls on a banana guard’s peel and goes sliding. After she stops, she looks at the sticker on the peel.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Banana Guard #216? Oh, my glob, he’s dead!
We see that all around the entrance to the dormitory are banana peels and brown sludge.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: This is a banana fudge massacre!
Some guards come yelling.
BANANA GUARDS: Princess! Princess!
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: Guys, what happened?
BANANA GUARD 1: A terrible monster kidnapped squadron five!
BANANA GUARD 2: It looked like a banana, but it peeled other bananas!
BANANA GUARDS: Traitor! Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: A banana and fudge monster? That’s candy tech! Okay, who’s behind this? Finn!
Finn is investigating one of the peels.
PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM: I need you and Jake to guard the barracks tonight. If this creep comes back and lays a finger on my guards, you show no mercy.
FINN: Um… Yeah. I’ll do my best.
Cut back to the present time.
JAKE: Finn, Finn, stop showing mercy!
The monster keeps stretching Jake until he snaps and throws Jake across the room. He kicks Finn off of him and gets up. Jake hits a pole and collapses to the ground. Finn hits the ground and sits up.
FINN: Oh, no, I dinked it!
The monster growls and drools hot fudge. It breaks through a nearby wall and escapes. All of the banana guards wake up and run away screaming.
FINN: Jake, I’m sorry. I… I couldn’t do it.
JAKE: Love you forever, man, but your guilt’s hurting the team dynamics.
Finn gets out of his banana guard disguise.
FINN: I know. I’m gonna go make it right!
JAKE: Cool. I’m gonna make peace with my aging body.
Finn leaves through the hole the monster made and sees it wander into the nearby forest. Cut to Finn chasing after it. He leaps onto its back and prepares to stab it in the head.
FINN: No mercy this time, banana boy! I don’t care why you’re doing this, or if you have a, a tragic past.
He imagines Fern’s face on the monster again.
FINN: I don’t care! I’m hard like that.
FERN: Don’t kill me, Finn.
Finn’s arms get shaky.
FINN: Nope!
The monster notices Finn on its neck and twists its head around to growl at him.
FINN: Oh, gross!
The monster headbutts him, sending Finn flying into some nearby bushes. He sits up.
FINN: What the heck is my problem?
The monster growls and turns around. It spits hot fudge at him.
FINN: Ah, fudge!
A projectile sends the hot fudge back into the monster’s face right before it reaches Finn. The monster screams.
FINN: Huh? How’d I do that?
The monster runs away through the forest.Huntress Wizard sings down from a tree behind Finn.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Um, it’s getting away.
FINN: Ah! Oh, Huntress Wizard.
She uses a magic projectile to create a rope leading in the direction of the monster.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Come on! After that booger.
Finn hops on her back and they make their way across the rope.
FINN: Thanks for the save, H.W.
FINN: You’re chasing that grabby banana too, huh?
HUNTRESS WIZARD: I’m hunting it. It’s an invasive species that’s been destroying the local ecosystem with its nasty hot fudge.
As she runs, they survey the local area, which has been decimated by fudge.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Its name is the Grumbo. It’s a name that I made up just now, because you can’t hunt what you can’t name.
FINN: Yeah, makes sense.
She looks at some plants eroded by fudge, then continues running.
FINN: So, how you been?
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Finn, I saw you falter back there. Why did you hesitate before you dealt the final blow?
Finn sighs.
FINN: It keeps happening since I aced Fern.
As he speaks, he has a flashback to the moment he killed Fern. Fern stands above him, menacingly.
FINN: Every time I’m about to wail on some monster, I remember seeing Fern go kaboom...
He imagines the moment he inadvertently shredded Fern to death.
FINN: … And the guild paralyzes me. I can’t seem to final blow anybody.
Fern explodes into shreds. The flashback ends and the shot cuts back to Huntress Wizard running while carrying Finn.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: I see. Okay, let’s vanquish your mental block, because I’ll need your help to defeat the Grumbo. It’s a two-huntress job.
FINN: The second huntress is me.
She leaps down from the rope to the forest floor. A squirrel who was eating from the monster’s fudge trail is startled and runs away as they land.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: The trail goes cold here. I mean, the fudge is still hot, but that squirrel dude just ate most of it.
FINN: What? No! Ugh, I should have struck when I had the chance. Or, not struck Fern when I didn’t have the chance? Ugh, I don’t even know anymore.
He slams his head against a nearby tree.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: This is just me talking, but it sounds like Fern was already headed down a dark road.
They begin walking through the forest.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Sounds like he was a bad version of yourself that you had to destroy in order to become an even tighter version of yourself. Does that sound about right?
A distant sound ends their conversation before Finn can answer. They follow the noise to a cave with fudge all around it.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Looks like we got some hot fudge on our hands. Okay, let’s review our roles. When I take out its legs, you strike the underbelly.
She summons her magic arrow.
Finn pulls out his sword. They both enter the cave.
FINN: I can do this. I’m 90% sure I can do this. Gonna slice right through that sweet Fern face.
The whimpering gets louder. They approach another section of the cave. They enter and find it littered with banana peels. Huntress Wizard stops in the middle and looks up to see the Grumbo sleeping, hanging from the ceiling.
FINN: Yes.
Huntress Wizard throws her arrow at the Grumbo. It wakes up at the last second and dodges. It leaps down from the ceiling and faces Huntress Wizard and Finn.
FINN: Huh?
Huntress Wizard moves out of the way as the Grumbo swings its head around and sends Finn flying to the side of the cave. He falls to the ground. Huntress Wizard sprints towards the Grumbo, dodging its punches.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Bicycle kick!
She kicks it in the head, landing on the ground as it staggers backwards. She makes a magic arrow with a rope on the end and sends it around the Grumbo’s legs. She pulls the rope, toppling the Grumbo.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Now, Finn! Coop-degrassi!
He gets up.
FINN: Okay, time to final blow it!
He charges and leaps onto the back of its neck. As he goes for the final blow, Fern’s face appears on it again.
FERN: Finn, don’t you love me?
FINN: Uh, can we maybe switch roles?
She struggles to hold the rope. The Grumbo punches Finn away.
FINN: Whoops!
The Grumbo sends Huntress Wizard into the wall, knocking her out. Her magic arrow and the rope disappear.
FINN: Oops, oops, oops!
The Grumbo gets up. Finn narrowly dodges a shot of hot fudge, which singes his pants. He winces in pain and speaks in a high-pitched voice.
FINN: H.W., let’s come back and try tomorrow.
The Grumbo approaches him. Huntress Wizard gets up and holds a spear.
She throws the spear at the Grumbo. The spear dissolves on its back and causes the Grumbo to cry out in pain. It turns around to look at Huntress Wizard, who opens her arms wide and stands still. It begins to charge her.
FINN: Huntress Wizard, get out of the way!
She stands, unmoving.
FINN: Think, think, think! Ugh! Okay, if I can’t fix my mind, I gotta fool it.
He points his sword at Huntress Wizard.
FINN: Attack. Attack. Attack.
He imagines Fern again, this time on Huntress Wizard.
FERN: Finn, help me.
FINN: I’ll save you, buddy.
Finn runs towards the Grumbo. Once under its belly, he stabs it. It falls over, sliding across the ground, and coming to a stop in front of Huntress Wizard. Finn walks over and pulls his sword out of its belly, which causes it to explode, sending lemon juice everywhere. Both he and Huntress Wizard get drenched. Finn holds up his sword, which has been dissolved by hot fudge.
FINN: I did it. Sorry I almost got you killed.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: It’s cool. It’s totally cool. I knew you just needed a push. That’s why I very smartly pretended to throw myself in harm’s way.
She walks over and helps him up.
FINN: No, actually, that’s not what did it.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Yeah, right. We both know you’re totally in love with me.
Finn smiles. He kisses her. He pulls back from the kiss and images Fern’s face on her, which causes him to scream. Some naked banana guards come out from behind some rocks nearby.
BANANA GUARD 1: Finn? Are you here to rescue us? Oh, glob, there’s someone else here, too!
BANANA GUARD 2: I don’t have my peel! Oh, don’t look!
The banana guards all begin to whine.
FINN: It’s okay, guys. Huntress Wizard is into natchy living.
Huntress Wizard investigates some of the leftover lemon juice.
HUNTRESS WIZARD: Weird. These Grumbo remains are 100% artificial candy flesh. Like, straight out of a lab.
Finn kicks a pile of lemony sludge.
FINN: I wonder who made him.
The shot pans up to reveal a camera in the cave. Cut to the ruined ziggurat.
GUMBALD: Who, indeed?
Gumbald is shown to be watching a live feed from the camera on a computer. He pops the cap off of a red marker.
GUMBALD: Who is the brilliant puppet master working tirelessly behind the scenes, completely unfazed by this minor, minor, setback?
He uses the marker to draw a red x over a sketch of the Grumbo. Above the sketch is the word “BANANAMEISTER,” which has been crossed out, and the word, “GRUMBO.”
GUMBALD: Why, it’s me, Uncle G. Ready yourself, Prinzessin! Your boy hero will be no match for my next creation.
He walks away, revealing a large green monster in a vat behind him.