Dear Anxiety lyrics
by Clayton Jennings
I wake up, puddle of sweat
I have nightmares, and I get back into bed
It's like these voices just keep playing on repeat in the back of my head
And I can’t get them to leave me alone
Thirty-years old but still hates being alone when I'm home
Because that's when the voices get the loudest
Opening up like this is a moment far from my proudest
But these demons keep pressin’ me, I swear they're the foulest
But I've grown comfortable with their presence, my conscious is calloused
My dreams are their playground, my thoughts are their palace
I tried to evict them, they returned with more
Anxiety isn't an item you can return at the store
I was 10 the first time I had a panic attack
Like a punch to the stomach, there's no planning for that
And I didn't tell anyone because I was too scared about what they'd say
And I knew deep down that there was nothing they could do to take it away
It was my fight to fight and my battle to face
I remember that house I grew up in and how those demons would rattle that place
I'd lay awake at night just staring at the ceiling
I’ve spent my whole life trying to run from that feeling
That feeling of being lonely, that feeling of being lost
That feeling of being sick when the lights turn off
That feeling of being depressed, that feeling of being anxious
That feeling of screaming to God begging Him to take this
Only to get silence in return
I’d lay in that bed crying, and I'd toss and I’d turn
And I turn and I toss to this day
The doctors gave me medication, the pastor said pray
I tried both, and this anxiety still hasn't gone away
So forgive me if I fantasize about being gone today
I'm an actor who got really good at being on today
But when I turn off, I go right back into the shadows
I'm in the deep-end now, but I started in the shallows
And I might just drown myself in these waves
Suburbian hell, these homes are all graves
Everyone’s coping with something but won't admit it, they're all too afraid
And these kids are glued to watching me, what do I say?
If I'm honest with them, maybe they won't think highly of me
Everything they want me to be is what I'm dying to be
But everything I really am is what I'm not trying to be
I want them to know that they're not alone in their struggles
I wake up in tears and fall back asleep in those puddles
And I don't ever think I'll get out of this valley I'm in
Terrified that all along God has tallied my sins
And if He has, the number must be astronomic
My life is a joke, and you keep reading, just pass the comic
Because everything you think that I am is far from the truth
I wish I could open up to you and just let loose
But my vocal cords get tight when the Devil pulls on this noose
And then I'm back to keeping everything bottled up inside
But he's not gonna keep me from pulling the throttle back this time
He's not gonna keep me trapped like this
I can't get out of bed, I was never made to act like this
I'm packing up my bags, and he can't stop me from running fast like this
I'm not gonna be a slave to these voices of anxiety
I'm shoving the Devil back for every time that he lied to me
And I'm taking a belt to these demons who whisper despair in my ear
And I'm ignoring every naysayer who stands and stares when I'm near
I'm moving forward out of this slump
I took my bruises, I took my lumps
I fell down, but I got right back up
So give me a torch, and let's light that up
I'm setting fire to the Devil, and I'm dousing these demons in gasoline
Look at you now, now you're not laughing at me
Now who's the one who's being tortured and punked?
Now who's the one closing every door that I want?
Now who's the one watching the other burn the ground?
Don't look away from me, you better turn back around
I'm not done talking to you now
I'm watching your moves
I'm on your back, and I'm stalking you, too
And when you try to ruin some other kid's life, I'll be stoppin' you, too
You took thirty years of my life, and I can't get that back
You told me to end my life, and I nearly got killed for that
You took me down, but I bounced right back
I was lost then, and I got found like that
And everything you told me I wasn't someone new told me I was
And everything you hated in me someone new told me He loves
And when you tried to kill me with depression and anxiety
He reached in and placed hope deep inside of me
So I'm done listening to you and letting you control me
I'm announcing it now that the Devil can't hold me
I'm walking away from the old me
And I'm demanding a refund on every lie that you sold me
You knew I'd find a way out sooner or later
And I found my escape in the form of a Savior