God lyrics
by Clayton Jennings
They say the angels marvel at why You love us so much
While people down here say You don't love us enough
They say the atheists look at the heavens and don't believe that You're there
If I'm being honest, I don't feel worthy to take a breath of Your air
I don't contemplate what angels and men think about you
I wish I could be like You, but I don't know how to
You are everything that I'm not
And God, I'm trying my best to follow You with everything that I've got
But sometimes in this world of fury, it's hard to focus
I'm trying to keep my eyes on the God of David, of Daniel, of Moses
You rained down fire on Sodom, and Your hands split the oceans
You welcome home sinners with arms always open
You created the world in six days and rested on the seventh
You created me in Your image, and You changed my life in a second
You formed the stars with Your breath and the waters with Your spirit
I'm drawn to Your melody whenever I hear it
Your choir is the wind, and Your voice is the thunder
You gave grace to my sins and lifted the noise I was under
You light up the sky with lightning bolts of Your power
Your majesty stretches beyond the clouds, my God is a tower
Your throne is somewhere out past this Earth-bound gravity
I was born with a curse of depravity that was passed to me
But You didn't expect me to be perfect, that's something You never asked of me
It took the blood of Your Son to rescue me from this tragedy
The world might think I'm crazy, and my critics might laugh at me
I just hope one day they meet the God that died for them, too
They know not what they do, just followers of Satan who lied to them, too
So they can mock, and sneer, and call the things of my God laughable
But you go beyond the limits of the finite natural
You reach past the infinite and into eternity
And like the fire of Nebuchadnezzar, You walk into the flames, and You burn for me
And I'm trying to be who You want me to be
I look past the heavens, and I see the outline of Your majesty
Heavy is Your call on my life and the torch that You passed to me
I'm just trying to be faithful to You, God, my King
Glory to the Most High, someday I'll join with the angels and sing
But for now, my mind can't comprehend Your Glory, can it?
I won't understand you fully until I'm off this planet
And if I'm being honest, I'm looking forward to leaving this place
I'm an astronaut born to be with You, down here I'm misplaced
Up there, I'm at home in glory, down here I'm disgraced
But if the world hates me, I have to remember it hated You first
You offer living water of the well to be traded for thirst
You walked on water, and You turned water into wine
You calmed the storms, and You took the sins that were mine
Someday, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess
Reality will set in for the sinner like a gun to the head
You don't have to be from Moscow to play Russian roulette
Every day, people risk life after death
But You offer a way out for flawed people like me
Sons and daughters of the King is what You've called people to be
You are fashioning my hands for battle, and my life for war
For the first time I can see, my sight's restored
And out of these ashes, I will rise to tell others about You
And You will lift me up and speak through me when I don't know how to
So use me God and speak through my weakness
With everything in me, I'll follow you, Jesus
And someday, I'll fall to the ground when we meet
I live this life in hopes of placing crowns at Your feet
And I can picture You there with angels in flight
And tell them You've called me to run into the night
And into the darkness, I'll continue to go
And into Your Word, I'll continue to grow
You are worthy of every demon that comes against me
In Your arms, I am strong, in Your river, You rinse me
So take my life, and use me, Lord
Your faith is my shield, Your truth is my sword