Dear Gay People lyrics
by Clayton Jennings
I was like four at the time
A little kid from Indiana, not a lot on my mind
I loved basketball, especially Michael, and that was fine
But it wasn't okay to like Magic
I was like four being told gay people have AIDS, and it's easy to pass it
Just as easy as an alley-oop basket
To that Magic poster, yeah, mom trashed it
And this isn't me trashing her
But I do remember asking her
Why it was okay to have a gambler's poster but not of gays
That's when MJ rolled dice, and people said Magic had AIDS
Every since I was a kid, I always liked to debate
And I couldn't wait to tell mom that Jesus loved Magic, too
Jesus loves the little children, I knew the lyrics, too
Jesus heals the little children, I knew the miracles, too
Mom, if you hear this, you know that it's true
Back then, you quoted Scripture, today, you still do
But is it as easy as that, just one-two?
'Cause I wonder if gay people are born that way or if they decide to choose
And I wonder if it's my mind that I'm beginning to lose
Because all of a sudden I'm not afraid to let loose
"So let loose Clayton
Say what nobody else will
The Bible even says it, there's a time to kill
So kill the debate, and tell us where you stand
Divide your following by putting a line in the sand
Is it okay for a man to love another man?
Look at this, guys, we got Clayton sinking in quicksand
Quick, give him a hand"
No thanks, I'll stand
You gawk about it, so let's talk about it
I'll answer this as easily as I'm able
But if you were sitting on the other side of the table?
What would you say?
I'm sure you'd tell me it's a sin to be gay
I'm sure you'd point out verses that say that it is
Dear gay people, stop trying to manipulate Scripture to not offend the kids
It is what it is
The Bible says it's a sin to be gay
I can't change the fact that it was written that way
And you can take out verses, but it's not the same
And you can bully a gay kid to hearses, this is not a game
So if I tell you I believe the Bible, that means I believe being gay is a sin?
And if I tell you I only believe parts of the Bible and not what it says about when men love men
Because the Bible clearly says heterosexuals and homosexuals repent, repent
So there, that's the answer if you're on either side of the fence
You can be on the left or on the right like Mike Pence
You asked for two pennies, so here's my two cents
I know the Bible says it's a sin to be gay
But what about the part that says you'll know them by their love
Do we just throw that away?
Because I've sometimes seen more love and grace by the gay community than I have from the church world
And this is my sincerely asking questions in a hurt world
Because I grew up being told gay people choose to be gay
But I made friends with gay people who said they were born that way
And I'm left in the middle, looked at as a bigot if I believe in the Bible
Or looking like a sellout if I don't yell at gays in the crowd at the next town revival
It's a lose-lose
That's why you keep trying to get public figures to choose-choose
Because you know it's controversial, and you need the news, news
Even if it means hanging Chris Pratt with a noose
Some people use opinions on homosexuality like duck-duck-goose
You're in trouble when you get picked regardless of which side of the issue you choose
But to lose people's love on either side, I could care less
I guess that makes me a little careless
The Bible says homosexuality is a sin
But if I believe that to be true, I'd also have to believe this
That real Christians don't hurl out insults or raise their fists
It's offensive
Just like when gay parades mock Christians
If you haven't heard it from a normal Christian, listen
I'm just talking things out, there's no agenda or mission
I'm just tired of the debate
People so divided all because of their faith
Most of the battles happen online 'cause people are too scared to say it to each other's face
So what if I tell a lie, would that be wrong?
The Bible says that no liar will inherit the Kingdom of God
God's not eyeing gay parades with lightning rods
He puts way too much worth in the price of the Cross
Jesus is looking at all of us with open arms
The Bible says come as you are
So if a gay person who accepts doesn't get into Heaven
Then I'm cast out, too