Hipster Church lyrics
by Clayton Jennings
My mom just died last night
And it was your message that saved my life
I was mad at God and almost overdosed on Vicodin
I couldn't stand to face another day of this life I'm in
But then I saw you on YouTube
God changed my life, and now I wanna do the same things you do
A hundred million views online, who knew
So many people rescued by the Gospel presented by just one dude
I was just telling people in need who they should run to
I didn't know so many people would start running to me
It's something to see
When I'm out in public, people stop me for pictures in front of my family
I remember a guy in Florida getting my name tattooed on his forearm randomly
I asked him why he did it
He told me he had a small camp of friends, and I was in it
But I had never met him, and he didn't know me
He could tell I wasn't thrilled when he lowered his sleeve slowly
I didn't mean to burst his bubble
I just know idolizing people can get you into trouble
I guess the look of disappointment I gave him wasn't quite subtle
I was just shocked that someone would actually do that
Rewind a few years ago before I became a name and donned a hat
And nobody would ever think about getting that tat
It's on his arm permanently, and he can't take that back
I wish I was flattered, but I can't say that
If anything, things like that make me wanna stay back and fall into obscurity
Where nobody would ever see me or hear from me
But I was in this promote a message not a messenger
You might wonder why I'm stretchin' this for
Because less is more
I must decrease, and He must increase
It's not my life but the One who's in me
And sometimes I wonder if I was responsible for this rise in popularity
The thought of self-promotion scares me
But looking back, maybe I'm guilty of that
I wouldn't post half the things I posted in the past
I see people trying to be just like me, and it'll never last
They think they can make a couple of videos and throw on my hat
They don't see the years of my work it took to get me where I'm at
And they don't understand that it's a call, it's not a self-hire
I look at my peers, and there are very few I admire
This watered-down Gospel and hipster approach is getting so tired
I wish we'd bring back the brimstone of fire and old church choirs
At least then, we didn't have so many liars
But people keep eating that junk, so it sells because of the buyers
Maybe that's why a hundred million have watched my sermons across online wires
Maybe that's why God has given me this megaphone in this generation
To be a voice in the wilderness shouting repentance in every presentation
I'm not in this to please a nation
My heart grieves for this nation
But you have pastors telling you to get rich off of Jesus on every garbage Christian station
And we wonder why we don't see change
Maybe because people keep changing the channel
We've replaced Billy Graham and put motivational preachers on mantles
Men who want the rewards from Jesus but aren't willing to walk in His sandals
God isn't a genie, and He isn't your hipster buddy
You'd understand that if you'd open your Bible to study
But it's all iPads and music now
Whatever it takes to bring in a crowd
But the people leave the same and the Spirit never moves
The popular preachers today couldn't walk a mile in Spurgeon's shoes
And when the pulpit becomes a joke, it's the people who lose
So what do we do?
We turn to God, and we repent as a people
We start preaching the Word when under the steeple
We make much of the Gospel and less of ourselves
And we dust off the Bible that sits untouched on our shelves
We show the world we are a city on a hill and a light in the dark
It's time for God's people to living lives set apart
We start living blameless like we never used to
Or one day, when we stand before God, He'll say, "Depart from Me, I never knew you"