J.O.E. lyrics


Clayton Jennings

I remember when you were everything I wanted to be
In high school, basketball consumed me
My sophomore year, the coaches didn't choose me
I was devastated, but I still watched every game you played in
And I always wanted you to shine
Everyone thought you'd go far at the time
But life had other plans
I remember when you found out your dad had cancer and we cried in the stands
We were just kids back then, but you took it like a man
You kept fighting
And on the court, you moved like lightning
Nothing can stop, or so I thought
To be honest, Joe, I looked up to you a lot
But then things came tumbling down
Alcohol and a woman's accusation tarnished your reputation around town
We went our separate ways, you stayed in town and I moved around
You started hanging around a bad crowd
That took you to places you were never meant to go
That put chains on you, but you were meant to grow
And I remember going out one night to dinner when my brother took me
We saw you from afar on the deck of Wolfie's
I could barely recognize you back then
You were just bones and skin
The alcohol and drugs had taken its toll
We were in our early twenties, but you looked old
I didn't even approach you, it was like I didn't know you
I wanted to say something, but I didn't know to
So I left that night and drove away
Thinking about that talent you had thrown away
Two years later, more rumors were wispin' around
You had a baby out of wed-lock with a girl uptown
A little boy that looked just like you
But the girl who quickly began not to like you
Your baby was on the bottle drinking milk
You were on the bottle close to being killed
And that's when I talked to your brother Jake and Jimmy's wedding
Everyone was happy, but he looked down and out in that setting
I asked him if he was okay
You were strung out on a binge that day
He told me his family thought they might lose you
Everyone knew, and he asked me if I knew, too
I didn't, it was my first time hearing it
Jake said you could lose your life or at least you were nearing it
I asked for your number, and he put it in my phone
I called you that night after the reception on my way home
You could barely form a sentence when we spoke that night
You kept asking me for help, and I told you it would be alright
You didn't want me to come over because you were ashamed of me seeing you at your lowest
You were embarrassed that night and tried not to show it
But that didn't keep me from showing up
You were on the porch of your mom's house throwing up
I helped you in the house, and you sat on the couch
We woke up your family in the middle of the night
Your mom and sister Jess had tears in their eyes
I told you I was there to help you and that I was gonna fight for you
I prayed out loud in that living room that God would bring life to you
You were slumped over, and you smelled like liquor
I talked to your mom and talked to your sister
She had her little boys with her
They wanted their uncle Joey
But you were drifting unconscious slowly
I invited you to go to church with me that weekend
I was in town of Dad's church where two days later I'd be preaching
You told me you didn't have anything to wear and you couldn't attend
You asked if I had a dress shirt I could possibly lend
I told you to go to bed and get ready for tomorrow
You didn't make it that far, though
You stumbled down the hallway and paused at your door
You asked me what I was doing this for
You're my friend, Joe
And friends help friends
After all, Jesus still helped me in all of my sins
You went to bed that night wasted and dying
I drove home in the moonlight anxious and crying
I prayed and asked God for a miracle to save your life
I'll never forget that night
The next day I took you to get a Bible at LifeWay Christian Bookstore
We got stopped by a fan as soon as we opened the door
He told me my minister had saved his life from alcohol addiction
I pushed you in front of him and asked you to listen
It was a divine appointment in aisle 3
He started pouring into you, and it was wild to see
God was at work, and he was using that man
It wasn't by mistake, God had a plan
We left there, and you asked if that was God at work
You had tear stains on your shirt
I smiled and said nothing happens by chance
God has a funny way of transforming our cans from our can'ts
We walked into the fashion store
Something you don't have much of a passion for
But we picked you out a suit and shoes
I stood back and let you choose
Black on black and a belt to top it off
When you stood in the mirror, you looked like you never wanted to take it off
You got chills on your arms, and you couldn't shake that off
It was like you were beginning to see who you could be rather than what life had made you
You were seeing who God calls you rather than what Satan names you
You teared up when we left with that suit, and I can't blame you
Life was starting to turn around
We had the windows rolled down when we rolled back through town
With a new Bible on your lap and an outfit in the back
Life seemed like it was finally starting to get back on track
And then it happened there at the revival
I got done preaching, watched you walked down the aisle
You had both hands up, and you were walking in freedom
Winter sins were gone, and spring came in with it's new season
I almost fell to my knees
I remember that night asking for a miracle, please Lord, please
And then it happened
You gave your life to Jesus
You understand that we need Him, but He doesn't need us
But He died for us, and He adopted you that day
I watched you at the altar as you knelt to pray
And it was like for the first time, I saw the weight drift away
You've been clean now for months, and you've been shouting your initials J.O.E
Because you know that that freedom comes from putting Jesus over everything
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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