Church Pew Bar Stool - A CALL FOR LOVE lyrics


Clayton Jennings

I was once told a story by a close friend of mine
Who said that after a long night of drinking on Saturday night
He woke up Sunday morning and decided for the first time in his life
He wanted to go to Church he got in his car he drove
He found the closest Church he could he walked in the back door of the service
And sat down in a Church pew
He said he didn't know what to expect that day but he felt like he at least leave there
Feeling like a better person
Feeling a little bit of joy
Feeling a little bit of love
Instead he left there downtrod
Said he left there crushed because of the judgemental looks and attitudes that came his way
That he said you know what man I think they smelled the alcohol on me
And I don't think they like that
He told me that no matter what happens to him in this life
No matter where he goes what he does he will never go sit on a Church pew
Because you know what he felt more loved he felt more accepted
And he felt more joy at a bar stool than he did at a Church pew
You see a lot of people who sit at these Church pews
Haven't taken the time to open up the bible
That they beat over the top of other peoples heads
Because if they did open up that bible
They would see a Jesus Christ who lived completely different than they do now
They would see a Jesus Christ who came into this world and hung out with drunkards who hung out with prostitutes who hung out with tax collectors
They would see a Jesus Christ who said I come not to save the self-righteous those who think they have it figured out
Those religious people who sit on their high horse and act like they are better than everyone else
No I came to safe those who are in need of a [?]
I came to safe sinners because I love sinners
We were supposed to mirror Jesus Christ
As followers of him and in doing so we are supposed to show love to the rest of the world
Jesus Christ said they will know you by your love he didn't say they'll know you by your judgemental looks by your judgemental attitudes by This thought process that you were enlightened and they aren't
They will not know you by your hatred they will not know you by your condescending looks
Towards them or the Bible beating over their head
He never said any of that stuff he said they will know you by your love
Where's the love
You see our generation can be different our generation can set a new standard
Our generation can say that whether we sit at a Church pew or whether we sit at a bar stool
We're going to treat each other with love and respect
We don't have to make the same mistakes that those people who came before us made
No we do not we can show each other love because at the end of the day we're all in need of love
Love of Jesus Christ came here and died for sinners
And you know where the sinners are at sinners are on the barstool
The sinners are on the Church pew we are all sinners
We're all in need of love of Jesus Christ there has to come a time where we stop seeing each other by the places that we sit
We start seeing each other by the people we are
It's after all we're just people, people in need of love
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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