Bahja: Who is this?
Bahja: Hello?
Lourdes: Wow your sleep? Bahja really? Like get up. Like whats up? We was suppose to meet, go shopping, like whats up. What are you doing?
Bahja: Girl I'm up, I'm up
Lourdes: Nah you over there laying up under that nothing ass n*gga doing nothing. Like whats up?
Bahja: What? What are you talking about?
Lourdes: What am I talking about? Like you do this every time I try to go somewhere with you, hang out with you. Like I'm in college , I don't have time for this chasing behind you and you wanna lay up under this nothing ass n*gga. Like come on!
Bahja: Lourdes your going entirely to hard right now...
Lourdes: I'm going to hard, but when he go to hard you don't say nothing. It's to early for this, but you don't say nothing.
Bahja: Lourdes it's entirely to early for this. It's way to early for this. I gotta go. I'll call you back.