Eve Beneath the Maple Tree lyrics
by Adjy
...He walked down Inman just to see what she had drawn
She waited every May for someone who was gone
He’d say: My Rose, Virgo, wipe the lapis from your eye!
To a Ceres ear of corn, moth-torn to her Europa-light
And they linger in those days falling like rain on summer dunes where:
“You are not the one I met, yet you’d become the one I knew
And on your room, oh how I begged you run away
And every year in tears you'd press on me to stay
And we tried so hard in those shaded yards
At Miss Amabells' house or at Tinsley Park
Down that muggy street nightly wandering
Layin fit a spell under Green Way trees
And for a time, half sore, half fine
With the whippoorwill we'll swallow wine
The sweet tan musk, the hushed amens
Our fingers rake the waves of our skin
To mend our ships
We use the sales
Set Thesean
Colombia held high a sheaf of wheat
And made Eve cover her breasts with the Ol' Glory of Astarte
But the "gnosis" of Athena, bore as Rhea forth to nosos
With the goldenrod July received the news:
Annuit Coeptis couldn't stave Cybele's pall
Demeter's grain fell rot in towers set to fall
In the heat and rain she fled to find her June
And on the road he saw her, just as she collapsed
Panicked, he ran and carried her home
When she finally woke she held his face
Saying “O my June I have come so late
Now my lent light night nears collect
Have I pawned these years to avert the debt?
How the waters rise washing all I knew
Breaching all the lines I should have left with you
The clepsydra now rushing runs, the doctor said it's in my blood"
"We have to get you back!" "No, June, just stay with me"
I see you now
Mercy, mercy
In that old house
Kissing the warm light on your shoulder
They wept and wound
Mercy, mercy
Come take my hand
And dance with me foot-free again…
Before I can't
Spin me and maybe
We'll circle back
This isn't how this story's supposed to go
Just be here now
Mercy, mercy
Is it old clothes
That I've been so afraid to lose?
O can I fence life in?
O I don't want to be afraid anymore
I want to I fly like one of them
She clasped his hand round the maple seed weeping:
"June promise you’ll plant this with me.”
Must I eyes rent wide wake here every time
To a life I must remind myself is mine
Can you hide your head in that bed you use
From the howling dreams of the life we knew?
You can fool them all, can you fool the night
As you drawn in your doorway by the porch light?
Should you drifting go down your parents blood
Know that river's flow will become the flood
While somewhere off in some other time
We just met in that great collide
Only there we’re free and we make a home
A summer peach with her corn field groom
There’s a tree that still stands in that park
On who's limb rests our covenant ark
There's a word that should we speak again
A crucifixion breath must we draw back in
A shell awake, an ache, a song
O Comely as Jerusalem
A shell await, a flame arise
On an endless loop till we get this right
Can you hide your head in that bed you chose
When your wild-heart knocks at the door you closed?
Lay your head on my shoulder, we have done wrong
Though we won't last the evening, we'll have till dawn