BBC Radio 6, Adam Buxton’s Big Mixtape, Ed O’Brien lyrics
by Ed O’Brien
RADIO- BBC Radio 6 Music
[recording starts here]
Adam Buxton: My compilation, my big mixtape this week which features music suitable for a journey into space. And I’m joined by one of the pre-eminent space rockers for this or any other time, Ed O’Brien from Radiohead. How are you doing man?
Ed O’Brien: I’m very good, man, how are you?
Adam: I'm good to see you and meet you. I mean, we have met before but it’s always so very excited. I’m such a big fan of Radiohead. We haven’t interviewed too many other musicians on this. Emmy the Great was the only other musical guest, I think. No, Supergrass, of course. But, I’m a sort of a, let’s just say unusual interviewer at the best times. And then when I’m up against people that I really admire, as I have been on this show, you know, sometimes it gets away from me. Just warning you in case things get really rubbish.
Ed: OK. Alright, OK.
Adam: But before we go any further, can I fire off our quick-fire questions to you that I’ve been asking all my guests the last few weeks. Answer any way you wish to these. Who are you?
Ed: Uh…Edward O’brien.
Adam: What do you do?
Ed: I play guitar and I’m a dad.
Adam: Who do you do?
Ed: Who do you do? How do you do? [chuckles]
Adam: Faves?