Kill Americans lyrics
Kill all the flag-waving, red-blooded, young Yankee boys
String their torsos up and use their di*ks as toys
Nuke every U.S. city, blow them to the sky
Every single f*cking Yank deserves to f*cking die
Then get all the mothers and every apple pie
And gun them down with M-16s, aim 'em at their eyes
Round up every U.S. citizen, all except the Jews
Take that lot to Israel and wipe that lot out too
And then get all the Vietnamese that were napalmed to death
And everyone from El Salvador and Cuba and Chile and the rest
And say "Look, the Yanks are gone, the world is once again free
No more napalm, no more CIA, no more Wounded Knee"
And when they are all celebrating, nuke the f*cking lot
And there'll be lots of jellied gasoline in every baby's cot
And then load an M-16, give it plenty of feeling
Put it to your temple, blow your brains onto the ceiling