Say My Name (Script) lyrics


Tommy James and the Shondells

Title: Say My Name

*Mike, Jesse, and Walt are driving in the desert. Walt is sitting in the back, touching his wrist*

Jesse: There. That's them.

*They pull up to a group of men next to two trucks*

Mike: Your play, Walter. You're on your own.

*They get out of the car and walk toward the group of men*

Declan: Looks like you're about 1000 gallons light here, Mike. Where's the juice?

Walt: The methylamine isn't coming.

Declan: Why's that? And who the hell are you?

Walt: I'm the man that is keeping it.

Declan: *to Mike* What the hell's this? We had an agreement, right. We had our deal, so where's the tank, Mike?

Walt: Mike doesn't know where it is, only I do. And you're dealing with me now, not him.

Declan: Why don't you just cut to what it is you want or what you think is gonna happen here, alright? Cause we're, we're gonna get what we came for.
Walt: 1000 gallons of methylamine is worth more in my hands than yours, or anyone else's, for that matter. But, I need distribution.

Declan: Distribution?

Walt: That's right. So if you agree to give up your cook and sell my product instead, I'll give you 35% of the take.

Declan: 35%, wow are you kidding me? Thirty-five, Mike, please tell me this is a joke. You know how far we had to stick our necks out to get this cash? And why the hell would we want you? You realize we have our own operation, right?

Walt: I know all about your operation. See, my partners here tell me that you produce a meth that's 70% pure, if you're lucky. What I produce is 99.1% pure.

Declan: So?

Walt:'s grade-school tee-ball versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid, off-brand, generic cola. What I'm making is classic Coke.

Declan: Alright. Okay, so um, if we just waste you right here, right now. Leave you in the desert, then there is no more Coke on the market, right? See how that works, there's only us.

Walt: Do you really wanna live in a world without Coca-Cola?

*Declan laughs. Walt reaches into his pocket, takes out a bag of blue meth and tosses it forward*

Walt: My partner tells me that your crew switched to a P2P cook because of our success. You dye your meth with food coloring to make it look like mine. You already ape my product at every turn. But now, you have the opportunity to sell it yourself.

Declan: I need you to listen to me. We're not gonna give up this deal to be your errand boys, do you understand? For what? To watch a bunch of junkies get a better high?

Walt: A better high means customers pay more. A higher purity means a greater yield. That's 130 million dollars of profit that isn't being p*ssed away by some substandard cook. Now you listen to me. You've got the greatest meth cook in Am -- no, the two greatest meth cooks in America right here, and with our skills you'll earn more from that 35% than you ever would on your own.
Declan: Yeah, that's what you say. I'm just wondering why we're so lucky. Why cut us in?

Walt: Mike is retiring from our crew, so his share of the partnership is available if you can handle his end. Distribution. And if you give him five million dollars of the fifteen million that you brought today. Just think of it as a finder's fee for bringing us together. We have forty pounds of product ready to ship. Ready to go. Are you ready?

*Declan picks up the bag of meth and turns around. He looks at the bag and turns back around. He laughs nervously*

Declan: Who the hell are you?

Walt: You know. You all know exactly who I am. Say my name.

Declan: What? I don't have a damn clue who the hell you are.

Walt: Yeah, you do. I'm the cook. I'm the man who killed Gus Fring.

Declan: Bullsh*t. Cartel got Fring.

Walt: Are you sure? That's right. Now. Say my name.

Declan: You're Heisenberg.

Walt: You're goddamn right.

*Declan and his men drive away as Mike puts his money in the trunk of the car*

Mike: I gotta hand it to you, Walter.
Jesse: *to Walt* Hey. I appreciate the kind words, but I'm out too, remember?

Walt: I know, we'll talk.

Jesse: Maybe we should talk about how and when I'm gonna get my five million dollars.

Walt: And we will do that. Absolutely.

Jesse: It's just, you know, Mr. White-

Walt: Jesse. Just give me some time here, okay? I'll need a little help getting things up and running during this transition, you can at least do that for me, right? Huh? Come on, don't worry, we'll figure it out.

*Jesse opens the gate so Mike can drive into the Vamonos Pest Control parking lot. Mike and Walt get out*

Mike: Well, I guess that's it. Parting thoughts of which I have two. The first. As I said, I'll handle the legacy cost out of my end so you won't have to worry about my guys anymore. Second, the bug. The DEA will do a sweep. Can't say when, could be any time, but you need to get it out of there sooner rather than later. Alright.

Walt: That's it? No thanks for the five million dollars? No sorry for chaining you to a radiator?

Mike: Just get the bug, Walter.

*Walt walks away*

Jesse: So, hey. Guess I'll see you around.

Mike: Nope, don't think so. When I'm out, I'm out.

Jesse: I'm out too, Mike.

Mike: *sighs* Kid, just look out for yourself.

*Mike and Jesse shake hands as Walt watches through the window*

*The car wash is closed and Skyler is anxiously looking out the front door. There's a knock on the garage door*

Walt: Are we good?

Skyler: You tell me.

Walt: *to Jesse* Okay Jesse, back it up.

*Jesse backs the truck up into the car wash garage*

Walt: You're good. Keep it comin'. Straight back. Slow it down. Alright, that's good.

Jesse: *to Skyler* Hey, Mrs. White.

*Walt closes the gate to the car wash*

Jesse: Vamonos.

Skyler: I wish.

Walt: Alright, let's get this thing hooked up.

Skyler: Walt. What is this?

Walt: Do you really wanna know?

Skyler: Why are you hiding it here?

Walt: Don't worry about it

Skyler: Who are you hiding it from?

Walt: I said, don't worry about it.

Skyler: From the police? Or someone else? Someone who would kill for it?

Walt: Why don't you go back in the office? Why don't you go back in the office and let us do this. We'll get it out of your hair.

*Walt and Jesse hook the methylamine to the Vamonos truck as Skyler walks away. She turns around briefly and looks back at Jesse*

Dorothy: Oh, what'd you bring me this time?

Dan: They're bacon banana cookies.

Dorothy: Is there bacon in these? Oh my God.

Dan: Just bits, just little bits of bacon. Just enough to really make those suckers pop.

Dorothy: Dan, this is too much.

*Dan and Dorothy walk toward the safety deposit boxes. Dorothy enters a code to get in*

Dorothy: I'm not sharing those, I don't give a crap. They're mine.

Dan: Well, they're yours to do with as you please.

Dorothy: Good, cause my husband's not getting any, either.

Dan: How is Mickey?

*Dorothy goes through unlocking the safety deposit boxes*

Dorothy: Don't get me started. He wants to buy a boat. I can't even get him to start the lawnmower and he wants to buy a boat.

Dan: I don't know, a boat might be nice. Little one, maybe.

Dorothy: Where would you even take a boat? All the way down to Elephant Beach?

Dan: Or Caballo. It's beautiful down there. You could even leave it at the lake if you don't wanna haul it.

Dorothy: We're not buying a boat, I'll tell you that right now. And the last one is 545.

Dan: 569.

Dorothy: Aw dangit, almost got 'em all that time.

Dan: Very good, but actually I've got an extra one for you this week, 603.

Dorothy: 603, where is that?

Dan: Right down there.

Dorothy: Ah. Alright, I'll let you get to it.

Dan: Thanks, Dot.

*Dorothy leaves the room and closes the door. Dan begins opening the boxes with his key and placing money inside*

*Dan walks back to Mike's car and gets in*

Dan: Young Kaylee's gonna need a second safety deposit box if you decide to leave one more dollar to her.

Mike: How's the rest of it?

Dan: Oh, it's empty as usual. The families are pretty reliable with the pickups.

Mike: Nobody complaining about them wanting it all at once?

Dan: No, they get it, slow and steady wins the race. Well, I guess this is it for a while. Don't worry about the families, they'll keep getting their deliveries.

*Dan exits the car and Mike drives away*

Hank: *through listening device* Yeah, I know times are tight, but it's for the kids and your sponsorship would sure be appreciated. Now we have a silver level, but the gold and platinum levels really get your name out there on the banners and t-shirts. Sure, no that's not a problem, you call me directly if things change, ya hear? Uhh, Gomie! Take a brick to my head if I have to make another fun run call. I'm done! What's up? Why you smiling?

Gomez: 'Cause the Erhmantraut warrant just came in.

Hank: Oh baby, now we're talkin'. How quick can you get your group together?

Gomez: Two, maybe three hours.

Hank: Can we make it two? We're gonna nail that son of a b*tch.

*Mike closes the laptop and drops it down a well. He goes and gets his guns and drops them down too. He then grabs his getaway bag and puts it in the back of his car. He puts his keys on top of a beam and walks away. He hails a cab*

*Mike is pouring himself some coffee. There's a knock at the door*

DEA Agent 1: Police! Search warrant!

*There's another knock*

DEA Agent 1: Police! Search warrant!

Mike: Coming, hold your horses.

*Mike opens the door and the agents come inside*

DEA Agent 1: Search warrant. Police. Search warrant.

Hank: How's that restraining order workin' for ya?

Mike: Uh, if you want me to read that I'm gonna need my glasses.

*Mike sits down and watches TV while the DEA Agents search his house, not finding anything*

*Walt is tinkering around with the lab equipment as Jesse walks in*

Walt: Hey! Perfect timing, just about to get started. Uhh, you know, if you could get going on that settling tank that would be a huge help. We left that stuff in there after the last cook.

Jesse: Mr. White.

Walt: I mean way too long, now we have tremendous amount of residue. You know what we need to invest in is a power washer.

Jesse: Mr. White, could we just take a second and talk about all this?

Walt: Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah.

*Walt hands Jesse some latex gloves*

Walt: Uh, look, you know what I think we need to talk about? Is doubling down.

Jesse: Doubling down?

Walt: Mmhmm. Cooking 100 pounds a week, not fifty. As in, starting a lab, a lab that you'll run. A cook all of your own. Why not, you deserve it. You're every bit as good as me. Well, what do you think?

Jesse: Mr. White, uh, I think that nothing has changed for me. I just want to get my money and get out.

Walt: Jesse. This...what we do. Being the best at something is a very rare thing, you don't just toss something like that away. And what, you wanna squander that potential, your potential? Why? To do what?

Jesse: I don't know.

Walt: Well, think. To do what, Jesse.

Jesse: I'll figure it out, alright?

Walt: Look at you. What have you got in your life, huh? Nothing. Nobody. Oh wait, yes, video games and go-karts. Oh, and when you get tired of that, what then? Huh? And how soon will you start using again? Look, look I know how upset you are about what happened to this boy. I am just as upset as you are.

Jesse: Are you? Really?

Walt: How can you say that to me? Jesus. I mean, I'm the one who's the father here. What, do I have to curl up in a ball and tears in front of you? Do I have to lock myself up in a room and get high to prove it to you? What happened to that boy is a tragedy and it tears me up inside. But because it happened, what am I supposed to just lie down and die with him? It's done! It makes me sick that it happened just like everyone else who's died in our wake. What Todd did, you and I have done things that are just as bad.

Jesse: Yeah.

Walt: All the people that we've killed. Gale. And the rest. If you believe that there's a hell, I don't know if you're into that, but we're...we're already pretty much going there, right? But I'm not gonna lie down until I get there.

Jesse: What, just because I don't wanna cook meth anymore, I'm lying down? How many more people are gonna die because of us?

Walt: No one. None. Now that we're in control, no one else gets hurt.

Jesse: You keep saying that and it's bullsh*t every time. Always. You know what? I'm done, okay. You just give me my money and you and I, we're done.

Walt: Okay. Why? Why do you want this money?

Jesse: Because it's mine. It's my cut?

Walt: But isn't it filthy blood money? You're so pure, you have emotional depth. No, no, no, no, you shouldn't touch that dirty money. I'll save you from that, Jesse. Come on. You want it, you want it just as much as I want it. And it's not wrong to want it, okay? So stay and work with me and you can make ten times, twenty times as much.

Jesse: Whatever, man. You don't wanna pay me, I don't care.

Walt: Yes, you do.

Jesse: It's on you, alright? I'm done.

Walt: No you're not, you're not done. You're not leaving because if you leave, you get nothing! You understand me?! Nothing! Jesse!

SAC Ramey: Budget for the current fiscal year for electronic surveillance is 1.5 million. On par with ATF and the marshall service, that's still a fraction of FBI totals. Lobbying congress for an additional 1.41, but we're waiting on action reports to demonstrate that we're actually getting worthwhile results. *starts to fade into the background as Hank looks at images of Mike*

SAC Ramey: Hank! I think we're going to wrap this up. If ASAC Schrader can stay behind while everyone else clears out. Thank you, everybody.

*Everyone but Hank leaves the room*

SAC Ramey: You know no one wants to see you succeed at this more than me, right?

Hank: Yes sir.

SAC Ramey: I know how good you are, I wouldn't have stuck my neck out to get you here if I didn't. But you're not knocking down doors anymore, bubba. You're in charge of an entire district office and that comes with responsibilities. I mean, Hank. Basic reports aren't being filed in a timely manner.

Hank: I'll work on it, it'll get better.

SAC Ramey: Yeah it will, because way too much time and money is being spent on the Fring case, a case which is essentially over. All this overtime to surveil Michael Ehrmantraut? That's just money that can be better spent elsewhere.

Hank: I understand, but I'm not making these choices lightly. We've got increased reports of blue meth out on the streets, Fring's gang is still operational and Ehrmantraut is involved. It's that simple.

SAC Ramey: I believe you. But so what. It's one case out of dozens and you don't play favorites with it just because it used to be yours.

Hank: No, I really...

SAC Ramey: Don't play favorites with it, Hank. You've got a bigger job than that. I mean, forget the financial costs, I hear you're personally serving search warrants out in the field?

Hank: That was an error in judgement. Won't happen again.

SAC Ramey: You're damn right it won't! I'm just gonna bottom-line it for you. The surveillance budget for Ehrmantraut is now zero. We clear?

Hank: Sure. Thank you. Clear.

SAC Ramey: Good. We'll be in touch.

*Gomez knocks on the door*

Hank: Yeah.

Gomez: Hey.

*Gomez goes and sits down next to Hank*

Gomez: So, Ramey wanted to catch up with you? Talk sports and stuff, I guess?

Hank: Yeah, something like that. No more following Ehrmantraut. He's not worth the financial investment.

Gomez: Well, it's not like the guy is going anywhere. He's not even bothering to throw our tails anymore. He's just living a boring old man life like he has nothing left to hide.

Hank: And none of Fring's crew is talking?

Gomez: Not giving an inch.

Hank: Sweeten the pot enough? Zero jail time and an all-expense-paid trip to Maui?

Gomez: Not that, but close. Nobody wants to bite.

Hank: Christ. They're either the most loyal crew in history or someone's still paying them off. You still checking bank records?

Gomez: No one living beyond their means.

Hank: But nine perps all being represented by one lawyer.

Gomez: Not unusual in a case like this.

Hank: Yeah, this guy, what's his name? Daniel Wachsberger? He represents every one of these douchebags except for Ehrmantraut. Can we find out more about the lawyer?

Gomez: You want me to start tailing a lawyer? Like the sh*t ain't deep enough for you already?

Hank: Hey, Ramey said we couldn't follow Ehrmantraut, he didn't say anything about anyone else. Do it.

Gomez: You're the boss.

*Walt gets his yellow suit on and steps into the tent*

Walt: Alright, should we get started? Now, I know that most of this, or all of this, is gonna be new to you. Did you take chemistry in high school? Just basic.

Todd: No.

Walt: Okay, it's alright. Now, as we go, I'll be as detailed as possible without being overwhelming.

Todd: Yes sir.

Walt: Look, Todd, I don't need you to be Antoine Lavoisier. Umm, what I do need is your full effort and attention. Listen and apply yourself. If you do that then we just might have a fighting chance here, okay?

*Todd nods*

Walt: Okay.

Todd: Okay.

Walt: Meth, here we go.

*Walt teaches Todd how to cook meth*

*Walt sits on the couch and watches a Schticky commercial while Todd looks through the notes he took*

Walt: Now, the CO2 freezes the liquid, crystallizing it. Which gives us our finished methamphetamine. Now, all that's left is to break it up, weigh it, and we're done.

Todd: Wow, this is, umm...this is complicated, it's gonna take me a few more times to get a grasp on...

Walt: Oh yeah. It'll take a few more times.

Todd: I do alright?

Walt: You did fine, Todd. You applied yourself, that's as much as I can ask. Now, all that's left I guess is talk money.

Todd: We can talk money once I get this right.

*Dan drops off some cake pops at Dorothy's desk*

Dan: Morning. Guess what I have. Cake pops. They're balls of cake on a stick.

Dorothy: Very nice, thank you, Dan.

Dan: See, I put little faces on them.

*Dan puts money in the safety deposit boxes as Gomez and two other agents are standing in the doorway*

Dan: Hey.

Gomez: Hey.

*Skyler is sitting at the dinner table drinking wine. Walt grabs his heated-up meal and sits down at the table*

Walt: Alright. You know I'm working with a new guy now. I think that, I think it could possibly work out, because...

*Skyler gets up from the table and leaves*

Walt: I'm trying, Hank, I'm really trying. But there's, there's...I mean, it's like I don't even exist to her.

*Hank mumbles*

Walt: I mean, I know she's struggling, I know. But I, I just don't know what to do, I mean, what can I do? Such a mess. I mean, both of us, we just have screwed up so much. I'm sorry, I don't, do you have any coffee, maybe I can...

Hank: Coffee, you bet. You bet. What you take, uh, cream?

Walt: Yeah.

*Hank leaves the room and pretends to shoot himself. Walt takes the listening device out of the picture of Hank and Marie, then disconnects the device from the computer*

Hank: Alright, here you go, buddy.

Walt: Oh, thank you, Hank. Look, I'm sorry to waste your time with all this, it's really...

Hank: Well, you know, it's, you know.

*They both sip from their mugs*

Gomez: Hey.

Walt: Oh, hey.

Hank: Hey, could you excuse me.

*Hank steps outside the office and talks to Gomez*

Hank: Tell me something good.

Gomez: You tell me. We've been sweating the guy for fourteen hours, that should be some kind of record.

Hank: Yeah, quit your bragging, what'd you get?

Gomez: He's gonna do it. He's gonna flip.

Hank: He's willing to give us Ehrmantraut?

*Gomez laughs and gives Hank a high five*

Hank: What are you wasting your time for? Throw a net around that son of a b*tch.

*Kaylee is on the swings while Mike watches. There are kids playing in the park. He's reading a newspaper. His phone rings*

Mike: Yeah.

Dan: Mike, hey, it's me, can you talk?

Mike: I can.

Dan: Great. Look, there's a small situation with the money. I don't wanna do this on the phone, are you available?

Mike: I can come by in a few hours.

Dan: That's not good for me, where are you now?

Mike: I'm at the park with my granddaughter.

Dan: Where exactly?

Mike: Pollemeda.

Dan: Oh, you know what? I'm not far. I'll come to you, you just hang tight.

*Mike hangs up the phone. It rings again*

Mike: Yeah.

Walt: Mike, they're coming for you. Right now, they're coming.

Mike: Slow down Walter, who?

Walt: The DEA. The DEA, somebody flipped. They have, uh, some kind of bank surveillance and something about some lawyer. Someone's talking, Mike, and they're coming for you right now.

*Mike hangs up the phone and gets up to get Kaylee. He sees the cops in the distance looking at his car. Mike hides behind a tree, then leaves*

Saul: How could Mike use that clown of a lawyer, Dan Wachsberger? He would've had better luck with the firm of O'Larry and Shemp. Always consult with me before using outside counsel.

Walt: Alright, alright, Saul. Enough. Please. Instead of just sitting around here, what can we do?

Saul: Besides pray that he gets away? I'm open to ideas. Because if the DEA catches up with him and he flips? It's goodnight John boy.

Jesse: No. No way Mike would ever flip, okay? No way.

Saul: Yeah, yeah. Never say never. Okay, this is the second time the DEA has confiscated his bank roll. You know? Jesus, fool me once, right?

Jesse: Look, he won't flip!

Walt: But his nine guys will.

*Saul's phone rings*

Saul: Hey. Woah, woah. *to Walt* It's him.

*Walt and Jesse get up off the couch and stand near the phone*

Saul: Mike, I got you on speakerphone with the brain trust.

Mike: The what?

Saul: Walt and Jesse are here.

Mike: I don't want Walt and Jesse, Saul, I want you. I need your help.

Jesse: Hey, what do you need?

Mike: I got a go bag at the airport. Passports, money. But there are eyes everywhere, I can't get close. I need you to pick up that bag and get it to me as soon as possible.

Saul: You know how thick the crap storm is out there because of this? I told you not to use that lawyer, he's a hack.

Mike: Shut up, Saul, and get the bag.

Jesse: Hey, Mike, I can get it for you, just tell me what to do.

Mike: No, kid. Not you. I'm paying Saul, he can do the job just fine.

Saul: Yeah, you're paying me and the DEA knows I represent you so they're probably sitting at my car right now hoping I do something stupid.

Jesse: Mike, I can do it, it's not a problem.

Mike: No, Jesse.

Walt: Jesus, I'll do it. *to Jesse* Besides, you're out, remember? Mike, tell me where to get this bag.

*Walt grabs the key to Mike's car and checks inside the go bag*

*Mike is standing by a lake throwing rocks into it. Walt pulls up in Mike's car. Mike begins walking toward it. Walt gets out and gets Mike's go bag*

Mike: Hello, Walter.

Walt: Before I hand this over, I need something from you.

Mike: And what's that?

Walt: The names of your nine men.

Mike: Why? You're never gonna pay them off, what's the point?

Walt: The point is, Mike, it affects me. It affects Jesse too, and we, we deserve to know.

Mike: The only thing left to do now is leave town, do you understand?

Walt: Leave town, wow. Yeah, I just can't up and leave like you, Mike. I've got a family, I've got people who depend on me.

Mike: Yeah. *walks up to Walt and takes the bag from him* Goodbye, Walter.

Walt: You're welcome.

Mike: I'm sorry. What?

Walt: I want those names, Mike. You owe me that much.

Mike: I don't owe you a damn thing. All of this, falling apart like this, is on you.

Walt: Wow. Wow! Oh that's some kind of logic right there, Mike. You screw up, get yourself followed by the DEA, and now suddenly this is all my fault? Why don't you walk me through this, Mike.

Mike: We had a good thing, you stupid son of a b*tch. We had Fring. We had a lab. We had everything we needed and it all ran like clockwork. You could've shut your mouth, cooked, and made as much money as you ever needed. It was perfect. But no. You just had to blow it up. You. And your pride and your ego. You just had to be the man. If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now.

*Mike walks away and gets in his car. Walt walks to his car, then walks back toward Mike. Mike opens his go bag and sees that the gun has been removed. Walt shoots Mike through the window of his car. Mike drives away and crashes. Walt runs up to Mike's car and looks inside. Mike's not there but Walt follows his trail. Mike is sitting down by the lake as Walt approaches to disarm him*

Walt: I just...I just realized that Lydia has the names, I can get 'em from her. I'm sorry Mike. This, this whole thing could've been avoided.

Mike: Shut the f*ck up. And let me die in peace.

*Mike falls to the ground and dies*
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