I met a cool Major sitten with a drummer from a band
A steady face conductor checkin' on your “where to” stamp
I took a seat and I trembled on the old café
And that’s the kind of thing that happens on a weekend train
Goin' to the North Adirondacks lookin' for some green glass
Heard they got a lot of coins round Civil War latrines
Bashful slimy urchin martyr in the boggy canal
And that’s the kind of thing that happens on a weekend train
You can find yourself in places that ya haven’t planned
I use to live in pine green Brockport with a woman who’s insane
She had a dog that wasn’t mine, it was hot and muggy all the time
And that’s the kind of thing that happens on a weekend train
Your arrival departure well it’s all the same
Going to the North Adirondacks looking for some green glass
Going to the North Adirondacks looking for some green glass