Jump Back lyrics
by Youth Brigade
In days of yore when old men
Were much younger than they
Are now their hearts and
Minds were of a different time life wasn't like it was
Now there was a legend at
This time about a gang who ruled these parts they robbed from the poor and gave to the
Rich and thought they were
Very smart they were called
Ronny and his merry band and
That they were indeed the lived high on the hog they had no use for jobs they were
Never in need they'd sing and
Dance and fight and play to show they were proud and bold
They wouldn't realize one day that they could somehow get
Old jump back, jump back we must jump back to find the life we once led it cannot be
Dead were men of a different time so Ronny and his merry men ruled the land with an
Iron hand times had changed
Yet they remained the same as when they had begun they
Couldn't return to the days of
Yore things were falling apart you must move on life isn't a song and you can't go back to
The start