Witches lyrics
by Blythe Baird
do not let anyone
convince you a Witch
is something to fear. she is a female
with power, the healer, the magician
persecuted for being both woman
and extraordinary.
the men panic for their seat in the
castle. they do not know how to share
a throne. when you cast a spell,
they laugh, but make no mistake:
predators will cut off your hands
if you prove them to be useful.
they will cut off your hands
if they decide you are capable
of starting a war.
but you are all bite, claws, steel, filed teeth
and jaws, scratch, buckle, sparkling fists.
there is a fire. let them cower. howl louder.
see the wonder-girl who can swallow lit
matches, who manages to survive in spite
of the fifteenth street-side threat this week.
boy at a party jokes that women
are an endangered species. once,
I met a ten-year-old who had to cover
his little brothers eyes while watching their father
beat their mom to death. sometimes, I am all too
aware of the obstacle course getting home safe
at night is like. I have a weapon in my purse
that looks like a friendly kitten keychain.
I have heard the stories of brave women
made into headlines made into such-a-
shame’s. I can’t say I haven’t been warned.
tonight, you are angry and
outside, it is storming.
use your voice like a flamethrower,
a siren. they are afraid of whatever
this heat is coming from
and who she came here for.
who do you know named extinct?